Pakistani actor and filmmaker Usman Mukhtar is far from done captivating audiences with his exceptional acting. Recently featured in the drama Jafaa, Mukhtar’s past roles in Hum TV’s popular dramas like Hum Kahan Ke Sachay Thay, Anaa, and Sabaat have already won him significant acclaim. His portrayal in Jafaa has received widespread praise from viewers.

Drama Jafaa

The drama is featuring a stellar cast of Mawra Hocane, Sehar Khan, Nadia Afgan, Farah Sadia, Nauman Masood,Laila Zuberi Anam Goher and Zarar Khan. Jafaa is written by Samira Fazal and produced Danish Nawaz.


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Dr. Numair (Played by Usman Mukhtar)

Usman Mukhtar is winning hearts as Dr. Numair in Jafaa. The excitement has been mainly among fans appreciating Mukhtar’s nuanced and sensible portrayal of Dr. Numair calling it the saving grace, extraordinary aspect in the show.

Dr Numair — who many have lauded for this kind and understanding attitude, describing him as the perfect partner. Fans, in search of a ‘Green flag’, concluded that Dr. Numair is actually the exemplary husband any woman could ever hope for

Usman Mukhtar

In a recent Q&A session on Instagram, one follower asked Usman why he decided to play the role of Dr. Numair in Jafaa. It all had to do with the script, he shared. Among the things important to Mukhtar is the recognition that the script for this drama was excellent. This shows a devotion to selecting projects which will strike a chord both with himself and his audience.

Read more:Usman Mukhtar Reveals Why He Won’t Work With Kubra Khan

His fans are also curious to know about Mukhtar’s next projects. He told that he is reading some scripts these days, but nothing has been finalized yet. And that can be assumed by the fact that how much he is considered in the industry.

With Jafaa still ongoing, Usman Mukhtar’s role of Dr. Numair is one of his major pulls for viewers. Judging by his selection criterion for roles and commitment to delivering nothing but the best, his audiences are likely to stick with him through many more future projects.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more news and updates.