Television anchor Ashfaque Satti addressed the allegations of domestic abuse for the first time on Tuesday, responding to the accusations in an official video message. In the seven-minute address, Satti attributed the threats he has been receiving to what he termed as one-sided analysis by Rabia Anam regarding the allegations made by his wife.
Acknowledging the complexity of relationships, Satti emphasized that disagreements between spouses are not uncommon, characterizing his dispute with his wife as a private matter that was unnecessarily sensationalized to tarnish his reputation. He expressed disappointment at the public scrutiny his personal life has endured, particularly on social media platforms.
Satti described himself as an “innocent person” while lamenting the intrusion into his personal affairs. He urged for a cessation of what he referred to as a media trial, emphasizing the ongoing police investigation and the need to uphold the integrity of the legal process.
Satti further addressed the demand from his second wife, Nomaika, for a divorce from his third wife, describing it as akin to blackmail. He criticized Rabia Anum for her personal criticism, expressing dismay that she hadn’t reached out to him before making statements against him. Satti also highlighted the distressing impact of Anum’s comments, noting threatening phone calls received by himself, his wife, and children, and holding Anum accountable for any harm that may befall his family.
The controversy stemmed from former news anchor Rabia Anam’s public account on social media, detailing allegations of domestic abuse and violence against a woman named Nomaika, who accused Satti of confinement, physical assault, and threats on her life. Anam shared images of Nomaika’s injuries and recounted her ordeal, prompting a wave of public discourse on the issue of domestic violence.
Amid the unfolding narrative, TV anchor Kiran Naz offered an alternative perspective, asserting that there are always two sides to a story. Naz shared Satti’s version of events, suggesting that Nomaika’s injuries resulted from a physical altercation initiated by her own behavior.
An exchange between Anam and Naz ensued, with Anam maintaining that nothing justifies the alleged brutality inflicted upon Nomaika.
In response to the controversy, ARY News, where Satti was formerly employed, took a decisive stance, condemning abusive behavior and announcing Satti’s suspension pending the outcome of the investigation. The network underscored its commitment to a zero-tolerance policy against violence or threats of violence, whether in the workplace or domestic sphere.
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