Hania Amir cooking session
Source/ Samaa

It’s been more than five months since half of the world opted for quarantine due to the virus, and governments implemented strict lockdown.

People are striving to get rid of the lockdown blues by attempting various activities to keep them occupied, from reading to working out to painting and catching up on TV shows and movies.

Unlike some of us who are solely depended on diet coke and Pringles to survive during the lockdown – celebs across the globe are not leaving any stone unturned to keep their fans entertained and help lift their spirits.

So far, we’ve seen Ali Sethi, Bilal Maqsood, Aijazz Aslam, Sarwat Gillani, and a few more renowned names who’ve been active on social media and going to great lengths to exhibit productivity.

One such celeb who jumped on the bandwagon of interacting with her fans is the starlet Hania Amir. The bubbly actress with a girl-next-door look began a live cooking session for all her fans.

The actress made Dalgona Coffee Dessert, which looked delicious. Amir did not solely make the Olpers dessert but also invited singer Aima Baig to her session!

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Olpers Dalgona Coffee Dessert 💓 @olpers_cream

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The two stunners shared the recipe and technicalities while comparing every step with each other while having a banter. Once Baig wrapped up her Dalgona Coffee Dessert, she sang befikiriyan, which was a treat for the ears.

Another brand besides Olper’s was Sunsilk, who collaborated with Hania Amir and initiated fun sessions on social media. Recently, the actress did an Eid episode on a Sunday with Sunsilk, where she was unaware of the steps on styling herself amidst COVID 19.

In the episode, the starlet decided to call her stylist Mavi Kayani to ask her for suggestions about what to wear. It was pointed out to Hania that she is still in her pajamas. Using Sunsilk’s Black Shine Shampoo, Hania freshened up and looked ready to talk to Mavi.

During the lockdown, it’s challenging to stay busy and do more than just procrastinating and taking trips to the refrigerator. It’s vital you go the extra mile to keep yourself actively engaged.

You can try working out, online courses, learn a new language, or even attempt cooking to put your skills to good use! We have enough despair in the world, let’s try to lift each other with some positivity – starting from our own home.

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