This Eid ul Adha will not be any more happening than Eid-ul-Fitr except in some ways. Nevertheless, Eid ul Adha is more about food and sacrificial animals than other things. However, Eid dinners and barbeque parties still form a big part of the Eid ul Adha. This Eid ul Adha will be much different from the kind of Eids we are accustomed to celebrating.
Here are some things we should avoid doing this Eid ul Adha:
1. Going to barbeque parties and Eid dinnersย

Since coronavirus is still very much a threat to our families and us, we must take safety precautions beforehand. You should avoid going out to a barbeque party with your friends or family. EId dinners and gatherings should also be canceled. Instead, we must find the true spirit of an Islamic Eid.
2. Not following Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
As I have mentioned above, we should try to avoid attending Eid parties and dinners at all costs. However, one should follow the SOPs if they have to attend. This will ensure that you stay protected and do not be a threat to your friends and family. Ignoring SOPs that are for our protection will only put you and your loved ones at risk. You should also encourage others to follow these SOPs.
3. Not caring about sacrificial animals
The true spirit of Eid that we talked about earlier, this is it. If you buy a sacrificial animal, ensure that it is well-rested and well-fed every day. Nowadays, people have become so insensitive to harmless animals, and they exhibit this behavior in supposedly “funny” videos. Hence, make sure that you take care of your sacrificial animal.
2. Stocking up meat for using it throughout the year
One should not stock up meat to use it throughout the year. This year, the global pandemic coronavirus has worsened the economic situation of many households. We must remember those who would not be able to sacrifice this Eid. In the remembrance of the true spirit of Eid, we must share our meat with as many people as we can.
1. Showing off the quantity or the beauty of your sacrificial animal’s

As Eid ul Adha comes closer, people start to buy animals to sacrifice. They also take their animals on a walk, post pictures of them, and talk to their friends about it. It has become quite a trend to ask the prices of each other’s animals and buy a more expensive animal than others to show off to them.
This takes away the real meaning behind the Eid ul Adha in Islam. Since the economic conditions of many people are worse this year than they were before, we must make sure we do not end up hurting someone.
What do you think are the other things that we should avoid this Eid ul Adha? Let us know in the comment section below.
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