The year 2020 has changed the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.
While for some, it became a symbol of hope and helped them reconnect spiritually. Whereas for others, the disasters and losses just came piling on and on.
The lockdown imposed almost globally due to the Coronavirus not only has changed the way we live our daily lives, but also the way we celebrate our traditions.
For millions of Muslims, this Eid-ul-Fitr will surely be one they’re never going to forget. This year, Eid is not only being celebrated in lockdowns; but the heart-wrenching events surrounding it have made us re-think about celebrations.
Here are some things that have changed during the lockdown:
1. No Traditional Hugs & Kisses

To be honest, Eid is best enjoyed when celebrated with family and friends, which is what the holiday is about.
But imagine, this year, we couldn’t hug our friends to meet them, our families to greet them. No hugs, no kisses, just annoying waves!
Although its a bit saddening, we should remember that Eid will come again next year, and hopefully, before then, the novel Coronavirus will no longer be a concern.
2. No Money for Eidi

Currency notes have always been known to be a carrier for the most vicious diseases and germs. This year, they have also become a vessel for the Coronavirus, which is why most people have been avoiding touching cash.
Since everyone is now going cashless and towards digital, the concept of giving eidi this year meant enough money to buy a couple of chips and pop!
3. No All-You-Can-Eat Buffets

Remember all those Eids you took granted for? You got to wear the clothes of your choice; you spend the day playing and enjoying every second, not to forget to get money as a gift! One of the essential parts of Eid was eating your heart out!
From traditional dishes like Nihari and Haleem to modern-day salvation in pasta and frozen food. Eid meant a free-buffet for many.
But this year, it was more of a 1-dish party which almost every other family had enjoyed on their own. Due to the Coronavirus, a gathering of more than 15 individuals in one place is a terrible idea, as chances of catching the virus increase, and food is an easy way to spread it!
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4. Charitable & Responsible Pakistan

Though there are many negatives to the impact of the Coronavirus and being locked in, there are positives that have come forward.
Pakistan is one of the most charitable countries around the world. The brothers and sisters come together to help their fellow citizens, whether floods and earthquakes or the virus affect them.
Foundations such as JDC, Edhi Foundation, Latif Kapadia Memorial Trust, and plenty more are working day and night to provide those who are out of work and have lost their jobs with food.
Even Pakistani celebrities went out-of-their-way and gave away food packages worth hundreds of thousands of Rupees to do their part in the contribution.
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5. This Importance of an Advanced Healthcare System

The lockdown proved one thing in particular that Pakistan needs to improve on its healthcare system and be ready with a plan at all times for unexpected outbreaks.
At this time, many of our frontline workers have become infected with the virus; lots have passed, several are critical, while the rest are on duty, be it Eid or their child’s birthday or their anniversary.
Their sacrifices will go down in history as martyrs who gave their lives to keep their oath and fulfill their duty towards the citizens of their country.
They’ve also taught the valuable lesson of how badly we as a country need to invest in medical aid, supplies, and other necessary equipment for survival.
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How do you think the lockdown has changed Eid 2020 for you?