The recent ban on Bollywood movie Padman starring Akshay Kumar and Sonam Kapoor has left quite a few people baffled. The movie highlights the issue of menstruation and its release has been banned in cinemas across Pakistan.
Bollywood celebrities have stood by the movie by posing with a sanitary napkin on their social media accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. However, it seems like the PadMan Challenge has followed its way to Pakistan as Pakistani actress Iffat Omar has put up a picture of herself holding up a sanitary pad!
Here’s what she has to say on her Instagram account to thousands of her followers:
“Not because I am promoting Indian film #padman, just to tell you all it’s ok to have period, I am proud of being a woman and it’s ok..Relax #PAD #PADMANCHALLENGE #SONAMKAPOOR”
Following Iffat Omar’s footsteps, designer Mohsin Sayeed owner of The Pink Tree has also put up a picture of himself holding a sanitary pad.
Sayeed mentions:
โI pose with a sanitary pad in solidarity with Iffat Omar who has taken a bold step and posted a picture with a pad. We wouldnโt have posted our picture if Pakistan film censor authorities hadnโt banned the Indian film Padman and Pakistanis hadnโt been giving flak to Iffat Omar. โ
He further adds,
โMore power to Iffat. So proud to have her as my dear friend. Our picture says that itโs Patriarchy and Misogyny that need to shut up.โ
Actors Armeena Rana Khan and Hamza Ali Abbasi have raised their concerns against the censor board banning the Padman movie in Pakistan, but Iffat Omar seems to have set a new challenge.
We have yet to see which Pakistani celebrity will be next to follow this latest trend set by Iffat Omar and Mohsin Sayeed.
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