The biggest online festival is hosted every year on the 11th of November by Ali Express in honor of ‘Singles Day’. For those who’ve saved up, it’s time for the biggest shopping spree of the year!

The Global Shopping Festival offers 100 million products at unbeatable prices only on Ali Express.

AliExpress products will be available at a whopping 50% off tomorrow to celebrate singles day that falls annually on 11.11. This special festival is popular amongst the Chinese youth who celebrate the fact that they’re proud of being single. The specific date is also chosen to represent an individual that is alone using the number ‘1’.

Alibaba and its founder, Jack Ma, transformed the holiday from an ‘anti-Valentine’s Day’ for Chinese singletons to a global shopping festival back in 2009 making billions of dollars in the process. made over $ 14.3 Billion in 2015 on 11.11 while last year in 2016, Alibaba made $17.8 billion, the company intends to break all records this year. It has been recorded that the sale brings in more money than Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales.

140,000 Brands will be Available!

This year 140,000 brands including 60,000 international brands will be offering discounts on Tmall.

Here are some of the Major Brands to look forward to when you Shop tomorrow: 

  • Addidas
  • Zara
  • Bose
  • Lululemon
  • Mac Cosmetics
  • Nike
  • Proctor and Gamble
  • Gap
  • Macy’s

The Popular Countdown Celebration

The biggest shopping festival will be kicked off with the famous countdown celebration. This year, Pharell Williams will be seen alongside other Chinese musicians and celebrity attendees.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for latest news and updates.