Sadia Faisal Sparks Beauty Debate: Lahori Girls vs Karachiites

In a recent podcast appearance with Adnan Faisal, Sadia Faisal, the daughter of veteran actress Saba Faisal, opened up about her thoughts on beauty and addressed some common misconceptions. The young actress shared her perspective on what makes a person beautiful, and how she feels about being compared to her mother in terms of looks.

Beauty Standards

Sadia Faisal believes that beauty is not just about physical appearance, but also about personality and character. “Beauty is not just about looking good, it’s about feeling good and being confident,” she said. She also emphasized the importance of inner beauty, saying, “If you’re beautiful inside, it will reflect outside.”

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City Beauty

The conversation also turned to the beauty of different cities in Pakistan. Sadia, who hails from Lahore, praised the city’s beauty and charm. “Lahore is a beautiful city with a rich history and culture,” she said. She also acknowledged the beauty of Karachi, saying, “Karachi is a practical and attractive city, but Lahore has a unique charm that can’t be compared.”

Comparison to Mother

Sadia also addressed the constant comparisons to her mother, Saba Faisal, in terms of acting. While she acknowledges that her mother is a beautiful woman, she wants to be recognized for her unique act and beauty. “I want to be known for my own actor, not just because I’m my mother’s daughter,” she said.

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