leena exposes maria b

Pakistani fashion designer Maria B recently launched a new collection dedicated to Palestine, drawing praise and criticism. While some people appreciated her effort to use her platform for good, others accused her of exploiting the Palestinian cause for personal gain. Artist and activist Leena Ghani took to Instagram to criticize Maria B, pointing out that the designer was charging nearly Rs. 10,000 for outfits that were a clear copy of illustrations from the Palestine Quebec’s page.

The collection features designs inspired by the Palestinian keffiyeh and in the colors of the Palestinian flag. According to Maria B, the collection aims to raise awareness and support. Maria announced that all proceeds would go to Palestine. But has failed to mention how.

Read more: “We Are Still Going to Court Over Barzakh” – Maria B

She also demanded transparency in Maria’s charity work. Leena publically urged her to tag the charities she supports, as many other brands do.


Media Reacts Leena Ghani’s Accusations At Maria B

Social media users had mixed reactions. Some praised Maria B for standing up for Palestine, with one follower writing, “She is the only designer who is speaking out for Palestine.” Many saw the collection as a bold statement from a prominent South Asian Muslim designer. Others, however, felt that the designer was using Palestine’s struggles as a marketing opportunity, with one critic stating, “Her horrible clothes aren’t going to Free Palestine. She needs to be transparent about which charity she will be sending the proceeds to.”

Despite these controversies, and Leena Ghani’s accusations, Maria B has retained support from her followers. This matter, however, highlights the ongoing parallel between activism and commercialism. Moreover, there is no way to define either.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more information and news.

Mahnoor Rashid
Mahnoor Rashid is a student with a love for writing. She is an eccentric artist, fond of Muslim architecture. Currently, as a freelance writer, she explores the latest news and the depths of Pakistan's history and culture, while drawn to marketing's intriguing nuances. When not writing, Mahnoor is found adoring animals.