The Lahore police has started to crackdown on underage driving cases and this is a good initiative from their end, especially after recent events. If someone intends to drive a car out on the road, it is important that they get their driving license first. To obtain the license, they have to go through two main steps; the written test and the driving test. While the former is comparatively easier since it requires going through reading material, the latter can be harder.
It is during the driving test that many people feel anxious under pressure and are unable to perform well. However, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to make sure your driving test goes well. Let us take a look at some of them,
1. Practice With Other Parked Cars
A lot of people head out to the driving test without any practice, and are unable to measure exactly how much they are supposed to turn. The driving test asks you to parallel park and garage park, which is in the shape of a reverse L. It can be quite beneficial for you to first practice with cones and between other parked cars, before attempting the test.

2. Prefer Own Car for Driving Test
It is always preferred to take your own car for the driving test, since you are already used to driving it. You can use one of the cars present at the test center but you might have to practice with them a bit before you can take them into the test. Of course, not everyone who comes for a license owns a car, so make sure to test the clutch of those center cars. It should not give up on you mid-test.

3. Blind spot Mirrors for Driving Test
If you place blind spot mirrors on each of your side mirrors, especially the far one, then it can help quite a lot with parking. Since you are not allowed to look back while parking, you can adjust the blind spot mirrors to spot the cone at its exact position. Blind spot mirrors are convex shaped, with a 360-degree turning angle, thus, you can view everything behind you quite well.

4. Do Not Go Forward
Sometimes, when you start reversing to park the car, you might realize midway that you turned less than you had to. If, in that instance, you go forward again, the test taker might fail you for trying to attempt the parking again. If you miscalculated a bit, just finish the parking and the test taker might just clear you.

These tips are sure to help you obtain your drivers license without any form of tediousness.
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