Pakistani fashion designer and actor Deepak Perwani recently made headlines for his remarks about life in India compared to Pakistan. In an interview on “Haute Talk“ with Aamna Haider, Perwani shared his thoughts after visiting India. His comments garnered mixed reactions online, with some supporting him and others criticising him.
What Did Deepak Perwani Say?
Perwani praised India’s infrastructure and the freedom its citizens enjoy. He said women in India move freely and feel safe. He also noted how rickshaw drivers and cabbies use digital payment systems like UPI. On the other hand, he described Pakistani cities like Karachi as overcrowded, calling them “concrete jungles.” He also pointed out the lack of pedestrian-friendly spaces in Pakistan.
The Online Reaction
Perwani’s remarks led to a heated debate on social media. Some users slammed him, saying he should move to India. One user commented, “He needs to move to India and spare us!” However, others agreed with him. They appreciated his honesty and praised him for speaking the truth.
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Who Is Deepak Perwani?
Deepak Perwani is a big name in Pakistan’s fashion industry. He started his fashion label in 1996, specialising in bridal and formal wear. Over the years, he has won six Lux Style Awards and received international recognition. He also holds a Guinness World Record for creating the largest kurta.
Apart from fashion, Perwani has acted in Pakistani dramas like “Mere Paas Paas” and “Kadoorat.” He has also served as Pakistan’s cultural ambassador in countries like China and Malaysia.
Is Perwani Right?
Perwani’s comments shed light on real issues Pakistan faces, like poor infrastructure and lack of safety for women. His observations highlight the need for self-reflection and improvement instead of taking offence. Criticism should lead to constructive conversations rather than personal attacks. After all, no country can grow without acknowledging its flaws.
On the other hand, critics argue that they unfairly glorify India while ignoring Pakistan’s strengths. Every country has its challenges, but comparing them without considering cultural, historical and economic contexts can seem oversimplified. Many feel his statements undermine the progress Pakistan has made and come across as dismissive of local efforts. Instead of highlighting only the negatives, he could have offered solutions or a more balanced perspective.
Deepak Perwani’s comments opened a conversation about the differences between India and Pakistan. While his observations sparked controversy, they also highlighted some critical issues. This debate shows the power of open dialogue and how important it is to reflect on national progress.
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