While they say good food is a good mood, it is essential to be mindful of your eating habits when you are feeling down. Indulging in unhealthy habits just because you are feeling low is not a good option. While we all love to indulge in a big cheesy burger now and then, it can become a habit if not kept on track. Having the right balance of healthy foods is essential both for your physical and mental health.
So the next time you are feeling low, switch your favorite junk food option for these healthy bites, which can be a mood lifter and make you feel instantly better.
1. Pack Up On The Fiberย
Eating food rich in fiber is not just good for your gut. It can also lift your mood for the better. Fruits are the best option to halt your junk cravings and for a quick pick me up. Prepare a big bowl of watermelon or create a plate of oranges. To double up the fiber boost, you can add berries to your oatmeal bowl, which will fill up your stomach for hours.

2. Caffeineย
Caffeine in moderation can trigger the release of brain chemicals such as dopamine, which is vital for performance and mood. So, a moderate amount of caffeine can work as a mood booster for that day when you feel a little less productive than usual.

3. Nutsย
Nuts are healthy foods densely packed with fiber, protein, and healthy fats. In addition, they are rich in selenium, copper, magnesium, manganese, and zinc, which are great for your mental health. Magnesium can help calm the nerves while zinc relieves anxiety. The benefits of nuts exceed this list since they are enriched in minerals and nutrients, making sure to incorporate some in your diet daily.

Yogurt is full of probiotics known to low the levels of activity in the areas of the brain associated with pain and emotion. But, at the same time, they are associated with increased activity in areas related to decision-making.

5. Green Teaย
Green tea has been used by the Chinese and Japanese for centuries. Their properties are mainly noted to promote digestion, regulate blood sugar, and relaxation and mood benefits. In addition, it contains an amino acid, theanine, that calms the nervous system. A study published in the November 2009 issue of the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that people who drink at least five cups or more of green tea daily experience less psychological distress than average.

6. Dark Chocolateย
We always find excuses to eat chocolate. Don’t we? A study has shown that participants who consumed a dark chocolate drink mix for 30 days had significantly increased self-rated calmness and contentedness relative to placebo. Dark chocolate contains tryptophan, an amino acid. This amino acid is known for its ability to increase serotonin, and theobromine, known as the mood-elevating compound.

7. Eggsย
Eggs are loaded with essential amino acids, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins (A, D, biotin). They also include minerals like zinc and magnesium, which are known to help relieve anxiety. In addition, they are a great source of vitamin B, which is another nutrient that helps alleviates our mood.

Eating these healthy foods in a balanced diet will maintain both your physical and mental health. This will lead to increase productivity at work and a healthy lifestyle.
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