We’ve long relied on fitness instructors for serotonin boosts when we’re feeling low, but how do we exercise now that the gyms are shut, and classes are canceled?
Fortunately, many trainers are coming to usย live,ย right where we already are: on Instagram. Wellness warriors have been posting workouts regularly on their Instagram, and if you’re on the lookout for that hourglass body or wish to continue being in shape – then we’ve got your back!
Here’s a list of fitness trainers you can follow on Instagram to get some workout inspo while you’re in quarantine and playing your part in the safety of other people.
1. Mustafa Jamshedย
Most of his workout routines include minimal equipment and aren’t as tricky, so that’s a check in the box. He also focuses on body toning if that’s what you’re looking for. You can always switch with objects around the house (like water bottles). See easy!
It’s no surprise that this dude is shredded, and honestly, his workout is pretty doable since he has variations that might help you exercise with objects at home like suitcases, coffee tables, and even a towel.
3. Amafahย
This Yogi is perfect for all you guys if you want to take it down a notch mid-week and have a calm and soothing session of stretching and yoga.
4. MUV Beastย
If you’re looking for a comfortable yet effective workout routine, then she’s your gal! Her workouts include minimal equipment, so its a win-win situation.
5. Nusrat Hidyayatullah
You should give her workouts a shot if you need to burn some extra calories. That pizza won’t be a guilt meal if her exercises are there to rescue you.
Apart from the above, here are a few more fitness trainers that blew us away and might help you shed those extra pounds.
1. Olivia Clarke
2. Kira Strokes
3. Cam Speck
4. Bespoke Treatments Physical Therapy
5. Kaisa Keran
Do you still an excuse to skip on your workout?
Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.