
Just in time for the summer season, Pakistanโ€™s favorite beverage company Coca-Cola has launched a tasty citrus addition to its family called ROAR and yes itโ€™s as majestic as it sounds!

ROAR comes with an amazing citrus kick to it and has already made its mark! You can see it almost at every store and superstores across the nation.

With its uber cool packaging featuring a golden, roaring lion, ROAR has successfully captivated our attention (and hearts <3).

The shape of the bottle, its color and of course the roaring beast are distinctive and will stand apart on any shelf.

We must admit, the terrific beast in the front has stolen the spotlight and we are totally digging the packaging!

Don't call it a night

Night time is our time! #ReadyToRoar #LiveLikeALion

Posted by Roar Pakistan on Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Consumers are already loving it and are intrigued by its citrus taste. The best part is that itโ€™s so Instagrammable, one canโ€™t help but capture its glory in a perfect click. I canโ€™t wait either!

The powerful packaging too is successfully attracting eyeballs.

Those who have tried it are already going crazy over the new launch!

Seems like the citrus punch is all the millennials needed to unleash the lion within.

And yes the lion is working its magic oh so fiercely!

Will you try the new drink by Coca-Cola? Let us know the comments below.

Have you tried Roaring? If yes, share your experience using #LiveLikeALion!