panna cotta in lahore

The dessert section of the industry is evolving, offering a wide range of options no one with a sweet tooth can say no to. Of course, you can’t be Pakistani without loving sugar in every bite. Since plenty of Italian restaurants can be found, their dessert Panna Cotta, is rising in popularity. Panna Cotta -cooked cream- is a creamy sweet treat that you can never have enough of.

As more and more people become health-conscious, the Pakistani diet seems to be evolving with the trends. Global food trends are taking over: vegan innovations, and alternative kinds of milk. Plus, virtual cooking lessons shape how people explore different cultures through food. These trends, driven by environmental concerns and the pandemic, have sparked new culinary ideas worldwide. In Pakistan, where food culture is rich, luxury fine dining is rapidly increasing. Restaurants that provide a contemporary twist on traditional cuisines are on the rise.

Here are a few places offering the best Panna Cotta in the city.

1. Fuoco – Lahore

This contemporary Italian restaurant is popular for having some of the most delicious dishes. Be it their pizzas or plates of pasta, they’re one of the best in town. Despite this, it’s their Panna Cotta that stands out the most. Creamy and cooked to the perfect consistency, it is served with delectable caramelized walnuts.

2. Paola’s Cosa Nostra – Lahore

Paola’s a fan-favorite stop for anything creamy and delicious. The restaurant serves the finest version of Italian cuisine in the city. Their version of this Italian treat is also one of the best around town.

3.  Bistro Noir – Islamabd

Celebrating an appetizing version of French and Italian cuisine, Bistro Noir is widely popular for having the best seasonal dishes. The bistro serves a vanilla bean-flavored panna cotta. One that surely makes you forget all your budgets and order another one.

This small Italian treat, among many other global trends, has integrated its way into Pakistans’ food culture. Despite anything else, the food industry seems to only be growing more!

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Mahnoor Rashid
Mahnoor Rashid is a student with a love for writing. She is an eccentric artist, fond of Muslim architecture. Currently, as a freelance writer, she explores the latest news and the depths of Pakistan's history and culture, while drawn to marketing's intriguing nuances. When not writing, Mahnoor is found adoring animals.