In an exclusive interview, we had a chat with Mike Da Silva, the visionary CEO of Sydney-based MDSA Marketing Communications, who has been shaping the marketing landscape since the launch of the Dragons of Asia Awards in 2000. Designed to honor the most groundbreaking and effective marketing campaigns across the Asia-Pacific region, the Dragons of Asia which has become a cornerstone for excellence in the industry.

With a distinguished career and an impressive roster of clients including Qantas, eBay, and IKEA, Mike Da Silva offers a unique perspective on the evolution of marketing and the significance of celebrating innovation. Join us in this interview as we explore his journey, the awards’ impact, and his views on the future of marketing.

Brandsynario: Mike, what inspired you to pursue a career in marketing communications, and what were your first steps into the industry?

Mike Da Silva: I’m from Adelaide, South Australia. As a teenager, I was passionate for career in Advertising, but the local Ad Agencies in Adelaide were too small, and I had no experience. After a term as a Medic in the Royal Australian Army Medical Corps, I decided to try my luck in London.

Things were much more promising in London. Soon after I arrived, I landed my first job with Burmah Castrol as Assistant to the Industrial Oils Manager. Castrol offered me a Diploma Course in Advertising and then the position of Sales Promotion & Advertising Manager to look after marketing for 2,000 Burmah Petrol Stations.

Petrol Station Marketing was a trailblazer in the marketing industry, where I managed enormous budgets and ran high-profile promotions featuring James Bond, Miss Universe, Disney, and countless forecourt events. It was my dream job during an exhilarating era, which the media later dubbed the ‘dawn of Promotion Marketing.’ A few years ago, a book chronicling the industry’s history recognized me as one of its ‘history makers.’

My tenure at Burmah Castrol concluded when I was headhunted by a rival petrol company, becoming the youngest Marketing Promotions Manager in the industry. I spearheaded promotions for major brands like Texaco, Shell, BP, Cleveland, Amoco, Esso, Mobil, and Total, marking another milestone in my career.

When I decided to return home to Australia, I knew that Marketing Communications was the career I wanted to pursue, and I’ve stayed true to that passion ever since. Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of working with countless brands, with Qantas Airways being my longest-standing client—an impressive partnership that has lasted 40 years and continues to this day.

Brandsynario: Can you tell us more about the Dragons of Asia awards and how they have evolved over the years?

Mike Da Silva: In the 80s and 90s, I served as a Member and APAC Executive Vice President of MAA Worldwide, a 58-year-old organization, where I later held roles as President, Hall of Fame Recipient, International Marketing Professional of the Year, and Lifetime Member. Additionally, I was a Founding Member of the Australian Promotion Marketing Association, where I received the Life Achievement Award, and was involved with the New York-based PRO Awards. These roles afforded me the opportunity to judge global marketing communication award programs across various regions, including the USA, Canada, the UK, Europe, Australia, and South America.

For 19 years, as Director of the Marketing Agencies Association GLOBES, I organized and led global judging panels in the USA, UK, Russia, Israel, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, and Argentina. During this time, I observed that entries from Asia were few and far between, with only one or two submissions, mostly from India, which often lacked development and presentation.

In my travels around Asia, on public speaking engagements for MAA Worldwide and presenting my full day Promotion Marketing MasterClasses to Industry & Agency staff, I saw first-hand the quality of the work being carried out by our Industry and decided to launch an Award Programme which would highlight the work of the ‘Dragons of Business’.

In 2000, we launched the PMAA Promotion Marketing Awards of Asia, which evolved into the prestigious Dragons of Asia. Starting from humble beginnings, the Dragons of Asia quickly gained significant recognition and acceptance across the continent. In the first six years alone, the Best Campaign in Asia won the Red GLOBE for the Best Campaign in the World four times. Today, the Dragons of Asia proudly acknowledge outstanding marketing work in 23 countries, solidifying their reputation as a premier awards program in the region.

As a side note, MDSA is one of Australia’s most awarded marketing communications agencies. When I took on the role of Director of the MAA GLOBES, we stopped entering award programs to avoid any conflicts of interest.

To make our new award program truly unique, we commissioned an industrial designer to create the ‘infinity’ Dragon trophy. The Red, Blue, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Dragons looked spectacular when held aloft by winners at our awards events. We even introduced a Platinum Dragon with a real diamond in its eye, adding an extra touch of prestige and glamour.

To broaden our recognition of outstanding work within individual countries, we launched the Dragons of Malaysia in 2012, in collaboration with Malaysia’s Marketing Magazine. Building on this success, we partnered with AdStreet in 2023 to introduce the Dragons of Pakistan, handling both staging and marketing. This year, we’re excited to continue our expansion by partnering with the 4A’s Sri Lanka to launch the Dragons of Sri Lanka, further celebrating exceptional achievements in the region.

Each awards program features its unique trophy, showcasing a mythological dragon—a symbol of power, wisdom, and good fortune, with the ability to conquer all challenges.

We are also planning to expand with new regional programs, including the Dragons of the Gulf and the Dragons of the Philippines. To ensure accessibility, the entry fee for the Dragons of Asia remains at A$200, allowing even smaller agencies and clients to participate. This fee also covers entries for both the Dragons of Malaysia and Dragons of Sri Lanka.

Each year, up to 2020 when Covid-19 caused a halt, entries in the Dragons increased together with a massive increase in quality of the work entered. After Covid, entries were obviously slow until last year when we reached the highest number ever. This year, we’ll create a record number of entries, mirrored by extra-ordinary quality.

Next month in Karachi, we’ll honor three exceptional individuals with the prestigious Red Asia Dragons awards. We’ll be recognizing Dragon Masters in the Industry—both agency and brand owners—as well as a Young Dragon, a promising talent with a few years in the industry who has already demonstrated remarkable potential. I recall the early days of building from the ground up and know firsthand the value of such recognition.

In addition, MDSA is a leading marketing communications agency with a specialization in tourism marketing. We proudly serve clients like Qantas (for 40 years), Accor (14 years), Scenic Cruises (8 years), and Viking (5 years). Our expertise also extends to movie marketing, working with Foxtel and News Corp. I am also the Executive Producer for several film projects, including our own action/espionage film, which is currently in the funding stage.

Apart from my other recognitions, I’ve been grateful to have received a ‘Brand Leadership Award for an Individual’ for my work throughout Asia and a ‘Global Super Achiever’ Award for my work in India.

The Dragons of Asia Awards are my way of giving back to an industry that has been incredibly good to me throughout my career. Over the past 24 years, it has been immensely rewarding to witness the progress in Marketing Communications across Asia and to see young professionals grow and gain recognition each year when we meet.

Brandsynario: Last year, Dragons of Pakistan award was given in Malaysia. What convinced you to bring Dragons to Pakistan? What are your expectations for this new addition?

Mike Da Silva: Before 2023, entries from Pakistan were quite limited. However, I began discussions with several agency heads, including Saad Hashmi, who was launching the new industry association AdStreet. Thanks to these conversations, AdStreet is now proudly organizing the inaugural Dragons of Pakistan Awards Event in Karachi on August 30.

Last year, we tested the waters with the first Dragons of Pakistan, featuring 5 entry categories. The response was far beyond our expectations, leading us to expand the categories this year. The results continued to impress, so we’re excited to introduce 17 Dragons of Asia entry categories next year.

It’s been particularly gratifying to see a significant number of new, smaller agencies and brand owners participating this year. The Dragons are open to both agencies and brand owners, and it’s been rewarding to witness many brand owners actively encouraging their agencies to get involved.

Brandsynario: What do you think is different/unique about Dragons as compared to other industry awards?

Mike Da Silva: The Dragons of Asia and its Satellite Programmes in Malaysia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka is different to other Award Programmes in that the Dragons focuses on results, the ultimate evaluation factor for any Campaign.

Here’s an unsolicited testimonial provided by London based Warc, part owners of the Cannes Lions: “The Dragons of Asia are positioned alongside prestigious global effectiveness awards, such as the Cannes Lions, the IPA Effectiveness Awards & the Effies”

Brandsynario: What role do you see the Dragons of Pakistan playing in fostering cross-border collaborations within the Dragons of Asia network?

Mike Da Silva: All entrants have access to view past campaigns, and I assist them with entry category selection and campaign development. It’s been incredibly rewarding to witness the evolution of entries to the level of metal awards. Given the success of this year’s Dragons of Pakistan and the anticipation surrounding our inaugural awards event next month, we’re excited to expand the entry categories to 17 next year. Pakistani campaigns are increasingly becoming strong contenders on the international stage, consistently securing more Dragons of Asia awards each year.

Brandsynario: On a lighter note, are you a fan of cricket and if yes, who do you think is the best Pakistani cricket player?

Mike Da Silva: I’m an avid Test Cricket follower.

We have a Movie business and I’m Executive Producer for a number of movies handling marketing. As a result, MDSA was appointed Sales & Marketing Agent for India by the UK Producers of the doc-movie ‘Shane’. Our launch involved money can’t buy Prizes of trips to Lords to watch India play England and to Australia to the T20 World Cup.

When I was retained by Tourism Australia to promote my Country, I worked with Steve Waugh to help launch his Udayan Charity in India, in return for him helping to promote Australia in India. I’m also working a ‘Legends of Cricket’ TV Series with UK Producers.

To answer your question. Imran Khan of course !!

Brandsynario: Any important message you’d like to give to the marketing community?

Mike Da Silva: Over the last few years, I’ve been very lucky to create and nurture relationships with a growing number of Agencies and brand owners, helping them become involved with the Dragons. I definitely look forward to meeting a number of these winners in Karachi later next month.

I also look forward to being a Presenter at the AdVision Conference, just prior to the Awards Event. My theme is ‘Building Client Relationships’.

Finally, I look forward to welcoming Pakistani Winners to the Dragons of Asia Awards in KL in October and returning to Pakistan for the 2025 Dragons of Pakistan Awards.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more insightful interviews!