K electric Power Plant
Image Source: Business Recorder

K-Electric, the sole electricity provider for Karachi, has been embroiled in controversy for years. Allegations of corruption, mismanagement, and unethical practices have marred the company’s reputation, casting a shadow over its operations. This blog will dissect the intricate web of allegations surrounding K-Electric, offering a detailed account of events that have unfolded over the years.

False Promises By The Government

Being Karachi’s sole electricity provider, K-Electric’s position has both advantages and disadvantages. It has been accused of abusing its monopoly, despite having the enormous responsibility of energizing a mega-city. By 2023, the Sindh government intended to break up K-Electric’s monopoly, citing the necessity for improved infrastructure and strong competition, but sadly that hasn’t been the case.

K-Electric Building
Image Source: ke.com.pk

A History Of Powering Corruption

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) has been criticized for patronizing K-Electric in its corrupt practices rather than regulating it. This has led to a public outcry, with citizens demanding accountability and transparency from both K-Electric and NEPRA.

NEPRA instructed KE to refrain from excessive load shedding in its service region and to take prompt action to prevent AT&C-based load shedding, which is wholly in breach of the NEPRA Performance Standards (Distribution) Rules, 2005, via letters dated January 28, 2022, and September 6, 2022.

K-Electric Office Overlook
Image Source: Dunya News

Following this issue, Aneel Mumtaz had revealed another false discovery. According to KE’s own reports, it had placed about 50,000 metres on all of its PMTs. However, NEPRA and company records claimed that there were only 30,771 PMTs overall. This in-turn led them to question the missing PMT’s and the allocated funds for them.

Misuse Of Power Against The People

The claims made against K-Electric are not brand-new. Muhammad Akram Arain, a former Senior Assistant Engineer at K-Electric, was detained by the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) in 2015 on suspicion of embezzling more than Rs36 million and acquiring assets beyond his known sources of income!

A few months ago, Ms. Tayyaba Maryam was coerced by K-Electric authorities to apologize in a video recorded inside a police station. The video became viral on social media, displaying a troubling misuse of authority. Due to the event, two executives were arrested by Karachi police, bringing attention to the company’s unethical treatment of locals.

Aftermath Of The Malpractices

K-Electric Repair
Image Source: RCCHR

Public demonstrations have been sparked by K-Electric’s mismanagement, which has resulted in frequent power outages, load shedding, and price increases. K-Electric’s reputation took a further hit when Shanghai Electric Power withdrew its offer to buy a stake in the company.

The deal, which had been in the pipeline for over five years, faced delays due to regulatory approvals and liquidity constraints stemming from Pakistan’s power sector’s circular debt. The withdrawal of such a significant offer reflects the eroding confidence investors have in K-Electric’s governance.

The Need For Reform In K-Electric

The saga of K-Electric serves as a cautionary tale of how corruption and mismanagement can undermine the very foundations of a company. It is a wake-up call for corporate entities in Pakistan to prioritize ethical practices and good governance. For K-Electric, the road to redemption is long, but it is a journey that must be undertaken.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Zayaan Khan
A Mechanical Engineer who wrangles with drones and designs by day and your favorite friendly neighborhood techie/ gearhead by night. I’ve always been intrigued by how everything works. Blessed with penmanship, I take the latest in tech/ automotive news and craft it into something that keeps you glued to your screen! You can simply call me the “The Engineer who writes”