The highly awaited feature film Chikkar is scheduled for re-release in major towns such as Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad. This unusual chance arose after the Sindh Censor Board accepted the film’s edited and unmuted version. The re-release represents an uncommon scenario in the film industry wherein a film is altered after release to enhance its artistic vision.
A Journey of Refinement
Speaking to the director, Zaheeruddin, he said, “Art is never perfect. But still, it is rare for a film to be released and then be revised again to achieve a further level of refinement. In Chikkar’s case, although we received a highly positive response from our viewers, I still felt that there was something more than could be done, some tweaks that could elevate the film beyond the original vision. And so, after shooting some additional scenes, and further grading the film, I finally created a version that is even more intelligent, and hopefully satisfies the audience even more.”
The Sindh Censor Boardโs approval has paved the way for this journey. Their willingness to adapt and release the film in Pakistan highlights the broader social changes regarding freedom in Pakistani cinema.
This script represents the decisions made by the board in considering that allowing the directors to produce the unmuted version of the movie, is an acknowledgement of the need to present an audience a film in its original production while defining the expectations of different audiences.
Audience Anticipation
As the re-release date of Chikkar approaches, fans and critics are eagerly anticipating it. This is a chance to see the film in its original, perfected form, allowing viewers to experience it in a whole new way.
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