Aiman Khan is on a roll! After she proved her mettle as โ€˜Biyaโ€™ in Man Mayal, the starlet has become the most popular drama actress in town. From Zindaan to Khaali Haath; she has given stellar performances in all of her projects. And now Khan is all set to rock in yet another upcoming serial โ€œHari Hari Churianโ€


The cast of Hari Hari Churian has diverse faces! It will be interesting to witness a never- seen-before set of people star and display their chemistry together. We will be seeing  Aiman Khan,  Wahaj Ali, Hasan Ahmed, Sajid Hasan, Shagufta Ejaz, Syeda Natasha Ali, Faria Sheikh, Asad Siddiqui, Juvaria Abbasi, Sharmeen Taiyab and Mahmood Aslam.

#WahajAli and #Aimankhan #HariHariChurian #ComingVerySoon #GeoTv #HarpalGeo โค

A post shared by Wahaj Aliโคโคโค (@wahajali_fc) on

#Cutie and #SuperHandsome #WahajAli #NatashaAli #HariHariChurian #Insta #PicOfTheDay #MirrorClick

A post shared by Wahaj Aliโคโคโค (@wahajali_fc) on


The promo of the drama has now made its way on social media and it seems to offer a promising story.

Apparently, the plot will unfold a complex tale of love and revenge. The bubbly Aiman Khan is in love with her cousin, played by Wahaj Khan. However, family politics plagues their relationship and Khan ends up marrying Hasan Ahmed.

Door of breath , locked with a righteous smile ! #hariharichurriyan #comingsoon

A post shared by Wahaj Ali (@wahaj224) on

The twist in the tale comes about when she does not end up with the love of her life and fate makes her life far more miserable when she discovers her husband is an evil man.

Watch the promo here!

#HariHariChuriyan #Upcoming #Drama #NewLaunch #Starting #1stAugust #Tuesdays #8pmSerial #TNIProductions #ZeeshanMKhan #JahanzaibQamar #SyedAtifHussain #AimanKhan #WahajAli #HasanAhmed #GeoTV #PakistaniDrama #HarPalGeo

Posted by Hari Hari Churiyan on Saturday, July 15, 2017



The drama is starting on 01st August 2017 every Tuesday 08:00 pm only on Geo TV


Executive Producer: Zeeshan Khan
Concept & Directed by: Syed Atif Hussain
Writer: Jahanzeb Qamar
Head of Productions: Imran Raza
DOP: Asim Ali
Associate Director: Khurram Khan Zai
Line Producer: Majid Farooq

Stay tuned to Brandsyanrio for more updates!