In the wake of the devastating Dengue outbreak that hit Pakistan in 2022, Mortein, a leading pest control brand of Reckitt, has been taking several measures to help in preventing dengue and other vector-borne diseases by partnering up with various hospitals, NGOs, and federal agencies around the country over the past few years to reduce the spread and effect of dengue outbreaks.
Mortein has announced the donation of one yearsโ worth of their mosquito repellent products to Ziauddin Hospital to protect against dengue and other vector-borne diseases. The donation includes LED Complete with Refills, and Aerosol Sprays for each functional room at the hospital. This initiative brings us one step closer to achieving a dengue-free Pakistan.
As part of the initiative, an interactive storytelling session was held in the children’s ward to spread awareness about dengue protection and prevention. Additionally, product samples and informational booklets were provided to the public at an experience booth/kiosk set up on the hospital premises, to raise public awareness on the detrimental effects of Dengue and how to combat them effectively.
Faisal Waheed, CEO Reckitt Pakistan, while talking about the initiative said, ” Patients admitted in the hospitals are the most vulnerable due to low immunity. To combat this, we are proud to collaborate with Ziauddin Hospital to provide one year’s worth of Mortein products to ensure a full year of protection against vector-borne diseases. At Reckitt, we are committed to protecting people’s health and hygiene, and this initiative is an extension of our commitment to making a difference in the communities we serve.”
Prevention is the only cure in Pakistan; we need to take all the preventive measures possible to stay protected. Reckitt, in collaboration with Ziauddin Hospital, is taking this action in hopes of raising public awareness and save hundreds of lives threatened by dengue.