Grab a random Pakistani and ask him/her about the best food; they will most definitely say roadside food. No matter how many famous outlets open up, roadside food remains stuck in our minds.
Roadside food and patriarchy
This category of making roadside food, however, remains dominated by men for some reason. Considering women are supposed to handle the kitchen, men, cooking on the streets, doesn’t go with that belief. That said, since the public sphere has become very dangerous for women, our patriarchal society limits the movement for women on the streets.
This news where a Karachi woman runs her food stall without help from men in either cooking or any other reason comes as an interesting one.

Karachi woman manages a roadside food stall
In a Facebook group for Karachi, a lady posted about her encounter with this Karachi woman. Utterly impressed, she wanted people to support her as much as they could:
“A lady is running her own business with passion and motivation. She made everything herself… Zinger burger, limca, anday walla burger… Etc etc.
Javed Nihari rd… Support her”
So we know what is available at her stall. She has the Zinger burger, Limca, Anday wala burger (our signature roadside food), among other things because, for one, we can see the range of drinks she can provide.

Why she needs our respect and support?
Moreover, while what the woman is doing deserves praise, we also need to acknowledge the strength it took for her to come out and work. It is not like women cannot work; many Karachi women do work, mostly in offices. So working on the streets knowing that it could be dangerous and continuously facing men who, without a doubt, would be eyeing her as they walk past, is something that demands respect.
So while we do need to order from big brand outlets because we have seen in the recent lockdown that if they do not work well, it is the people on the ground level who suffer, we also need to support such respectable and brave people who are trying to make an earning for themselves and their family, because who knows what led to her, instead of the men in her house, leaving her household in this patriarchal society.
Whatever it is, we wish her the best of luck with her plan. And all those looking to support her, remember its right on the street of Javed Nihari
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