Source: Indus University

Indus University, located in Karachi, came under fire recently when a “Illuminati” sign was showcased at a newcomers’ welcome party. Exceptional attention was attracted by the event’s message. Leading to rage across social media channels where accused the institution of endorsing ideas that stand contrary to Islam’s tenets. Platforms such as Instagram and Twitter became vehicles for their outcry, provoking hashtags like #SayNoToIlluminati and #BoycottDJParties to trend.

Public Fury and Allegations

The public discontent originated from explicit and objectionable symbols presented at the gathering that sparked outrage among many. An especially disputed characteristics was the strategic de-amplification of a character within ‘Satan’ (Translated to Shaitan in Urdu) including in the decorations. The digital crowd was expeditious in expressing their rejection. By charging Indus University of negligence and probing how such a theme got the green light.

May be an image of lighting and text
Source: Facebook

Pakistan’s netizens expressed their misgivings en masse on social platforms, with one user offering, “As a Pakistani, I’m overwhelmingly dismayed with what I witnessed on Indus University’s Instagram account stories today. ” This sentiment found resonance amongst many others who echoed calls for abstention from DJ parties and events advocating themes deemed incongruent with Islamic virtues.

Institution’s Defensive Move and Acknowledgment

Amidst the ensuing storm of criticism, Indus University released an official statement that the Illuminati symbol and related contentious elements usage wasn’t deliberate. The explanation put forth by the university attributed it to third-party decor providers responsible for the event. Despite sharing the blame for the lapse, they stated that the event was an outcome of carelessness rather than intentional m.

“We offer our utmost apology for the recent misdemeanour during our event involving a neon Illuminati fixture and a comment that was improper and offensive,” conveyed Indus University. They underlined their commitment towards supporting moral and religious values and reassured that their cultural and religious festivities are depicted accurately.

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Source: Facebook

Moving Forward

Indus University assured the public that steps are being taken to prevent such incidents from happening again. They reaffirmed their dedication to promoting Islamic values within their campus and events. While the apology has been acknowledged, the controversy highlights the sensitivities surrounding public displays and the importance of maintaining cultural and religious respect in Pakistan’s academic institutions.

As the dust settles, Indus University will need to rebuild trust with its students and the broader community, reinforcing the importance of aligning campus events with the values they claim to uphold.

Stay tuned to Brandsyanrio for latest news and updates.

Usman Kashmirwala
Your thoughts are your biggest asset in this world and as a content writer, you get a chance to pen down these thoughts and make them eternal. I am Usman Kashmirwala, apart from being a movie maniac, car geek and a secret singer, I am a guy lucky enough to be working in a profession that allows me to showcase my opinions and vision to the world every day and do my little part in making it a better place for all of us.