sea view karachi
Image Source: Tribune

Karachi’s Sea View is all set for renovations! The popular spot is the first choice of all people, either national or tourists, when it is summer. Why wouldn’t it be after all? It’s a luscious beach right in the heart of Karachi. And it’s about to get even better.

The Renovation Plan

The authorities in Pakistan’s southern port city want to give Karachi Sea View a new face. In other words, the coastline is being renovated to look more like foreign beaches! The entire coast in Karachi has an area of 90 acres, of which 30 are going to be made green spaces. 

Intense efforts are being attributed to the aesthetic of greenery. For the first time, approximately 13 acres of grass will be planted on the beach. The process for that has also already begun.  

sea view karachi
Image Source: Trip advisor

A 1.76-kilometer jogging track is also being constructed for the public. Additionally, five watchtowers are planned to be erected to inspect the coastline from a height. They will house lifeguards so that if someone starts drowning, they can be rescued.

Cantonment Board Clifton (CBC) has not yet announced when the renovation project will be completed. However, their motive is to use the time given by coronavirus for functional purposes.

Sea View Currently

Like other public places, Sea View has also been currently sealed off by the authorities. The decision is made as part of the restrictions put in place to control the spread of coronavirus. People also raised a question about whether a fee would be introduced now, given the massive changes taking place. The officials responded by saying ‘No,’ meaning that anyone and everyone can enjoy.

sea view karachi
Image Source: The News

Sea View’s renovation was long due. The coastline has become intensely populated over the years, and the water polluted. The water near the shoreline changed the color, and the waste dumped in it has increased too. Most people don’t opt to go to Sea View now because of the lack of privacy and smell coming from the water.

sea view karachi
Image Source: Dost Pakistan

The Preservation of Tourist Spots

CBC’s decision to renovate Karachi’s favorite spot seems like a great decision. Most tourist spots are neither paid heed to, nor are they sustained over time. The condition of the fort in Lahore is miserable; unfortunately, yet its grandeur still shines through all the decay. Hopefully, Sea View will never get to that point.

Perhaps this decision can also be attributed to Pakistan’s focus on tourism. There are big things in store in terms of the country’s plan to revive tourism, and renovating Sea View sounds like an excellent place to start.

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