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According To Science, Here Are 10 Physical Traits That Reveal Your Personality

According To Science, Here Are 10 Physical Traits That Reveal Your Personality
Image Source: Hack Spirit

A book cannot be judged by its cover. Except sometimes, you can.

While it is not a good idea to generalize about individuals based on their appearance, research has shown that there are a few things we can discern about physical characteristics and someone’s mentality.

So, in this article, we’ll look at 10 intriguing physical characteristics and how they might alter personality – or how others perceive personalities – according to study.

1. People who are taller and have rectangular faces are more likely to be leaders

Image Source: BBC News

According to research published in the journal Psychological Science, persons with a rectangular facial shape – or a prominent jaw with high cheekbones and a wide forehead – are perceived as stronger leaders.

According to the study, firms with executives with this facial shape are more likely to be financially successful.

Furthermore, the taller someone is, the more likely we assume they are a great leader.

2 People with strong personalities tend to have strong jaws

Physical strength is frequently correlated with the size of someone’s jawline. If you think about it, you probably already know this instinctively.

But did you know that a strong jaw is often associated with a strong personality?

Yes, and it may be related to the fact that our jaw is the strongest joint in the body

3. More agreeable people have larger eyes

Image Source: ONYA Magazine

According to Chinese research, those who scored better on agreeableness had brows that looked to be “lifted up” and smaller forehead spans (i.e., the distance between the eyebrows and the hairline). Lower levels of Agreeableness, on the other hand, were related to the inverse, that is, a sunken jaw and brows.

4. Extroverted people tend to have larger lips

According to the same Chinese study, extroverted women had wider noses and lips.

Dr. Mehta has the following to say about it:

“Extroversion was associated with a projecting nose and lips, a recessive chin, and masseter muscles” (the jaw muscles used in chewing). In contrast, people with lower levels of Extroversion had the opposite pattern, with the region surrounding the nose appearing to press against the face.”

5. People with larger noses have more ambition

Image Source: Medical News Today

According to research published in the Journal of Craniofacial Surgery, there is a link between ambition and wider noses.

Isn’t it fascinating? However, nose type is not the only factor linked to it.

According to Business Insider, a nose with a “fleshy tip” indicates higher empathy for others, while an upturned nose indicates greater extroversion.

6. There are shared behaviors in people with the same eye color

Scientists at Sweden’s Orebro University investigated if personalities were connected to the irises in the eyes.

They discovered that eye color is influenced by the same genes that produce our frontal lobes, and as a result, persons with identical irises exhibit strikingly shared behaviors.

7. Men with larger facial width-to-height ratios are more aggressive

Image Source: Medical Express

According to a 2009 Canadian study, most women can effectively estimate how aggressive males are.

Researchers also discovered a link between males with bigger face width-to-height ratios and higher levels of perceived hostility.

We interpret someone’s hostility levels based on the breadth of their face, according to research published in Evolution and Human Behavior.

8. Extroverted people smile more

People that are outgoing tend to grin more naturally, but introverts must work harder to maintain a smile in public.

This has been demonstrated in research where participants looked at images of individuals smiling and assessed which ones were more likely to be extroverts based on their grins.

9. Narcissists tend to wear brighter clothing and have more accessories

Image Source: Eat This Not That

A 2009 study found that the way a person looked in a full-body image might predict their level of narcissism. Certain characteristics, such as whether a person was wearing colorful clothes, cosmetics, and accessories, and whether or not they were smiling a lot, led the participants to these conclusions.

10. People who post selfies might be more open to new experiences

People who often upload selfies appear to be more receptive to new experiences than ordinary individual.

A 2015 study discovered that individuals could properly estimate someone’s openness to new experiences based on how happy they seemed in a selfie shot.

So, the next time you find yourself “judging a book by its cover,” remember that it’s not a bad method to figure out someone’s personality.

We may not like the fact that we can assess someone in such a short amount of time, but it doesn’t mean it isn’t possible.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

10 Habits That Untrustworthy People Have In Common

10 Habits That Untrustworthy People Have In Common
Image Source: Medium

They say honesty is the best policy, but what happens when you’re dealing with a dishonest person? Untrustworthy persons have a few tendencies in common, ranging from a lack of integrity to breaching norms. Continue reading to learn how to recognize these untrustworthy behaviors and what to do when talking with an untrustworthy individual. On the other hand, here are a few odd behaviors that make you appear trustworthy.

  • Lack of integrity

Lack of integrity is one of the most typical characteristics of untrustworthy persons. They don’t keep their promises. They breach their pledges. They may apologize, but they do not modify their conduct. A person with integrity maintains their name. Someone would suffer if they were betrayed or exploited. For example, you tell them something confidentially and discuss it with others, but you don’t appear to be unhappy that it affects you.

  • Don’t trust others

Image Source: Adobe Stock

People that are untrustworthy do not trust others. It seems to reason that someone who has no qualms about breaking their promise and destroying trust cannot believe that other people are trustworthy. What’s intriguing is the breadth and depth of their lack of confidence. They will accuse innocent individuals of engaging in the same actions that they do. For example, a man accuses his wife of cheating because he is, or a manager fears his staff will deceive him because he is defrauding the company’s owner.

  • History of being unreliable

Untrustworthy persons may have a track record of being untrustworthy. They are like slot machines. They know precisely how much they can get away with, and just as you are ready to leave, they do something fantastic to entice you to stay. Untrustworthy people exhibit a range of behaviors, from apologizing (‘I am so sorry I am late again.’) to lying. I know I said I’d be here at 1:00…’) to utterly duping you (‘I never said I’d be here at 1:00. You must have misunderstood me’). The common thread is that you are inclined to believe them despite their track record of being untrustworthy.

  • Break the rules and push past boundaries

Be cautious of an untrustworthy person’s public image, as well as how they behave with friends and family. Though they may appear to be good citizens to the outside world, they reveal their actual natures when they are with close friends and family, individuals with less influence, or those who are beholden to them. They reveal their actual personalities when they are ‘off camera.’

  • Don’t take feelings into account

Image Source: Better Help

Have you ever attempted to explain why something made you feel uneasy, but the other person didn’t seem to care? Untrustworthy persons continue to exist. Your emotions are unimportant. They do not quit doing anything that makes you feel uneasy.

  • Lack empathy

Empathy is an essential component of listening to and getting to know another person. When there is no empathy, though, this might be a warning flag. They seem to ignore, be oblivious of, or even relish your discomfort, sickness, or misery. For example, an untrustworthy individual may cross a boundary by interrupting you and refusing to stop even when you express your displeasure.

  • Dominate conversations

Image Source: Gentleman’s Gazette

There are a few other warning signals to be aware of, such as when someone dominates the conversation. This ‘over-talking’ entails auditory space invasion, which demonstrates that they are in control.

  • Charming

They are engaging and “excellent storytellers,” so listening to them may be intoxicating. Keep an eye out for a lack of inclusion. Loving couples, especially introverted partners, share their speaking time with their partners. It’s not natural to feel that you’re just listening to a monologue or that you’re not involved at all.

  • Tend to blame others

Image Source: SBS

Take note of how frequently they blame others for everything. There are genuine victims of abuse, and we must be compassionate and considerate of them. Someone who acts unkindly, brusquely, and bullies others while claiming victimization is plainly not a victim.

  • Hard to understand

Conversational behaviors such as not getting to the point, making educated guesses rather than giving knowledge, and speaking disorderly and confusingly are all instances of untrustworthy communication.

So, what should you do when talking to somebody untrustworthy? Gauge your level of safety and trust your gut.

It is critical to first determine whether you feel comfortable. If you feel uncomfortable, simply walk away from the individual without feeling horrible or worried about being disrespectful. You may test them by asking them a ‘negative’ question to check if they are safe. Liars know what they’re doing, but they’ve constructed a positive person, so ask them negative questions to see if it makes them unreliable.

Second, untrustworthy people want you to listen to their words rather than their behavioral signals. Your brain is more intelligent than you realize. When individuals lie, they shift their tone of voice or turn much of their body away from you.

Stay tuned to Brandynario for the latest news and updates.

Top 10 Movies Of 2022 That Are A Must-Watch

Image Source: Netflix

The year so far hasn’t been your typical, everyday, everyday year at the movies. Release dates have continued to change, with more than one major release moving to the more secure surroundings of 2023. The slate of major new releases is still a bit (okay, a lot) thinner than typical.

There is plenty to be happy about, from critically acclaimed films like RRR and Top Gun: Maverick to virtuosic independent treasures like British chef thriller Boiling Point and Aftersun. Here are our top picks for the year thus far.

1. Benediction

IMDB : 6.7

In a biography that manages to be both heartbreakingly sad and PG Wodehouse-funny, Terence Davies gives Great War poet Siegfried Sassoon a moving, flawlessly staged treatment. While Jack Lowton steals the show as the younger version of the once-closeted gay writer who tries to find himself amidst the swarming gadflies of London’s post-war social scene, Peter Capaldi plays the writer in his elder, jaded years.

2. Decision to Leave

IMDB: 7.3

Forget the hammer fights and octopus drinking of Oldboy; Park Chan-slow-burning, wook’s intellectual side is on display in this film. A detective and a young widow are entangled in a complicated dance involving a murder, an investigation, and a lot of barely restrained sensuality in this thriller with a Busan setting.

3. Nope

IMDB: 6.9

Jordan Peele spent the pandemic fusing sci-fi, horror, and westerns to create a completely new kind of monster movie while the rest of us were perfecting sourdough. Without disparaging any of our baking efforts, the outcome was even better: a creepy, unsettling, and occasionally humorous third Peele effort, fueled by Keke Palmer’s electrifying performance, an epic score, and eerie sound effects.

4. All Quiet on the Western Front

IMDB: 7.8

Seen 1917? Prepare for 1918 now. The Great War is in its final stages when Erich Maria Remarque’s classic antiwar novel is set, according to Netflix’s frequently breathtaking German translation. The key word here is “dying,” as this depiction of conflict is the most violent movie you’ll see this year, with a cacophony of exploding shells, rumbling tanks, and the rat-a-tat of bullets.

5. Everything Everywhere All at Once

IMDB: 8.1

There is a small devoted group out there that considers the Swiss Army Man to be an underappreciated classic. For the rest of us, this high-concept multiverse sci-fi serves as the first legitimate example of what the Daniels’ filmmaking talents are capable of. With Michelle Yeoh transitioning from laundry owner suffering through marital turmoil to action star and back again, as well as through a variety of other escapades, she essentially plays a Mike Leigh role.

6. The worst person in the world

IMDB : 7.8

The heart and soul of this heartwarming and creative depiction of one millennial life that plays out over several years in Oslo belongs to Norwegian actress Renate Reinsve. Her medical student-turned-writer is a fantastic representation of the doubts and ambiguities of early adulthood: a whole mix of competing goals, times of directionless and emotional rawness that seems endlessly real. She is certainly not the worst person in the world.

7. AfterSun

IMDB: 7.7

A divorced father (Paul Mescal) and his little daughter (the effortlessly stylish Francesca Corio) navigate the highs and lows of an eventful trip to the Turkish coast in this sun-washed and achingly tragic drama from Scottish director Charlotte Wells. Wells varies the visual style to convey how hazy, distant memories may seep into your bones. Each scene is set in flashback.

8. Brian and Charles

IMDB: 6.7

The biggest surprise of the year is this bittersweet British comedy, which is incredibly endearing, amusing, and heartbreaking. Sure, it’s a strangely shaped box, with Charles Petrescu, the robot it names, being made from the head of an old washing machine that was placed on top of an expressionless mannequin. However, his relationship with lonely inventor Brian Gittins (David Earl) ignites into a spectacular bromance that explores what it means to be human – and half-washing machine – through a much-harder-than-it-looks feat of physical humour, off-beat conversation, and genuine heart.

9.  Hit the road

IMDB: 7.3

Panah Panahi, an Iranian filmmaker, has had a bittersweet 2022: not only did the country’s oppressive regime sentence his father, the legendary auteur Jafar (The White Balloon), to six years in prison, but it also marked the release of his debut film, a seductive but subtly turbulent family drama set on the country’s dusty highways. And what a debut it is; it’s full of biting comedy and social commentary on rural modern life, and six-year-old Rayan Sarlak gives a standout performance as the mischievous kid in the backseat of his family’s SUV.

10. Living

IMDB: 7.6

A lot of Hollywood remakes of Scandinavian thrillers seem completely unnecessary, but others make perfect sense. In this exquisite adaptation of Akira Kurosawa’s 1952 classic Ikiru, Bill Nighy’s terminally sick civil servant rages, very nicely, against the passing of the light with a little assistance from Aimee Lou Wood from Sex Education as his life-affirming assistant. Nighy has never been better, giving a magnificent performance that ought to leave everyone speechless.

Which one of these have you watched? Let us know in the comments below.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

There Are Hidden Netflix Movie Codes You Should Know About

Image Source: Tech Doctor UK

Fans of true crime find a sanctuary on Netflix. Some of the world’s most terrifying and interesting documentaries may now be seen on the streaming service.

The Tinder Swindler, Our Father, Keep Sweet: Pray and Obey, and Monster: The Jeffrey Dahmer tale are just a few of the new titles that Netflix’s real crime library has added this year.

When a new true crime product is produced, it frequently makes the Top 10 list, but other from that, fans typically have to browse the more generic “crime,” “docuseries,” or “documentary” categories to discover one that catches their attention.

Hidden codes on Netflix?

Image Source: Netflix Help Center

But true crime enthusiasts have now learned a straightforward Netflix trick that has “transformed their lives.” They have discovered that entering specific codes into the search field will produce information, including real crime, that is not included in the genre list.

Type ‘9875’ into the Netflix search bar for all real crime documentaries,” a TikTok user @ taylorkreiling said. The Netflix user entered the digits into the search field in a movie that was uploaded to the site, and a plethora of real crime programming, including The Ripper and Hotel Cecil, appeared.

Fans of true crime flooded the comment area, with one writing: “It works. Netflix is the best place to locate genuine crime.”

The hack

Twitter users are only now learning about the attack, as one user noted: “PSA. On Netflix, searching for “9875” will display all real crime documentaries. That TikTok video changed my life, and I’m glad I watched it.” One more said: “When I discovered that typing “9875” into the Netflix search bar causes all of the murder films to appear, I was just a few years old. Thank you very much.”

One more wrote: “Why did I now discover that Netflix searches for 9875 bring up all the murder documentaries? THIS INFORMATION IS ESSENTIAL!” Remember that while this seems to work for the majority of people, some have encountered errant stuff there.

Why am I seeing Shrek, someone asked?

Another person said, “Peppa Pig also popped up!”

Imaga Source: KSAT

Below is a list of some of the codes of different genres of Movies

  • Action & Adventure (1365)
  • Asian Action Movies (77232)
  • Classic Action & Adventure (46576)
  • Comic Book and Superhero Movies (10118)
  • Spy Action & Adventure (10702)
  • Crime Action & Adventure (9584)
  • Foreign Action & Adventure (11828)
  • Martial Arts Movies (8985)
  • Military Action & Adventure (2125)

Have you ever tried any of these codes before? If yes, let us know in the comments below.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Things You Need To Know About Google Pixel Fold

Things You Need To Know About Google Pixel Fold
Image Source: Fandroid

Ever since Samsung debuted the first Galaxy Fold, there have been whispers and conjectures regarding a foldable phone created by Google. How would it appear? What would the price be? Is Google even considering developing a foldable Pixel?

After months of minor leaks and claims, the biggest Google Pixel Fold has finally surfaced. FrontPageTech, a website for the latest news on tech gadgets, revealed a ton of renderings revealing the Pixel Fold’s design on November 14. In conclusion, it seems fairly amazing.

The Exterior

Google Pixel Fold shown in detailed renders, price leaks - GSMArena.com news
source: GSMrena

We’ll start with the phone’s exterior. The front of the Pixel Fold features a sizable outer display that is substantially broader than the Galaxy Z Fold 4’s little cover screen. A hole-punch cutout with relatively thin bezels all around houses the 9.5MP front-facing camera of the Pixel Fold in addition to the outer screen.

A triple camera system is located on the rear and has a casing that is identical to the Google Pixel 7 Pro. Although the camera configuration isn’t confirmed, it is likely to be the same as the Pixel 7 Pro, with a 50MP primary camera, a 12MP ultra-wide camera, and a 48MP telephoto camera.

The Selling Point

Google Pixel Fold shown in detailed renders, price leaks - GSMArena.com news
source: GSMrena

A large tablet-like display that looks to be in landscape mode greets us when we open the Pixel Fold. The inner screen has very large bezels on the top and bottom, with the top bezel subtly concealing an additional 9.5MP camera for selfies and video chats. A USB-C charging port, speaker grills on the top and bottom frames, and a fingerprint sensor integrated into the power button are further design elements.

The Pixel Fold is shown in two colors: chalk and obsidian, both of which the Pixel Fold is expected to be offered at launch. Speaking of the Pixel Fold’s release, FrontPageTech predicts it will happen in May 2023 (probably during Google I/O the following year).

Is it affordable?

The pricing is another intriguing component of this disclosure. According to FrontPageTech, the Google Pixel Fold will cost $1,799. Although it costs a lot and is substantially more costly than the Pixel 7 or Pixel 7 Pro, it is comparable to other foldable phones. The starting price of Samsung’s Galaxy Z Fold 4 is the same as that of the predecessor, the Fold 3: $1,799. At that price, Google won’t be innovating much, but it should also keep the Pixel Fold competitive with its main competition.

The take away

Google Pixel Fold launch date and design clues rumoured by analyst - NotebookCheck.net News
source: GSMrena

What is the main point to take away from all of this? The Pixel Fold looks fantastic, assuming these images are correct. It’s basically a Googleized version of the Oppo Find N, which is really fantastic. We may be in for a real treat if Google can create a foldable phone with top-notch cameras, along with its normal Pixel smarts owing to a Tensor chip, and support the entire thing with big-screen focused software with Android 13

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

7 Spices You Should Start Consuming More In Winters

You might have heard of a few spices which tend to keep your body warm and build up the immune system in winter. However, this group of ‘Winter Spices’ tends to do much more than what is suggested. From ginger to cardamon, nutmeg and cinnamon spices can be used to help develop a stronger immunity and keep seasonal infections at bay. Meanwhile, many spices also help fight against diseases and serve a therapeutic purpose. While we tend to use them daily increasing the consumption of these spices during winter can add more benefits.

Here’s a complete list of spices that are beneficial for your body in winter.

1. Nutmeg

The therapeutic effects of Nutmeg include mood boosters and improvement of cognitive function. A hint of nutmeg is enough to add to your oatmeal or tea. Its mood-boosting effects make it a star ingredient to add to your diet while going through a stressful situation.

Image source: YouTube

2. Cardamon 

Cardamom can be added to rice dishes, apple pies, tea, and coffee. Cardamon is a spice native to India and is a core ingredient in Indian culture. Studies suggest that cardamom can promote metabolic health, and glucose intolerance, and reduce oxidative stress.

3. Cinnamon 

Adding a hint of cinnamon to your lattes and cakes can add texture and flavor. However, adding more of it to your diet can help to maintain blood glucose and insulin signaling. The spice is known to increase insulin receptors in the body, which converts it into sugar before distributing it to the cells for energy.

Image source: Facebook

Read More: Do You Skip Meals? Here’s Why You Should Stop

4. Ginger

Ginger is known for its benefits pertaining to cholesterol levels. It also helps to maintain the GI tract and reduces inflammation and pain in the digestive tract. Ginger can help fight against infections thanks to its anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory functions.

5. Turmeric

Turmeric is known for its bright yellow color since it is a component of many traditional recipes. While its taste is most often avoided adding it to the diet can do wonders for immunity and heart health.

Image source: starhealth

6. Cloves

Cloves are a herbal remedy often used for dental issues. However, its benefits also encompass ailments including bone problems, fever, and cold. It is a great expectorant as it helps loosen the mucus in the throat and lungs.

7. Black Pepper 

The high mineral and antioxidant content in black pepper make it a star ingredient to add to your recipes and broths. Black pepper can keep seasonal and winter allergies at bay because of its antibacterial qualities.

Image Source: Spice Jungle

Read More: Reasons Why Caffeine Doesn’t Affect You

Now that we have gathered information about spices and their benefits in diet make sure that you try to incorporate them in your diet to make your body feel good while keeping the health problems at bay.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

7 Hair Care Tips For All The Brides To Be

Taking care of your hair in your daily routine is very important. However, when you are embarking on a journey to marriage, it only makes sense to give extra attention to your hair care. For all the brides managing hair is crucial due to the constant styling and damage that happens after it.

Meanwhile, your hairstyle can look a hundred times more beautiful if you have healthy, bouncy, and shiny locks. So it is only natural to start taking care of your hair way ahead of your wedding events. For all the brides we are sharing a comprehensive guide on how to take care of your hair so that your hair can withstand the stress of temporary styling and stay manageable in the longer run.

1. Regular Oiling 

Many brides underestimate the benefits of oiling hair regularly. Regularly oiling your hair with your choice of oil can do wonders to promote hair growth. You can opt for Almond oil, Coconut Oil, and Jojoba oil. These oils can be used warm and cold and once applied to the hair make sure to massage them back and forth to enhance blood circulation.

2. Hair Serum To The Rescue 

Hair serums can protect your hair from potential heat damage and dirt. Hair serums also help to enhance the natural oils in the scalp and provide the body with hair that can become dry and brittle due to environmental stressors.

Image source: bebeautiful

3. Mask Up At Least Once A Week

Some of the best hair ingredients are hiding in your pantry so make the most of them by creating and applying a DIY hair mask to your hair. Hair masks provide shine and help maintain the balance of oil on the scalp.

Read More: 8 Ways You Can Try To Make Your Hair Grow Thicker

4. Stay Hydrated 

While drinking water can keep your skin plump from within it can also do the same for your hair. The dry and humid weather can make them lifeless and brittle. Keeping your water intake in check can prevent a scaly and dry scalp and enhances hair growth.

5. Limit Heat

Limiting the use of hot tools is one of the best things you can do to make sure your hair doesn’t look lifeless on your big day. Since wedding events require lots of heat styling putting your hair through undue heat beforehand can lead to long-term damage.

Image source: Instagram

6. Add Rice Water To Your Routine

By now, all of us have been accustomed to using rice water in our skincare and hair care routine. Rice water has rich nutrients which provide shine and luster to hair. Rinsing your hair with rice water can prevent them from drying and do wonders for your hair.

7. Avoid Hairstyle

An extreme hairstyle can be damaging to hair as they cause brittleness and hair fall. Unusual hairstyles can put undue pressure on the hairline and can often lead to extreme hair fall.

Image source: vichyuk

8. Follow The Routine Properly 

When we say properly, we mean following the steps properly. Start with oiling your hair than shampooing and scrubbing the scalp. Alternate between hair masks and salon hair treatments and you will see the results in due time.

Read More: Beauty Experts Debunk 10 Skincare Myths

While hair care is detrimental to the bridal routine, it is advised to stay aware of the undue stressors and keep yourself as relaxed as possible to make the most of your routine and care. This way you can not only take care of your health but also manage to live your moments in the best possible way.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Majid Al Futtaim expands its retail footprint in Pakistan

Karachi, Pakistan, December 06, 2022: Majid Al Futtaim – the leading shopping mall, communities, retail and leisure pioneer across the Middle East and Africa – announced two strategic launches that aim to expand its retail footprint in Pakistan. This includes the recent opening of two myli stores in Lahore as well as breaking ground to open Carrefour’s eleventh store next year. This brings Majid Al Futtaim’s total investment to PKR 11 billion which will create further job opportunities for Pakistanis, support the national economy by strengthening local businesses, and provide a modern shopping experience for customers.

On 5 December, Majid Al Futtaim diversified its offering with the launch of its unique health and beauty concept, myli. The two brand-new stores, located inside Carrefour at both Packages Mall and Fortress Mall, offer a wide variety of quality products including cosmetics, fragrances, and hair and skin care. myli is poised to be the one-stop solution for all customers’ beauty and healthcare needs, in response to the high demand for accessible personal care products that retailers are observing across the country.

In addition, the upcoming Carrefour store at the Defence Housing Authority in Lahore will be the brand’s eleventh to open in Pakistan. Once up and running in the fourth quarter of 2023, the new supermarket will provide customers with convenient access to more than 25,000 items from various categories, including consumer goods, fresh foods, electronics, home accessories and more at unbeatable value. Development work on the store began following a ground-breaking ceremony today, attended by Administrator DHA Lahore Brig Waheed Gul Satti.

Hani Wiess, Chief Executive Officer of Majid Al Futtaim Retail, during his visit to Pakistan attended both the opening of myli and the ground-breaking ceremony – accompanied by Umer Lodhi, Country Manager of Carrefour Pakistan.

Hani Weiss, Chief Executive Officer of Majid Al Futtaim Retail, said: “Majid Al Futtaim continues to broaden and scale its operations in Pakistan, uplifting our customers’ shopping experience through modern and contemporary retail solutions. The upcoming Carrefour store and the newly launched myli concept demonstrate our commitment to the nation and will contribute to elevating the retail market. Our latest investment decisions reflect our strategic focus on customer convenience and creating shared value for local business partners and the national economy.”

Umer Lodhi, Country Manager of Carrefour Pakistan at Majid Al Futtaim Retail, also commented: “We are excited to both expand and diversify our business in Pakistan to cater to customer demand. Reaching PKR 11 billion in investment is indicative of Majid Al Futtaim’s continued trust in Pakistan’s resilient business landscape. myli is a unique proposition, catering to a gap in the market centred around accessible self-care products. Whereas our upcoming Carrefour store will be serving the surrounding residents of DHA Phase 7.”

Carrefour currently serves millions of customers through its 10 retail stores across Pakistan and is scaling up to reach more communities across the country. With its policy of sourcing 99 percent of its products locally, the leading retailer maintains active synergies with over 700 local suppliers and small businesses – demonstrating Majid Al Futtaim’s ongoing commitment to the local economy. What’s more, Carrefour’s private brand is the first of its kind in that it sources 100 percent of its products locally from Pakistan.

Carrefour’s commitment to the highest quality products has inspired unrivalled customer loyalty since its introduction to the country in 2009, with quick and convenient home deliveries also available through its digital platforms.

Jazz partners with LUMS to launch EMPOWER, Women’s Leadership Program

Islamabad – 06 December 2022: Jazz, Pakistan’s leading digital operator and a part of the VEON Group, has partnered with LUMS, Pakistan’s leading research-intensive university, to launch “Empower,” an Executive Development Program for Women Leaders.  

Empower is a three-day learning and residential program. Through this program, Jazz intends to instill valuable leadership skills among women leaders in workforce. Attendees include 75 women from Jazz, and the company will also be offering 20 scholarships through open enrolment for other women leaders to attend the program. 

Speaking at the launch ceremony, Sanam Sheikh, Chief People Officer at Jazz said, “Empower is launched with the mission to provide women leaders with skillsets needed to excel in leadership roles. The three-day immersive program reiterates our company’s commitment towards promoting gender diversity at the workplace by empowering women and helping them thrive as leaders.”

Spanning from 6th to 8th December, Empower will provide trainees with cutting-edge technologies and best industry practices to help them navigate their managerial roles strategically and more efficiently. 

Dr Arif Nazir Butt, Professor at the Suleman Dawood School of Business at the Lahore University of Management Sciences, Lahore, Pakistan reinforced, “Empower is a unique learning experience with a focus on enabling women leaders to cultivate their executive management roles by influencing business agility and organizational competitiveness. The program provides collaborative opportunities for self-reflection and development; steering the executives towards enhanced confidence and professional competence”.  

Jazz is an equal opportunity employer. It’s one of the first telecom companies with a high female representation in its executive leadership. Jazz is also the signatory to the global Women’s Empowerment Principles, a set of Principles offering guidance to businesses on how to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in the workplace, marketplace, and community and was recently recognized for its Gender Inclusive Workplace at UN Women Asia-Pacific 2022 WEPs Awards.  This award recognizes organizations that have incorporated the right measures to make themselves the preferred employer for women.

SalamAir Secures IATA’s Operational Safety Audit Registration

Oman’s value-for-money airline SalamAir has secured the International Air Transport Association’s (IATA) Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) registration, a global Safety audit program managed and controlled by IATA.

Captain Mohamed Ahmed, CEO of SalamAir, said, “IOSA Programme enables SalamAir to benchmark its Operation safety standards by improving its operational management and control systems. Being IOSA registered is the most compelling evidence for putting safety factors first in the operation of SalamAir. This will be one of the key factors for its progress towards excellent service, in line with the trend of new and modern aviation worldwide.”

The IOSA registration is proof of SalamAir’s commitment to safety through continuous and rigorous reviews within its business operations and augmentation of the processes and procedures in line with the air travel industry’s safety and regulatory framework.

With this registration, SalamAir reaches a new milestone in its development, opening it to strategic opportunities.

SalamAir remains categorical about its dedication to maintaining global best practices, and as always, we will continue to deliver world-class services to meet and exceed the flying aspirations of its customers.

SalamAir meets the nation’s growing demand for affordable travel options and aims to generate further employment and business creation opportunities in various sectors in Oman. In a short span, SalamAir has grown in its operations and expanded its reach across the region, serving customers across a cross-section of society.

SalamAir flies to domestic destinations, including Muscat, Salalah, and Suhar, Duqm, Masirah, and international destinations to Dubai, Doha, Riyadh, Jeddah, Dammam, Kuwait, Bahrain, Sarajevo, Istanbul, Trabzon, Bursa, Kathmandu, Baku, Bangkok, Phuket, Prague, Shiraz, Tehran, Alexandria, Khartoum, Multan, Sialkot, Karachi, Dhaka, Chattogram, Jaipur, Trivandrum, and Lucknow. SalamAir flies directly from Suhar to Shiraz, Salalah and Calicut, and Trabzon and from Salalah to Calicut.

realme Offers A Last Chance To Grab Your Favourite realme Products On Its 12.12 Sale

realme, the world’s fastest-growing smartphone brand, has given over a 100 million consumers across the globe an experience that exceeded their expectations. As 2022 draws to a close, the brand is bringing yet another sale to let its fans get their hands on their favourite realme goodies.

realme has always been at the forefront to bring something exciting for its fan base. This holiday season during the 12.12 sale, fans can buy realme gifts for their loved ones with exclusive discounts on their favourite products.

In the smartphone category,

  • realme 9 Pro+ (8GB + 128GB) shall cost PKR 77,399/- down from 79,999/-
  • realme 9 4G (8GB + 128GB) will carry a price tag of PKR 64,799/- down from PKR 66,999/-
  • With a glowing design, realme C35 (4GB + 128GB) will cost PKR 45,499/- down from PKR 46,999/-
  • The realme C25Y (4GB + 64GB) can be purchased for PKR 33,899/- down from 34,999/-
  • Grab a realme C11 (4GB + 64GB) at an amazing price tag of PKR 29,999/- down from PKR 30,999/-

Over at the AIoT front, realme has great deals on:

  • realme Watch S that comes for an exciting price of PKR 14,999/- all the way down from PKR 19,999/-
  • realme Dart Charge Power Bank for PKR 5,589/- down from PKR 6,999/-

Moreover, discounts of upto 50% will be offered on smartphones and smart AIoT items during the year-end sale. realme has announced amazing offers on the realme Power Bank 2i, realme 10000mAh Power Bank 2, realme 30W Dart Charge Power Bank, realme Buds Q2, realme Band 2, realme Buds Air Neo, realme Buds Q, realme Buds Wireless Pro, realme Motion Activated Night Light and realme Smart Scale.

So, don’t miss this last chance and fill in your carts with all your favourite realme products, and become a favourite in your family by giving these awesome gifts to your loved ones!

Haniya Minhas Brings Bronze For Pakistan From Eddie Herr International Championship

Haniya Minhas Brings Bronze For Pakistan From Eddie Herr International Championship

Pakistan: 05 December, 2022 – Pakistan’s 12-year-old tennis prodigy – Haniya Minhas has won bronze in the international tennis tournament, held in US. Haniya’s training and sports activities have been supported by the ‘Bilquis & Abdul Razak Dawood’ (BARD) Foundation, since she was only 9 years of age.

Haniya progressed through this prestigious tournament, by winning the 1st round. Her outstanding performance in the Quarter-Final match was 6-0, 6-4. Then she put up with an impressive competition against her opponent and ended up winning bronze at Eddie Herr International Junior Championship. Over 2000 players participated at Eddie Herr Junior Championship where Haniya Minhas secured remarkable place for Pakistan among 90 countries. Haniya joined IMG for training on 22 August 2022 that was followed by a continuous series of remarkable successes at Little Mo International Championship in New York, USA, USTA National under 14 Tennis Championship in Florida, L5 Under 16 National Tennis Championship in the United States, Under 14 National Tennis Championships in Coral Springs, Florida and USTA Under 16 Girls National Championship Final in Florida, USA.

Expressing her delight on being the best player in two prestigious tournaments in the USA, Haniya stated that: “My current tour of the USA has been an exhilarating experience, as I have been able to train more professionally and out-perform all my worthy competitors, in my first tournament. My special gratitude goes to my country Pakistan that I represent from whole of my heart and BARD Foundation as they have supported my sporting endeavors for so many years.”

Mehreen Dawood – Pakistan’s leading philanthropist and founder of the BARD Foundation, paid a tribute to Haniya’s success, saying that: “Haniya is another international athlete emerging from Pakistan. I congratulate her for making such great achievements at a very young age. BARD Foundation remains committed to nurturing Pakistani talents by enabling youngsters who demonstrate an exceptional passion to excel and create a soft image of Pakistan, globally. We hope that one day, this emerging star will make her way through her passionate goals and dreams.

The long-term vision and mission of the BARD Foundation is to support the development of talented, young Pakistanis, in any profession, sport, or other fields of endeavor. It sponsors the best-performing youngsters, to fulfill their dreams and prove their mettle.

Best Selling Cars Of 2022 In Pakistan

Image Source: Global Village Space

The sales of cars have been adversely impacted by frequent manufacturing halts and rising expenses. Auto sales have somewhat recovered in October, with improvements from Honda, Toyota, and Suzuki compared to last month.

However, Suzuki leads the market this year with sales that set records.

1. Suzuki Alto

Image Source: Suzuki Pakistan

The Suzuki Alto is still the most popular automobile in Pakistan, much as we all need oxygen to survive. Despite the manufacturing shortage, PSMC sold a healthy 2,372 units of the Alto in July 2022, making it the best-selling vehicle in Pakistan for the tenth month in a row.

2. Suzuki Swift

Suzuki Swift 2022 Price in Pakistan, Pictures, Specs & Features | PakWheels
source: Pakwheels

Suzuki Swift, which has been on a promising upward trend, outsold numerous reliable sellers to place second in sales last month for the second month in a row.

Swift was the best-selling subcompact family vehicle of October 2022 thanks to PSMC’s sales of 1,350 units despite the recent sales slump and production reductions.

3. Toyota Corolla

Toyota Corolla 12th Generation Price in Pakistan, Pictures, Specs & Features | PakWheels
source: Pakwheels

Despite its now-hefty price tag, the Toyota Corolla has once again surpassed all other sedans in sales in Pakistan. Given the continued operational recession, Toyota IMC sold about 1,250 Corollas in October 2022, which is a respectable performance for the little vehicle.

4. Suzuki Cultus

Image Source: Suzuki Motorways Pakistan

Since the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) began crushing the auto sector with import restrictions, Cultus has been out of the game. To sell 1,129 units of Cultus, Pak Suzuki Motor Company (PSMC) has taken advantage of the current uptick in sales. With these sales, Cultus has moved up to the fourth place among the top 5 selling vehicles for the month of October 2022.

5. Honda City

Image Source: My Auction Sheet

With recent sales, the 6th Generation Honda City’s success is no longer debatable. The Toyota Corolla, one of Pakistan’s most well-known vehicles, as well as other subcompact vehicles like the Suzuki Swift and Toyota Yaris, have previously been vanquished by the subcompact sedan.

Honda Atlas Cars Limited (HACL) sold slightly over 1,060 units of the City last month, placing it in fifth place on the list, according to individuals acquainted with the independent sales numbers.

Best iPhone Games In The Year 2022

Image Source: Epic Games

There is a thread that unites us, regardless of whether you choose a console, a PC, or an iPhone and enjoy a cheap diversion: Each of us has downloaded a few games from the App Store.

After all, convenience and fast dopamine rushes are the two main draws of mobile gaming. Would you rather turn on Crossy Road or read the tabloids while waiting in line at the grocery store? It’s an easy choice. Choosing which games to download is more difficult.

Here is a list of the top iPhone games released in 2022.

1. Among Us

Among Us på Steam
Source : streampix

When Among Us first came out in 2018, it unexpectedly shot to fame. In this multiplayer, cooperative game, you cooperate to identify the group’s liar while trying to stay alive in space. Since we’re currently confined at home, this game is ideal for honing your social skills.

2. Beyond a steel sky

Beyond a Steel Sky' comes to Apple Arcade tomorrow | Engadget
Source : streampix

The eagerly anticipated sequel to Revolution Software’s 1994 adventure game Beneath a Steel Sky is titled Beyond a Steel Sky (exclusive for Apple Arcade). While paying homage to the original work, this cyberpunk game also acknowledges how the point-and-click genre has changed over the previous 25 years.

3. Blek

Blek (2015) Review (Wii U eShop) | Nintendo Life
Source : streampix

Blek is a puzzle game that has received praise for its straightforward gameplay and spare aesthetic. To advance through each level, you must use touch-screen gestures to create patterns. The 2013 release of the game made it a straightforward, well-liked addition to the iPhone’s game library.

4. BrawlHalla

Brawlhalla is the best alternative if you like Super Smash Bros but don’t own a Nintendo gaming system. The goal of this free-to-play fighter is to knock each other off the stage using big fights between tiny, colorful characters equipped with absurd weapons.

5. Dead Cells

Dead Cells on Steam
Source : streampix

After a successful launch on home consoles and PC, this violent rogue-like game finds its way to iOS. It gives you control of a little monster with the ability to possess corpses. Through randomized stages and the acquisition of power-ups and foes, your objective is to escape from prison. Even if death is final, you may learn from it to get ready for the next run.

6. Device 6

Device 6' is a stylish mystery novel masquerading as a game - The Verge
Source : streampix

Device 6 is a text-based adventure game that guides players through interactive challenges and plot points to aid the main character in escaping an island. The game has received praise for its original storytelling approach, powerful writing, and sound effects.

7. Florence

Florence on Steam
Source : streampix

Players in Florence follow Florence Yeoh’s narrative over 20 chapters of interactive storytelling that are sprinkled with minigames. The 2018 game’s plot, character development, and visual direction have all received great praise, despite the fact that it only takes approximately 30 minutes to complete.

8. GrindStone

Grindstone on Steam
Source : streampix

Because it placed a fresh take on a typical puzzle game theme, Grindstone stood out as a bright diamond at the introduction of Apple Arcade. To destroy foes with your powerful barbarian, you must match them instead of only matching gems to clear them.

Buying A New TV? Here’s Some Of The Best Options For You

Choosing a TV that meets your requirements can be a difficult task especially if you are doing it for the first time. While multiple brands are offering different options finding the ones that suit your needs can make things a little easier. So, today, we share some great options if you are on a hunt to find a new TV.

1. TCL S5200 Smart Android TV

Image Source: TCL Pakistan

TCL is among the most prevalent choices for customers when buying a TV. This particular model offers a good combination of different features including a 43″ screen, HDMI (2), USB (1), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Ethernet connectivity, Google play store, and voice assistant with HDR10, Dolby Vision, and 1366 x 768 (HD) resolution. The model is priced at Rs.40,000.

2. Orient Action 58S 

Image source: olx

This huge LCD with a 58″ mega display offers an impressive sound system paired with features like Google play store and assistance, HDR10, Dolby Vision, 3,840 x 2,160 (4K UHD) resolution and HDMI, USB, Bluetooth, Wi-fi. Along with Bose Sound System & Dolby Audio. The model is priced at Rs.106,000.

3. Haier LE 32 K6600G

Image Source: Haier Pakistan

Haier is among the leading electronics brands in Pakistan. With top-notch products and services Haier is another great option. This particular model features HDMI (3), USB (2), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Ethernet LANSound Output: 10W + 10WOS, Android,  Google Play Store, Voice Assistant, Auto Volume Leveling with 1366 x 768 (HD) resolution. The TV is also economical at a price of Rs.35,000.

Read More: Trending Mobile Games In Pakistan 2022

4. Sony 43X75 Smart TV

Image source: smarttv

The OG of televisions and other electronics Sony has a huge variety of TVs in its portfolio. This 43″ display features an X1 4K HDR Processor, 4K X-Reality PRO, HDR10, HLG, 3,840 x 2,160 (4K UHD) resolution, HDMI (3), USB (2), Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Ethernet, 20W speakers (10w + 10w)Sound Output, along with Google Play Store and Google Voice Assistant. The model is priced at Rs.150,000.

5. Samsung T5300 HD Flat Smart TV

Image Source: Samsung

If you plan on buying Samsung, then this model can be a great investment for you. The model features a 32-inch display along with a 1,366 x 768 (HD) resolution, Dolby Digital Plus system, 10W speakers, HDMI (2), USB (1), Ethernet LAN (1), Digital Audio Out (1), Wi-Fi connectivity and Google Assistant Support. The model is priced at ₨.63,000.

Read More: 6 Electric Heaters You Can Buy In Pakistan At Amazing Prices

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

6 Trending Pakistani Songs In 2022 That Made Everyone Rock

Pakistani songs have started dominating the music industry but this is only the beginning. While Coke Studio has managed to roll out some famous hits over the years, our singers have started to receive the much-needed attention of the mainstream media as well as the international platforms. From ‘Pasoori’ to ‘Habibi’, some of the hit bangers didn’t only manage to capture the local audiences but their tunes spread across borders as well. As 2022 wraps up we share some of the big Pakistani hits which topped the charts this year.

1. Pasoori 

Shae Gill and Ali Sethi’s masterpiece ‘Pasoori’, was released under the banner of Coke Studio. Soon after its release, the song managed to capture the audience’s attention for its catchy lyrics and upbeat tunes. Pasoori became more of a pop culture phenomenon and put Shae Gill on the road to stardom. The Pasoori fever managed to spread across the border and many Indian artists also shared their playlists featuring Pasoori.

2. Peechay Hut

Hasan Raheem has given the Gen-Z something to look forward to. His music started dominating the industry as soon as he released his first solo album. Needless to say, he already has some of the biggest hits under his belt, and among those Peechay Hut featuring ‘Justin Bibis managed to become the highlight of every party and wedding this year.

Read More: Spotify Wrapped 2022: How To Find Your Top Songs, Artists & More

3. Habibi 

‘Habibi’ from Asim Azhar was another fan favorite this year. The catchy beat and the laidback vibes of the song made it a hit soon after its release. Habibi also managed to cross the borders and was featured on the playlists of many international artists and actors.

4. Why Not Meri Jaan?

Calling ‘Why Not Meri Jaan’ an anthem would not be an overstatement. The song featured some of the most relatable and coolest lyrics. The Young Stunners did an amazing job with the song outdoing themselves. The song was released in collaboration with Pepsi and became one of the biggest collaborations with Pepsi ever.

5. Tu Jhoom 

Another major hit by Coke Studio was sung by Abida Parveen & Naseebo Laal. ‘Tu Jhoom’ was nonetheless a masterpiece featuring some of the biggest names in the Pakistani music industry.

6. Kana Yaari

The ‘Kana Yaari’ singers Kaifi Khalil, Eva B, and Abdul Wahab Bugti rose to fame thanks to this collaboration with Coke Studio. Kana Yaari managed to gain the attention of the famous dance group The Quick Style and their choreography on the song has only made the song more iconic.

Read More: Netflix Rolls Out 9 More Games Including Some Of Your Favourite Ones

Which are your favorite Pakistani songs from the list? Comment down below.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Heritage Foundation’s Zero Carbon Alternative Model

Karachi, October 5, 2022: Heritage Foundation and the Bank of Punjab hosted a press conference here earlier today at a five-star hotel, to throw light on Heritage Foundation’s endeavours for a Zero-Carbon Alternative Model to build sustainable communities and rehabilitate one million households. The conference was well-attended by the media. With Arif Bahalim performing the duties of MC, the speakers included Prof. Yameen Lari, CEO Heritage Foundation Pakistan, Mrs. Dani and Mrs. Ramu from Pono Colony Village Mirpurkhas, Safeeyah Mooosa, CEO Spiritual Chords/Dadabhoy Foundation and Mr. Zafar Masud, CEO Bank of Punjab.

Yasmeen Lari shared a detailed presentation on the occasion and said, “It is well known that Pakistan is among the most at-risk and vulnerable countries of the world. A major part of the country is situated on fault lines or in the path of melting glaciers, facing risk of torrential rains as experienced in 2022.

‘Although much work on rebuilding has been carried out in post-disaster areas in the past, but several factors were overlooked because of which sustainability of implemented strategies could not be assured. Additionally, high-carbon urbanized models (promotion of concrete block, steel girders, burnt brick) introduced in low-carbon environments using vernacular construction have contributed to environmental degradation in those areas.
It is clear that various models based on handouts do not provide long-lasting results and the dream of sustainability remains elusive. For this reason, Heritage Foundation (HF) has developed an integrated holistic model which is based on community participation, empowerment and self-reliance for displaced households.

The first initiative of BASA (Barefoot Social Architecture) Recovery and Rehabilitation Plan was taken up as soon as waters began to recede in mid-September 2022. The resultant successful rehabilitation in ten weeks of 1,000 households in Mirpur Khas, Sindh has formed the basis for this proposal which provides the guidelines for the rehabilitation of 1 million households at a low cost of Rs. 40,000 per household. This transformation could only be accomplished with full participation of the community.

A holistic model has been applied with the following delivery of rights-based, climate-smart women led initiatives:

‘Rights based’ elements providing basic needs: Safe shelter, toilet, water, lighting, clean food/Pakistan Chulah;
• Affordable, Sustainable, locally sourced construction methodologies.
• Adoption of co-building, co-creation, low impact, low tech techniques
• 4 Zeros: Zero Carbon/Zero Waste/Zero Cost (to donor) = Zero Poverty
• Partnership with local communities – skill training and knowledge sharing
• Community disaster preparedness and environmental improvement
• Training for barefoot enterprises for income generation
• Women led community engagement for speedy action

The alternative model has been developed to demonstrate the capability and strength of community-led initiatives which require one-fifth of the cost of usual high-carbon conventional construction. In the past due to high cost of conventional constriction reports have indicated that 50 per cent of the schools could not be built after the 2005 earthquake.

Similarly, after the 2010 floods, 1 million households in Sindh remained shelter less. By using the combination of baboo and lime strong resilient structures have been built by us which have withstood the onslaught of heavy rains and flooding. These are most appropriate for dealing with the aftermath of the present deluge.

The proposal being presented is to meet a target of 1 million one-room cottages along with other amenities as well as disaster preparedness at a minimal cost of Rs. 40,000 per household. This requires co-building and use of sustainable materials. By creating a structure of hubs consisting of five groups of villages, each of 5,000 households it becomes possible for all those who have any funds at their disposal to take up, partial or full villages, or amenities in each Hub.

In the first year 450,000 units could be built through a combination of funding by NGOs/INGOs, UN Agencies and through subsidized low-interest bank loans.”
Safeeyah Moosa spoke about her NGO in Africa and how it was implanting Yasmeen Lari’s Zero Carbon shelters programme there after which DANI spoke about how the lives of the people in her village – Pono village – had been transformed because of the intervention of Heritage Foundation. Lastly Zafar Masud spoke at length about the CSR initiatives of the Bank of Punjab, and in particular their partnership with Heritage Foundation to make sustainable communities.

A question and answer session moderated by trustee and director of Heritage Foundation, Shanaz Ramzi then followed, after which dinner was served.

Imran Khan, Shehbaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman Together? What Is Coming Soon On BOL?

Rumors of Imran Khan, Shehbaz Sharif, Asif Zardari, Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman and Bilawal Bhutto Zardari’s coming together on a news channel has grabbed people’s attention as they are wondering how this can happen.

One of the most-liked channels in Pakistan, BOL News has announced that it is all geared up to bring something exceptional to the nation. Let’s find out what is going to hit the TV screens soon.

The channel has always been pushing boundaries in bringing exceptional content for its viewers which makes BOL a standout among all, so you can expect anything from it.

In times when political war is at its peak in Pakistan and the country has been braving the political instability, BOL for the first time in history claims to have gathered the leaders of opposition parties together for the nation.

History is going to be marked as BOL News is all set to bring the leading political gurus including Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) Chairman Imran Khan, Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) President Shehbaz Sharif, PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz, Pakistan Peoples Party Co-Chairman Asif Zardari, PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto and Jamiat Ulema e Islam-F chief Maulana Fazal Ur Rehman on the screen at the same time.

The politicians together on the screens will be stirring zest in the people and will mark history in Pakistan. There is no doubt that BOL has proved its mettle by broadcasting news, quality entertainment, and quirky shows for its audience.

SoulFest Karachi 22’ Kicks Off With A Bang With An Exclusive Meet And Greet

Karachi: It’s finally that time of year Karachites! Pakistan’s biggest music and food festival has finally returned to Karachi. The festivities kicked off with an exclusive meet and greet at The Forest, Clifton which was attended by many socialites, bloggers, and dignitaries.

The fun-filled, glittering evening was the perfect start for the much-awaited festival of the year. Many bloggers like Rana Asif, Umair Mirza, Warda Sikandar, Khawar Abidi, admin of KCH and PCH Saba Mohsin, Karachista, and many more were in attendance. There was also a live performance by Raeth band.

SoulFest 22’ is all set to bring top-notch versatile artists such as Farhan Saeed, Young Stunners, Talal Qureshi, Maanu, Josh the band, Kashmir the band and many more who will be rocking the stage on the 9th,10th and 11th of December at Beach View Park, Clifton. Featuring not only some of the top eateries but also a brilliant artist line-up and entertainment for children and adults, SoulFest 22’ is a great event for families and friends to chill and enjoy great music and food.

The 3 day event is presented by Jazz, powered by Kashmir Cooking Oil in association with National Foods Limited. The event is also sponsored by Karachi Metropolitan Corporation (KMC), EasyTickets.pk, Mcdonald’s, Hush Puppies, East River Digital, Samsung, Tamasha, Kinetic Pakistan, FM 91, Dettol, Tapal Danedar, Careem, and Spark Entertainment.

Tickets are available for purchase on EasyTickets.pk and will also be available at the venue on the days of the event.

5 Exciting Events In Karachi To Look Forward To In December 2022

The final chapter of 2022 is here and our last chance to end 2022 on a high note. Even if you are a homebody and want to enjoy the December evenings while staying at home, you need to get out and make the most of this season. Luckily, Karachi is hosting an array of events perfect for someone who wants to experience something new. Take a look at a few and get ready to have a night out while doing your favorite activities.

1. International Book Fair 

The annual International book fair is back with its 17th edition held annually. This is a cue for all book lovers to start saving some extra bucks. The event is going to be held from 8th to 12th December 2022 at the Karachi expo center. Whether you are a noob or a seasoned reader there is something for everyone.

Image source: Facebook

2. PKC Dog Show 

The annual PKC dog show is back to give you a chance to showcase your dog’s skills. With plenty of activities and a day full of fun, the dog show is the perfect event for anyone who loves pets. Be sure to find your favorite breed and snag a few clicks with them.

Image source: Facebook

Read More: 6 Beautiful Restaurants In Karachi To Enjoy Your Winter Nights

3. Comedy Open Mic

If you have a knack for making people laugh then this Comedy Open Mic happening in Block 4 Clifton is the one event you sure shouldn’t miss. The new and seasoned comics will be there to share their take on life and all things hilarious so be sure not to miss if you want to have a fun-filled time.

4. Ali Zafar Live In Concert

Ali Zafar is all set to rock the stage at the Roots Millennium School, Bahria Town Karachi. If ‘Channo Ki Ankh’ brings back memories then this is your sign to groove to the song in a live concert. The event will be taking place on 24th December so make sure to grab your tickets on time.

Image source: Facebook

5. Makeupology

Try your hands at the makeup master class by Khadija Chaghani at the Regent Plaza, Shahrah-e-Faisal Road. The three-hour-long makeup class will give you great insights into makeup trends, application, hands-on experience, and much more. So if you are a makeup artist in the making or simply enjoy the art of makeup be sure to check this one out.

Read More: Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi, Qigong – What’s Best For You?

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.