open for tourism

4 Tips For Couples Who Love To Travel

If you are a travel freak and your partner is not, well, your life may not be as a bed of roses as you...
lums acca student

Pakistani Student Scores Record-Breaking Marks In ACCA Exam

A student from LUMS has broken the world record for the highest marks scored in the ACCA annual exams! What’s ACCA About? ACCA is the global...
covid-19 diagnostic kit

FDA Approves COVID-19 Diagnostic Kit For Self-Testing At Home

The first self-testing COVID-19 test kit was authorised in the US yesterday. Is it going to be a step in the right direction? The Latest...
j. perfume

J. Frontline, J. Sherdil, J. Marine – Tribute to the Heroes of Pakistan

J. was established in 2002 and has expanded across the world with 20+ international outlets across US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa,...
AI tool

New Medical AI Can Take Vitals Without Disturbing Patients

The latest development in the healthcare industry will relieve nurses and help patients rest better. Can you guess what AI has done? The Dreadful RoundsIf...

COVID-19: Education Minister To Discuss How To Keep Students Safe

While the offices went into work from home, schools also had to shut down courtesy of COVID-induced lockdown. With the entire country in lockdown...

COVID-19 Survivors Fight Insomnia & Anxiety After Recovery

The pandemic has been quite on the rise for some time now. It took over the word halting tourism, and operations of many more...

How to Make a ‘No Bake” Chocolate Soufflé

The Chocolate Souffle originated from the early eighteenth-century in France sounds like an intricate dessert, but in reality, it is as simple as it...

10 Things Only Die Hard Biryani Lovers Can Relate To

They say that everyone leaves, except for a hot pot of rice and potatoes. Biryani will always be there for you—happy times, sad times,...

Anti-Acne Diet: 4 Foods To Avoid To Prevent Acne

Acne is a skin condition that is most common in teenagers. It causes bumps on the skin that include pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads. This...
maria b fatima b

Maria B & Her Daughter Fatima Are Proving To Be Goals!

Maria B is one of the pioneers of the fashion industry in Pakistan. Her brand remains as vital and dynamic as ever, but the...
COVID-19 Patients

One In Five COVID-19 Patients May Develop Mental Disorders

COVID-19 patients, one out of every five, might develop mental health disorder, research says. Whatever is unknown or new, it can be scary. But what...

4 Useful Tips To Prepare For If You Are Going For A COVID-19 Test

Everything is scary; everything is confusing these days with the pandemic. Especially with its second wave, people are more scared of its consequences, and...

This Pakistani Couple Is Setting Marriage Goals For Everyone Out There!

We’ve never loved someone going against the crowd this much. Meet this Pakistani couple who broke away from the norms of wedding functions in...
5 Best Courses For Engineering On Coursera

5 Best Courses For Engineering On Coursera

Educational is one of the most vital parts of our lives. It is attained throughout one's life, but its basis is established in childhood....
weird food

7 Weirdest Foods From All Around the World!

We as Pakistanis are known for three things all around the world, our love for cricket, tea, and food! We enjoy spicy, delicious, fresh hot...
money saving tips

4 Easy Money-Saving Tips For Families On A Budget

When you are earning for yourself, you can make do with your budget most of the time. However, if you are providing for your...
Healthy delicious snacks for eating

5 Delicious Snacks To Eat Without Feeling Guilty

We humans often find ourselves munching on random food items. We eat when we are upset and we eat when we are bored. When...
lays halal

The Truth Behind Halal & Haram Edibles In Pakistan

There are a number of brands that faced defamation and scrutiny due to the sensitivity of the halal/haram issue in Pakistan. Let’s take a...

Lahoris, Here’s How You Can Protect Yourself From Smog

Lahoris, as the winter season becomes more and more prominent with each day, so does the smog. The layer of smoke that envelopes Pakistan...