anushka sharma
Image Source: Instagram

Some celebrities get married, and that becomes the talk of the town, but then the news fades away as well as the stars. But then some celebrities are born for fame. Fame doesn’t leave them even if they get married or have kids. In fact, without even doing anything, their infant babies become celebrities as well. Take Kareena and Saif’s child, for instance. It has been quite some time, but the paparazzi find that Timur wore a kurta, and the news will go viral. Some assume that this fame will never fade, and Timur will remain the star kid, but there is another star couple out there.

Celeb Fame

In an interview, Saif Ali Khan’s mother commented on how Timur is always in the news, but that might all go away as soon as Anushka has a child. And this seems very plausible. Why? Because it is not just an extremely talented actress, Anushka, but also an equally gifted cricketer Virat Kohli. When the two got started dating, it made the news. When the two got married, it was news. And then they started expecting; you can connect the dots, right?

People have closely followed Anushka just as they followed Kareena throughout her pregnancy and have been amazed by how the two never treated this phase of life as an obstacle. So obviously, they will find things they do not understand. Something similar happened recently.

Anushka Sharma took to her Instagram how she resumed her Shirshasana, which the doctors have advised she can after a certain period.

First of all, it looks complicated. Second of all, she did it in pregnancy; everyone was just mindblown. And what is the defense mechanism for when we do not understand something? Memes!

Memes started rolling in about Anushka’s Shirshasana picture, where the baby bump was prominent.


1. No biological sense

But then when did memes needed that?

2. They Hulk?

So this Twitter user equated Virat with the UP police. No comments on the neighboring country’s police.

3.ย When itย takes you a second to realize it was a meme

4. The uncle meme never gets old.

While people have been making fun of Anushka and Virat, there have been some doctors on the internet, mentioning how this is dangerous during pregnancy. Even though it is nice that people are worried, we need to understand that parents are the most nervous about their child’s safety. So it is more than likely that they consulted doctors before doing these exercises. And had there been even slight mention of it being dangerous, they wouldn’t have gone through with it.

Plus, isn’t this just an adorable image; A father taking paternity leave to be there for his wife as they prepare for their little one’s arrival?

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