When PSL arrives, it is hyped up with its famous anthem, often played by famous and renowned singers. Ali Zafar has been known to conduct the PSL anthem and hype up the Pakistani public with his vocals. However, it seems that this year, he is not going to be taking part in the PSL Anthem conduction. Cricket fans have had mixed reactions and reviews over this news because some of them like Ali Zafar and his performances, while many have lost that respect for him due to the allegations.
Ali Zafar, known for singing the Pakistan Super League (PSL) anthems, faced a setback in his career after harassment allegations by Meesha Shafi in 2018. The case continued on for quite a while and in the process, tarnished Ali’s reputation. We can never disregard someone’s actions and this case is not something that can be ignored.

Ali Zafar Not Singing
Initially planned to sing the PSL 9 anthem, Ali Zafar faced complications when a female PSL franchise official raised objections due to concerns about the league’s image. They said that due to his tarnished reputation, it can have an impact on the league itself. People might start to boycott the event if he is allowed to perform.
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) had initially committed to Ali Zafar as the singer but reversed the decision after considering the objections, leaving the singer dissatisfied. While a lot of people might be dissatisfied with this decision, there are many that hold no flowers to Ali Zafar and his fame, making their support for Meesha Shafi known.