When it comes to rainy weather, the safety procedures are altered a bit. They are moulded so that drivers and people are both cautious when outside in rain. Thus, some important safety tips ought to be followed during driving on rainy days or stormy days. Let us dive into some of them.
1. Double Check Equipment
It is of the utmost importance that you always double-check your automobile equipment. Three things in your car, besides the engine, should always be looked after. They are the brakes, batteries, and tyres. You don’t want to step out with low tyre pressure or malfunctioning brakes. That can lead to a disaster no one wants to run into.
Always check your vehicle’s equipment before driving out in rain.

2. Keep A Slower Speed
The roads are wet and slippery and your tyres can slip. When driving in rain, make sure you are not overspeeding. Drive slow so that other drivers can see you coming as well. If you make a sharp turn in such weather, it could lead to disastrous results. Similarly, overworking your car on street roads can cause accidents as well.
Always remember to wear your seatbelt, even if your destination is 5 minutes away. A lot can happen in 5 minutes.

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3. Turn on Headlights
Even if it’s daytime, dark clouds can make it pretty dim on the road. It is better if you turn on your headlights or hazards, so approaching cars can see you. Driving without lights on a dark rainy day means many cars may not see you coming until the last minute. If you are in an emergency, then you may speed up, but use your horn and lights at every intersection.
We, again, urge you to wear your seatbelt. It can be the difference between life and a fatality.

4. Avoid Heavy Braking
The brakes on your car need to work extra hard during such a season. If you use them too hard and water seeps in, they might give out. Too heavy braking can cause a lot of friction and cause the brakes to lose their capacity. As we mentioned above, we recommend that you drive slower and brake slowly as well.
Of course, if brakes need to be applied suddenly, make sure you have a grip on the steering wheel. Modern cars have ABS to help you steer but older ones require skill in terms of heavy braking. However, even ABS can fail on wet roads so keep a lower speed overall.

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5. Maintain Safe Distance
We ask that you do this without rainy weather too, though. However, it becomes extra necessary and is a safety tip one cannot ignore. Keeping a safe distance ensures your car does not bump ahead if the car in front of you develops a problem. A safe distance means you have room to avoid a collision. People here have a bad habit of filling that safe distance with their car so we recommend leaving even more distance.
So, if someone wants to be an expert on the road swerves in between in rain, you can avoid them too.

6. Let Off Gas While Hydroplaning
Hydroplaning is when your car loses traction and skids on the surface of the road. When in such a situation, lift your foot off the accelerator with as much calm as you can muster. Then, steer towards the direction that the front of your car needs to go. Slamming on the brakes will not help, as we have discussed above.
That said, we urge you to always follow the rules of the road. Stop at traffic signals, give turn signals when turning and always wear your seatbelt. Stay safe!

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