Recently, actress Mansha Pasha was quick to respond to a comment criticising the fashion choices of Pakistani celebrities, especially actress Yashma Gill, for allegedly imitating Indian styles. The comment, made by a social media user, expressed disappointment over the modern fashion trends in Pakistan, arguing that they stray too far from the country’s cultural and religious values.
The Comment Criticising Yashma Gill’s Fashion Choices
The post was targeted at Yashma Gill’s sister’s wedding and featured both Mansha Pasha and Yashma, who are seen adorning bold looks during the festivities. One user, who presented himself as a Pakistani-American, commented, “As someone born and raised in the US with Pakistani roots, I’m saddened to see this kind of dressing in Pakistan. I know I should mind my own business, but I wish we would keep our religion and culture intact, rather than copying India.”
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This sparked a controversy on social media, where people were generally in agreement but others responded more liberally by defending freedom in the expression of individualism through fashion.
Mansha Pasha’s Thoughtful Response
Mansha Pasha, known for her candid approach on social media, didn’t shy away from responding. She explained, “I think no country stays the same. Culture evolves and is influenced not just by neighbours but by the world at large, including fashion. It’s global, so it’s not fair to expect things to stay the same forever.”
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“However, I respect your opinion. Peace.” Pasha’s response showed the global character of modern culture, where fashion is no longer limited to a particular region but constantly evolves and borrows influences from various sources around the world.
A Global Perspective on Fashion
Mansha Pasha’s response puts the debate into perspective, reminding her followers that culture shift, especially on the fashion front, is a part of life. With globalisation, influence from all over the world is going to define cultures. In the end, it all boils down to self-expression through fashion, and it’s time people understood diversity.
While critics of modern fashion may argue for a return to traditional values, figures like Mansha Pasha advocate for a balanced view where respect for cultural roots coexists with the freedom to evolve and embrace global trends.
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