Mountain Dew has a long association with action and adventure however this time, along with the thrill their commercial celebrates one of the most simple yet powerful expressions of human connection i.e. Friendship.

Featuring two of the biggest stars of Pakistan, Fahad Mustafa and Ahad Raza Mir this ad film presents Dosti and Adventure like never before.

As we take a deep dive into the attributes of Millennial and the Gen-Z we realize how important the bond of friendship has become particularly for this generation.

Ironically, our Movieโ€™s, Dramaโ€™s and even Commercials tend to place an emphasis on romantic relationships so much so that there is little or no mention of friendship on our screens. Thank fully this brand knows that nothing unites people and builds trust like friendship.

Friends bring more happiness into our lives than virtually anything else.

Every frame used in the film sheds light to the precious relationship of friendship, to support the idea Fahad and Ahad play characters that are very relatable. ย In every group of friends there is one who is always fashionably late, Ahadโ€™s character is a tribute to all such friends.

Gif Source: Gifer

On the other hand, there some friends, who are the live savers, like Fahadโ€™s character. These are the ones who personify the statement Yaar hain tou Paar hain. Friends like these will always watch your back! So it is very important to thank these friends and to remind them how important they are to you.

The film also strikes a realization that life without friends and adventure would be so boring. Therefore, itโ€™s time we acknowledge the thrill that friends bring to each otherโ€™s life.

According to several research studies, it is said that along with physical activity having a group of friends that spend quality time with you can increase the longevity to your life.

Yaar Hain Tou Paar Hain Is All Over The Place

This campaign has turned out to be a hit on social media with Celebrities and Influencers participating with theirย  #YaarHainTouPaarHain stories. Additionally, the PR Kit by Mountain Dew looked really exciting. A perfect kit that had everything one needs to plan an adventure.

Interestingly, many exciting things in the PR Kit were sent in pairs, so they may be shared with a friend. Many celebrities were seen inviting their best friends to plan an exciting adventure soon.

Itโ€™s evident that the message of the campaign was very well received. Mountain Dew has successfully created an affinity with young adventure-loving friends. The PR kit was a delightful idea. We hope the brand keeps surprising us with its action and friendship-filled commercials.