COVID 19 has been hindering our day-to-day chores. Keeping that in mind, we have made a list of shopping tips that you can incorporate to do your groceries as safely as possible.
1. Wash your hands

This ain’t no news flash, you gotta do what you gotta do to stay germ-free. If you’re heading to the market, make the last thing you do before leaving your home – and the first thing you do upon returning home – be a good hand wash. Want to wear surgical gloves? Fine, but do not let that give you a false sense of security that leads you to potentially touch your face like it’s no big deal.
2. Go earlyย

Going the first thing in the morning means fewer people plus going early lessens your interaction with others and it also helps you get the products you want. Early birds get the worm and the toilet paper!
3. Be efficientย

Before you head out, make sure you have everything you need: reusable shopping bags, hand sanitizer, and disinfecting wipes. Make a very detailedย list of the groceries you need.ย Limiting your time in the store limits your risk of picking up any contagion. Fomites are particulates that put you at risk and exist on door handles and shop counters, so don’t be afraid to hand sanitize or disinfect anything you need to touch.
4. Go aloneย
Avoid taking your toddlers or any member of your family to the store since fewer people at the store means fewer chances of catching the virus. Since we’re trying to lower any interactions, having to chase down a rogue toddler serves no one’s best interests at this time.
5. Wear a mask to keep yourself safeย

We’re not here to make any fashion statements, we’re here to get necessities and keep everyone safe while doing so. Several people have been using scarfs, bandanas, or creating their own masks from scratch using all kinds of fabric-like materials. Wearing a mask protects you from any air-born encounters and it also protects others in case you’re a carrier of the Coronavirus.
6. Touch your phone, face, nose, eyes as little as possible.
When going to touch items at the grocery store, you don’t want to accidentally contaminate these items or allow germs to enter your immune system which is precisely why you need to avoid touching your face.
7. Follow the six-feet-apart ruleย

If someone is reaching for a tub of ice cream when you were thinking of heading over there, perhaps circle back to the freezer aisle after you pick up other items so no area gets too crowded.
8. Don’t hoard
Be thoughtful and courteous of others who are also shopping for their own families. Buy what you need and nothing more. We are all in this together.
Stay safe and follow all these shopping tips!
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