The age of electric cars has begun. It began the moment Elon Musk decided to release a Model S Tesla. It is definitely an era where we can see that combustion engines are at the start of their end. In Elon Musk’s biography ‘Insane Mode’, the writer explores upon the time he spent at Tesla as well as Elon’s life. Tesla has seen one of the highest boosts in the year 2020. It’s production has gone up so high, it made Elon the second richest person in the world.
Electric car technology is slowly taking over the entire era and there may come a time when combustion is obsolete. However, due to heavy industrial uses for Gasoline, it may take some time. You may have heard of Tesla’s Cybertruck when it was released. Well, Elon has just been given a Challenge!

A New Era:
When the Cybertruck was revealed, people were in a state of shock and awe when they saw it. When the capabilities were tested and the explained, it only further added to the praise of the vehicle. It was pitted against a Ford Raptor to see if it could pull it. From the footage seen, it had some impressive results.
Recently, the founder of had something to state to Elon. He said that, while he believes Elon can achieve level 5 autonomy in vehicles soon, it will not be within a year. Level 5 Autonomy is when the vehicle can navigate completely on its own without any interference from the driver, on any terrain!
Challenge Accepted?
The Second Challenge and the one to mention here, was brought forward on twitter, by Jim Glickenhaus. He is the owner of Scrudera Cameron Glickenhaus. He stated that, his hydrogen powered boot, can beat the Cybertruck on the Baja 1000 in 2023. The Baja 1000 is considered as one of the most endurance testing tracks ever. It is like the 24 hour LeMans
Elon Has not yet responded to either of the challenges. Though, he did state to the former one that autonomy is expected to hit a new level soon. It can be quite difficult to actually reach that level, no? It would be quite interesting to see a race between the Cybertruck and the hydrogen powered Boot. This challenge is alos on reference to Elon calling Hydrogen fuel cell technology ‘Ming Boggling Stupid’.

The Age Of Electric:
We have still yet to see how Elon decides to respond to these challenges. The gauntlets have been thrown and there is an option to pick them up. If he doesn’t respond with anything, that means he opens himself up for more challenges in the future. Maybe these challenges are a way to see Tesla, or Elon, putting their money where their mouth is.
We hope to see some interesting results if the Elon does decide to respond to the challenges on twitter. Would it not be a spectacle to see the two vehicles take it out in the 2023 Baja 1000? We, regardless, wish them both the best of luck.
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