
The former Chief Selector Haroon Rashid has criticised the cricket board and expressed his concern about the current state of Pakistan cricket. In a recent chat with the media in Karachi, he voiced some serious concerns, making it clear that the ongoing issues are way more complicated than they appear.

“This Situation Is Unprecedented”

Rashid bluntly said, “Such a situation has never been witnessed before.” Moreover, the former selector stated that the world is watching us, and they’re not exactly impressed. With the Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) and the national team struggling, it feels like we’re the punchline of a bad joke right now.

Read More: PCB’s ‘Connection Camp’: Another Meeting With No Solutions

He pointed out some eyebrow-raising moves by the PCB, like scrapping an Under-19 tournament out of nowhere and scheduling a white-ball tournament right before a crucial red-ball series. It’s like they’re throwing darts in the dark! “It seems that the people at PCB are confused and lack vision.”

Quick Meetings Aren’t Enough

Now, let’s talk about that “Connection Camp” the PCB put together—a one-day event to supposedly improve team dynamics. Rashid was pretty critical, stating that you can’t just fix years of problems with a quick sit-down.


“If we want to improve Pakistan cricket, we need to hold lengthy sessions. A short meeting won’t cut it,” he stressed. He’s right! Real change requires deep conversations and solid planning.

Lack of Team Unity

One of the most worrying things Rashid highlighted was the lack of unity within the team. He candidly noted, “The camp revealed to the world that the team is not united.” If our players aren’t on the same wavelength, how can we expect them to perform at their best?

Rashid’s comments should act as a wake-up call for everyone involved in Pakistan cricket. We’re not just talking about bad decisions here; these are deep-rooted issues that need real discussion and planning to fix.

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He wrapped up his thoughts by emphasizing that while the criticism of the PCB is growing, the real challenge lies in finding ways to make positive changes. “It’s easy to criticize, but the real work lies in finding solutions that work in the long term,” he said, and he’s spot on.

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