The COVID-19 outbreak, caused by the original coronavirus, first emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and quickly spread to become a global pandemic. As of April 2023, the virus has infected millions of people worldwide and caused numerous deaths. The outbreak has had a significant impact on daily life, with governments implementing measures such as lockdowns and social distancing to try and control the spread of the virus. Vaccines have since been developed and distributed, but the COVID-19 outbreak has undoubtedly left an enduring impact on the world.
Tong Yigang, a scientist from China, has made a new but not surprising claim that the Covid-19 virus may have originated from humans. During a press conference held by the Chinese State Council regarding research into the virus’s origin, Yigang shared his thoughts.
The Huanan Seafood Market, located in Wuhan, is generally considered to be the ground zero of the Covid-19 pandemic. Genetic sequences of viral samples recovered from the market were found to be “almost identical” to those taken from coronavirus-infected patients. This discovery led to the suggestion that the Covid-19 virus may have originated from humans and not bats. People who visited the market and consumed infected animals to be precise. The presence of such close genetic matches raised concerns about the virus’s origins and how it managed to spread so rapidly around the world.
Further Detailsย
During the press conference, Yigang provided additional details about the research into the origins of the Covid-19 virus. He mentioned that researchers had collected over 1,300 environmental and frozen animal samples from the Huanan Seafood Market between January and March 2020. They were able to isolate three strains of the virus from these samples. However, Yigang also stated that there was not enough evidence to support recent studies that suggested raccoon dogs may have been the origin of the Covid-19 virus. These results raised new questions about how the virus emerged and what other animal species may have been involved in its transmission to humans.
China has previously, too, faced accusations of obstructing international investigations into the origins of the Covid-19 virus. This has raised concerns about the transparency of the country’s response to the pandemic and its willingness to cooperate with the global community in understanding the virus’s origins. More recently, the World Health Organization has expressed its concern over a lack of critical data from China at the beginning of the outbreak. So, this may make one wonder if Covid was actually just a virus or just another attempt at initiating the Third World Order.
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