Pakistani actor Osman Khalid Butt on Tuesday posted a heartfelt message commemorating what would have been Noor Mukadam’s 30th birthday. He also mentioned participating in a seminar organized by Noor’s close associates, with the shared goal of addressing and eradicating gender-based violence.
In Memory Of Noor Mukaddam
On what would have been her 30th birthday, Noor Mukadam, instead of being celebrated by her family and loved ones, became the poignant symbol of a somber gathering. Friends, family, civil society members, ambassadors, diplomats, and former members of the National Assembly came together for a seminar addressing a pressing concern: endemic femicide and gender-based violence.
Noor’s tragic fate underscores the urgent need to address these issues, not just as isolated incidents but as systematic problems that continue to plague societies around the world.
This seminar serves as a powerful reminder that lasting change is needed to ensure that Noor’s story is not repeated and that all individuals, regardless of gender, can live free from the fear of violence and discrimination.
The actor alongside the tweet shared a picture from the gathering held by friends and family. Meanwhile, the actor urged the fans to pray for the departed soul as well as for the women and girls who have been the victims of gruesome violence.
Take a look at his tweets.
Noor Mukadam would have turned 30 today.
Instead of celebrating with her, her family & loved ones, along w/civil society members, ambassadors, diplomats & former members of the National Assembly came together for a seminar on endemic femicide & gender-based violence.#NeverForget— Osman Khalid Butt ๐ต๐ธ (@aClockworkObi) October 23, 2023
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Please take a moment to pray for Noor, for her family, for all the women and girls of Pakistan who have been victim to brutal violence.
Justice must prevail.
And it will, InshaโAllah.
You may be gone, but you live on in all our hearts, Noor.— Osman Khalid Butt ๐ต๐ธ (@aClockworkObi) October 23, 2023
The gathering on Noor’s birthday highlighted the importance of raising awareness, fostering discussion, and working collaboratively to combat femicide and gender-based violence. It is a solemn but necessary step towards dismantling the deeply rooted norms and attitudes that perpetuate such injustices.
Noor’s memory serves as a call to action for governments, organizations, and individuals to unite in their efforts to create a safer and more equitable world for everyone, honoring her memory by striving for a future where no one else suffers the same fate.
On July 20, 2021, Noor, a 27-year-old woman, was murdered at Zahir Jaffer’s residence in the upscale Sector F-7/4 of Islamabad. Subsequently, Zahir was convicted of the heinous murder and received a death penalty.
In an interim charge sheet presented in court on September 9, the police alleged that Zahir’s father was an accomplice in the crime and had prior knowledge of the brutal incident.
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