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Founder & Chief Officer- Zindigi, Noman Azhar Joins Curate Tomorrow Think Tank

Standing left to right : Noman Azhar - Chief Officer Zindigi, Andrea Nylund - City Innovation Lead at Oslo Business Region , Ari Horie - Founder & CEO Women’s Startup Lab, Musstanser Tinauli – CEO Fori Inc & CDO Hayk AS, Fabienne Durand – Director of Sales Emetrop’ France, Andre Eidskrem - CEO and Founder at Arctic Circle Data Center (ACDC), Nicoletta Lacobacci - Global Technology & Ethics Advisor Transmedia Visionary, Gianfranco Pizzuto - Founder and CEO Automobili Estrema , Ryan Jiang- DCP Marcum LLP , Maurizio Rossi, Richard Heggem - Enterprise Account Manager at Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Part of the globally acclaimed ‘Oslo Innovation Week’, the ‘Curate Tomorrow’ is a collaborative initiative, which has been set in motion to bring together key global stakeholders to create an action-driven mandate for reversing climate damage within the next 10 years. The aim is to implement scalable climate-focused technologies, policy, ideas, and tested best practices across regions for a global impact.

Noman Azhar, Chief Officer of Zindigi powered by JS Bank, a digital banking initiative that is working on empowerment of Gen Z & millennials has joined as a founding Board Member. Having seen the devastation of the recent floods in Pakistan, Azhar brought his on-ground analysis to fellow board-members, climate change global leaders and participants from across the globe. During the session, he also shared Zindigi’s social entrepreneurship called Z – prize that aims to engage 100+ universities across Pakistan and provide students with the opportunity to showcase their ideas for combating social challenges.

Speaking at the venue, Noman Azhar stated, “This team brings together people who want to do more than talk and rather lead by example in the fight against climate change. I commend Dr. Musstanser Tinauli (Chief Digital Officer Hayk AS) and his team for putting together a powerful group of people from across the world.”

Dr. Tinauli, stated, “Words are simply just not enough anymore. We have gathered out of the necessity of climate action. If not now, then when?” He further added, “It takes a village to raise a child, climate change is the child that needs our undivided attention.”

Another founding member, Maurizio Rossi, said, “Sustainability has to define its identity as a ‘domain’ to become a meaningful ‘driving force’ of a number of subsets of application areas under the same purpose. Impact exists only if several hundreds of millions of people are touched. Most of today’s initiatives are found from the supply side of the equation even if their aim is to change the world. Human needs and desires represent the demand side, the right angle to start”

The event was hosted in the beautiful space of NIO House in Norway being joined by the local community as well as delegates from Japan, USA, Europe, Pakistan. Furthermore, the most recent meeting of the Think Tank was held during Oslo Innovation Week, the largest event of its kind across Nordics. The week saw over 400 participants from more than 50 countries.

6 Quick & Easy Egg Sandwich Recipes That Aren’t Boring

quick easy egg sandwich
Image Source: Sbs

Egg sandwiches are something we have been having since we probably began eating solids. So, sometimes they can get a bit redundant, making us turn towards non-healthy options. However, with these fun yet quick and easy egg sandwich recipes, you will be good to go and fall back in love:

Read more: M&M’s Announces An All New Flavour After A Decade

Why Are Eggs Important?

Your breakfast sandwich’s eggs perform important tasks. Choline, a B vitamin, helps to increase cognitive activity while protein helps you feel full. The bad news is that your favourite coffee shop’s or brunch spot’s on-the-go breakfast generally contains unhealthily high levels of fat, cholesterol, and calories.

1. Add Meat

Deli thins add a toasted crunch to this 350-calorie sandwich without adding too many extra carbs, and low-sodium turkey bacon will add more protein without adding as much fat as regular bacon. Antioxidant-rich sautéed bell peppers elevate this sandwich to an entirely different level.

quick easy egg sandwich
Image Source: Sip and Feast

2. Switch It Up With Egg Whites

Early in the morning, out the door? With egg white sandwiches, eating healthy for breakfast becomes second nature. Adding seasonal vegetables to the egg mixture before baking will add added flavour and nutrients. Switch out the yolk and you will feel a difference.

quick easy egg sandwich
Image Source: Raksha Kitchen

3. Put In Fancy Veggies

Prepare a breakfast that is rich in folate, a B vitamin found in asparagus that helps to reduce inflammation. Want to consume fewer carbohydrates? To transform this dish into a mouthwatering open-faced sandwich, think about using only one slice of multigrain bread. It is different after all!

4. Make Them Fluffier and Experiment With Cheese

In this classy open-faced sandwich, the omega-3-rich eggs takes centre stage. Before scrambling, whisk your eggs with skim milk to make them fluffier. If you’d rather avoid dairy altogether, omit the milk as well as the feta cheese.

5. Spinach Makes It Fancy

quick easy egg sandwich
Image Source: Simply Quinoa

Get your morning greens by enhancing a poached egg muffin with sautéed spinach and low-fat crème fraîche. Save this dish for when you have the time to thoroughly prepare and enjoy it because the poached egg must be served right after.

6. Mediterranean Egg Sandwich

quick easy egg sandwich
Image Source: Life hack

We have options for you if you’re checking your cholesterol levels or simply want something healthier. You don’t have to completely give up eating egg sandwiches. Simply omit the yolks and construct an egg white sandwich in their place. You won’t be able to tell that this specific recipe is a “healthier version” because it is so delicious. Add yoghurt and smoked tomatoes to it for the ultimate flavours!

Read more: 7 Healthy Chocolate Desserts You Can Trick Anyone Into Eating

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Video Games Can Trigger Heart Attacks In Kids, Study

video games heart attack
Image Source: New York Post

According to a new study, video games can also cause heart attacks in young children if they have untreated cardiac problems. This new discovery problematizes new video games even more so than before. There is a clear link between video games and poor heart health – for how long will we let it go?

Read more: Quality Streets Wrappers Are Getting A Makeover – Here’s How!

The Context

According to a study, video games can cause heart attacks in kids with untreated cardiac problems. Some infants are born with cardiac arrhythmia, an erratic heartbeat, and may not be aware of it unless a scan reveals it.

video games heart attack
Image Source: The Sun

In the UK, almost two million people have this illness, but they can nevertheless lead very normal lives. On the other hand, a flare-up can happen at any time and have serious repercussions, including loss of consciousness, cardiac arrest, and possibly even death. The untimely deaths of athletes have already been connected to these undiagnosed heart conditions, but now a connection has also been made with computer games.

What Was Discovered?

According to scientists, the disease can be brought on by excitement, adrenaline, and emotional investment. Data from various research studies were examined in the Heart Centre for Children in Sydney, Australia, and the connection was discovered.

video games heart attack
Image Source: Ro TV ONline

Lead researcher for the study, Dr. Claire Lawley, stated: “Video games may pose a major risk to some kids with arrhythmic problems. In patients with predisposing, but frequently previously undiagnosed arrhythmic disorders, they may be fatal.”

Frequent Checking Is Necessary

Children who suddenly pass out while playing video games need to be evaluated by a heart specialist because this could be the first indication of a serious cardiac condition.

The investigation found 22 instances where children playing video games led to a loss of consciousness, with multiplayer war games being the most often used game at the time of the occurrence.

video games heart attack
Image Source: Sky News

The adrenaline surge kids get from playing high-intensity games is thought to be what wakes up a dormant underlying heart problem in children. The researchers noted that vulnerable youth are most susceptible to cardiac events at moments of maximum emotional commitment, such as after a win or loss. Scientists are now urging parents to have their children get examined for potential heart problems if they have a history of passing out while playing video games.

Read more: Nike’s Latest Campaign Is Unleashing Every Child’s Athlete In Them

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Here’s How You Can Store Data For 1,000 Years

Science is changing the way how we store data for the upcoming years. When the data isn’t entrusted to cloud servers, it’s left on disks and drives and cards and an array of devices that aren’t designed to last longer than a decade. However, science is shaping the future of data by using DNA as a data storage mechanism.

The technology works with the challenge of protecting data against the elements over periods stretching out millions of years.

DNA And Data

While researches are being done in wake of efforts to sequence the human genome, synthesize DNA and develop gene therapies. Likewise, research into how we could store digital data inside strands of DNA has exploded over the past decade.

Image source: bbc

Scientists have already encoded films, books, and computer operating systems into DNA. Netflix has even used it to store an episode of its 2020 thriller series Biohackers.

This specific kind of DNA does not store the code from a human genome. Instead, it stores a digital representation of a museum. “That will last easily tens of years, maybe hundreds,” says Zielinski a senior scientist in human genomics at the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research.

“We’re running out of hardware. I think that industry can’t keep up with generating enough hard disks and servers to store all this data on.”

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Long-Term Data Storage

Marke Bathe, a professor of biological engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,  co-founded the start-up Cache DNA. The company allows access to biomolecules easily and safely. “The global threats facing humanity compel us to preserve both human-made information, such as art and science and the DNA of all living things on the planet, says Bathe.

Image source: ITpro

“That way, if life were to either be recreated here or otherwise transferred or imported from other planets and so forth, there would be records of what we did, and what we had.”

While storing a vast amount of data comes with its own set of challenges, to make it last longer, all that data must be actively maintained by regularly transferring it from one medium to another. Methods like DNA could offer not just longevity but certainty.

DNA is a natural choice here, says Bathe. “Nature has used DNA for many millennia to store information in the form of genomes,” he says. “It’s been around [for billions of years], it’s something that you can kind of bank on. As long as that’s the fundamental information storage medium of a species, like humans, then it’s going to be something that we know what to do with.”

How Data Is Converted Into DNA?

The digital data is converted into DNA while designing it in a form of a DNA alphabet. DNA is made up of four molecules known as nucleotides or bases: adenine (A), cytosine (C), guanine (G), and thymine (T), joined together in different sequences in a long string. The digital information is usually turned into DNA code by converting the 0s and 1s into these four letters, and then synthesising the DNA to match.

“You can use A to represent, for example, 00; T to represent 01; G to represent 10 and C, 11,” says Milenkovic. “Then you can take any digital content that exists classically on a disk or a tape or a flash, and convert it into a four-letter alphabet.”

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Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

5 Packing Hacks You Wish You Had Known Sooner

Packing for a trip can be an absolute nightmare. Even with plenty of travel experience, we still somehow can’t fit everything in our suitcase, leave things at home, or completely overpack and get a huge surprise at the airport when our luggage hits the scale.

Lucky for us, the Internet has a wide array of hacks available to help people pack their luggage efficiently. So we have compiled a list of packing hacks to make the dreaded process a breeze.

1. Invest In Fold Up Bags 

Fold-up toiletry bags are a great way to store all your essentials in a single space hence taking less space. Fold-up toiletry bags will help you keep everything tidy and easy to find. Most toiletry bags come with a hook to help you hang them. This will save you from placing the bag on what may be a dirty surface. It can double up as a first aid kit since the separate compartments help store different products in a single bag.

Image source: travel pack

2. Pack Heavy Items At The Bottom 

Pack all of your heavier items (shoes, cosmetic bags, etc.) at the bottom of your suitcase to make weaving through the airport crowds a breeze. This will not only help stabilize the suitcase but also reduce the risk of more delicate items being crushed.

Read More: 5 Pakistani Travel Vloggers You Need To Follow On Instagram

3. Skip Some Products 

Nowadays, you don’t have to pack your hair dryer, body lotion, nail file, Q-tips, etc – they come standard in many hotel rooms, especially at 4-5 star properties. On top of that, many have good quality shampoo and conditioner so you only need to bring your styling tools and products.

Image source: wanderbig

4. Skip Shoes & Bags

Shoes and bags are the bulkiest items you can pack on your trip, so don’t go overboard on how many pairs you take with you. One pair of extra-comfy shoes and another, a maximum of two pairs should be more than enough. Similarly, try to carry one or two functional bags at most to save extra space for your souvenirs.

5. Pack Categorically 

Most people sort their clothes by type of clothing. Packing without a strategy is a surefire way of messing up your bag from your first day on holiday. Before you know it, you’re left with a messy pile of clothes in your suitcase and you still can’t find that top. Pack your clothes in individual plastic bags and label them by day. This way you’ll always have your next outfit within reach.

Image source: ourtravelmix

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Have more tips to share with us? Let us know in the comments below.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Forgotten Dreams Can Become Reality

Up-and-coming filmmaker, Rafay Rumi has directed an Ad film that sheds light on different aspects of opportunities and challenges for women to own a house in a safe and encouraging environment. “While the Ad was produced by #FaisalTown to showcase an ideal ‘Rehnay Ki Jagah’ I have also attempted to boost the confidence of the women in our society whether young or old that there is no time or age to do or achieve what you want in life. I am proud to present this Ad film which shows women’s security, independence, safety, and the transition of thoughts from being isolated to taking ownership. I am also thankful to aur network, a new group of channels in the media & entertainment industry, that provided me with this chance.” said Rafay Rumi while talking to Brandsynario.

This approximately five minutes long Ad Film highlights the generational gap and the struggle of youth in coping with the gap to achieve something their forefathers had dreamt of. The story of the Ad Film narrates a woman’s life journey who was ambitious but married in a traditional family. As per convention, she was not allowed to go out alone and the chances of riding her husband’s bike were a distant dream if anything. Like many women in our society, she had to live under strict patriarchal family rules without ever having the courage to speak against the accepted values of the times. The early departure of her husband made things more challenging for her. She sacrificed her needs for the sake of her children’s wishes all her life. At last, there comes a day as hinted in a memory from her husband, when her only son is able to buy a new house in a well-established housing society for her and the next generation.

In this apparent moment of joy and happy transition, while leaving the generations-old rented house, she bursts into tears with the flashback of her husband’s memory foretelling exactly the same. After reaching the new house, her sweet sorrow turns into acceptance and happiness of a new life with the young generation. She now roams free in the new gated and secure community, with nobody stopping her from going anywhere. There is another emotional and unforgettable moment in the ad when her son and daughter-in-law encourage her to ride a bike, something she could’ve only dreamed of. Her girly charm is shown in her old age with a smile that is innocent and endearing as well as relatable for many children.

In short, #RehnayKiJagah is a treat to watch, and a surprise that Faisal Town took such an experimental approach to talking about real estate, without hard selling any project. The film truly depicts what Faisal Town stands for and offers its residents, which is freedom, security, and a sense of belonging for all. Dreams coming true in their own time and space is the central theme of this ad Film produced by aur Network.


Jazz Partners with OPay to Become the first Mobile Operator to Launch e-Pins on POS Machines

Jazz, Pakistan’s largest digital operator and the largest internet and broadband service provider, has partnered with OPay, a fast growing mobile payment Fintech company, to offer e-pin facility on point-of-sale (POS) machines through e-pins. Jazz is the first local digital operator to provide an e-pin service, in addition to scratch cards, offering customers a contemprorary approach to top-up their mobile credit.

Deploying Jazz e-pins on OPay’s current active footprint of 10,000 POSM enables consumers with a secure and user-friendly method to process top-up payments at frequently visited outlets such as petrol stations, pharmacies, and shopping stores. E-pins can be purchased from OPay’s POS-merchants and will be printed on the bill invoice to verify transaction. The goal of this strategic partnership is to increase e-pins to digitize channels across Pakistan, enhancing the customers experience. OPay has plans to widely expand its POS network and that would help a long way for the partnership to grow.

“This partnership further augments accessibility and convenience for our customers to purchase Jazz services through OPay’s secure and reliable platform. We will continue to forge partnerships to maintain optimum customer experience,” said Asif Aziz, Chief Commercial Officer, Jazz.

“After remarkable success in Africa, OPay, in conjunction with Jazz, is eager to make an impact in Pakistan by bringing a superior and innovative digital experience to accelerate the financial well-being of all Pakistani customers. Through this collaboration, Jazz will enable merchants to increase customer engagement and attract incremenetal customer traffic and revenue for their businesses”, said Zeb Khan, OPay Pakistan’s Vice President.

Ideas Great Winter Sale Goes LIVE Exclusively Online from October 12

Where ever you go you will find people discussing how the prices of everything are going sky rocket high and it is getting difficult to make ends meet leave aside do seasonal shopping; amid this Ideas has launched its Great Winter Sale exclusively online in which more than 5,000 products are available with discounts of up to 70% off.

Not only this Ideas has offered more than 1,000 exclusive products for the upcoming season in this winter sale. It is the perfect opportunity to fill our wardrobes and to shop for our homes to our heart’s content.

GulAhmed Unstitched Suits

GulAhmed is the name of quality and durability in fashion. The unstitched collection has something for every taste. You will find bold colours as well as subtle ones; geometrical patterns as well as floral prints; you name it and you will find that colour combination in the unstitched collection. We are sharing one of our favourites with you below:

This three-piece unstitched dress is sure to grab your attention. It is in a beautiful shade of blue; which is soothing to the eyes. You can pair it with the accessories of your choice and give it a more formal look for work or you can wear it simple for a quiet evening with your loved ones.

Ideas Pret

Ideas Pret offers hassle-free styling with ready-to-wear fashion. You get a blend of the finest in terms of cloth quality, design, and stitching. Below we are sharing our favourite from their website which gives you a sneak peek into what is on offer:

This is a formal embroidered kurta with printed silk dupatta. You can wear it to a formal function and be the center of attraction. The embroidered neckline with its intricate embroidery draws immediate attention towards the wearer. The trendy sleeves add on to the beauty of the dress. The digitally printed silk dupatta adds colours to the dress. It is a must have if you have an eye for perfection.

Ideas Home

Our home is a true reflection of our esthetic sense and taste. Ideas is there to help us decorate it in the most stylish fashion by providing us a variety to choose from cushions, bed spreads, towels and bath robes. Below we are sharing a bathrobe that caught our attention:

This bathrobe is made using staple combed cotton. It is soft, comfortable and highly absorbent. For convenience there are two front patch pockets on the robe. This bathrobe is suitable for both men and women.

Men’s Fashion

Ideas has made its presence felt in men fashion by providing the latest trends at economical rates; this has made shopping for men very easy and affordable. In this sale, Ideas has given amazing discounts on all types of menswear from trendy sweaters to attractive casual shirts and debonair GulAhmed Men’s Collection. We are sharing our favourite below:

Some things are always in fashion and demand; “wash and wear fabrics” being one of them. This dress is of premium quality and is available in a variety of colours at Ideas. It makes a perfect gift for your loved ones. It is a must have during this sale.

Shoes & Bags

Accessories add sparkle to our overall look. Ideas being well aware of this fact has ample designs in foot wear, scarves and bags to match our styling needs. We are sharing our top pick from the accessories section below:

The colour black is always in fashion and for the right reasons as it compliments your overall appearance like none other. These pointed black mules with silver sequins detailing on top will enhance the beauty of your dress and give it a formal feel. These mules should be a part of your winter shoe closet.

Kids Fashion

We all know that kids need more clothes then grown ups for their never-ending adventures to continue. At Ideas you will get an amazing collection of kids clothes for both boys and girls. Made with super comfortable material, kids fashion by Ideas gives parents the ease of keeping their little ones in style without any compromise on comfort. We are sharing our favourite from the kids’ section below:

We know you want to grab this dress out of the screen and see your little princess wearing it in the wink of an eye. The tiered detailing and floral print will surely grab compliments from everyone.

This sale begins on Oct 12 at midnight, exclusively online on gulahmedshop.com. Ideas is offering flat PKR 99 delivery fee in Pakistan. You get all this with a 30-day worry-free exchange policy. Good news for international shoppers! Global shipping is FREE after USD 400. This is what we call a “not to be missed” sale of the year!

Bonanza Satrangi’s Mist Heavily Inspired by Victoria’s Secret

bonanza satrangi

In the world of marketing, big brands rip off small ones all the time. Particularly in the beauty and fashion industry, plagiarism has become quite a common phenomenon.

Seemingly, nothing is original now when it comes to brand and they need to borrow/steal ideas in order to thrive. The practice continues to thrive, no matter how much it is looked down upon.

Huawei Just Trolled Oppo & it’s Hilarious!

Recently, a case surfaced on social media in which Bonanza Satrangi was accused of copying the leading American brand, Victoria’s Secret.

Apparently, the packaging of the mists launched by Bonanza Satrangi is heavily inspired by the global beauty brand.

The similarity is not even uncanny and buyers are easily spotting the resemblance in the size, shape and creative design.

The mist bottles are clearly a Xerox copy of each other!


While the packaging appeals to the eye and is bound to attract the target market, it remains a replica of Victoria’s Secret.

Reviews of Bonanza Satrangi’s mists that have poured in on social media with women praising the scent and lauding the variants.

However, fans of the brand are disappointed that Bonanza couldn’t come up with something original.

Coca-Cola Rejecting This Graduate is the COOLEST Thing You Will See Today!

What do you think of the packaging of Bonanza Satrangi’s mist?

Let us know in the comments below.

Movie Screening Of The Magnum Opus, The Legend Of Maula Jatt

Karachi, October 10, 2022: The special media screening of ‘THE LEGEND OF MAULA JATT’ was held here earlier today at Atrium Cinemas. The cream of print and social media could be seen hobnobbing with one another as they gathered to witness the much-awaited cinematic masterpiece before its official release nationwide.

It can be said without a doubt that each and every one who saw the movie came out entranced by its magnificence. They had nothing but glowing tributes to pay about the film which they also recorded in their interviews and on the comment cards. Press invitees could be seen taking their own photos against the backdrop of the media wall.

It may be noted that The Legend of Maula Jatt is directed by Bilal Lashari, known for his directorial debut with ‘Waar’ and produced by Ammara Hikmat under the joint venture of Encyclomedia & Lashari Films in association with AAA Motion Pictures. The screenplay is by Bilal Lashari and dialogues have been penned down by Nasir Adeeb.

The filmmakers have partnered with Pakistan’s largest media conglomerate and an important contributor to the revival of Pakistani cinema, Geo Films as their presenting partner. The film will be locally distributed by Nadeem Mandviwalla of Mandviwalla Entertainment, who is well known for his work and contribution to the cinema over the decades, and internationally the film will be distributed by MovieGoers Entertainment.

M&M’s Announces An All New Flavour After A Decade

m&ms new flavour
Image Source:Candy room sweet

M&Ms just released a new flavour after a decade and it has put people in a frenzy. Everybody wants to know about the latest flavour that will now be enjoyed in the M&Ms pack. The latest flavour is also represented by a new colour whose personality might be teaching us something new. Read all about what has just come out:

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New M&M Flavours

People are already inconsolable over the news that M&Ms, the famous candy that most people will characterise as meh before eating an entire bag in two minutes, will soon be available in a new flavour called Caramel Cold Brew.

m&ms new flavour
Image Source:Business Insider

The new M&M taste, which will be a “wonderful blend of smooth, powerful coffee flavour and sweet, chewy caramel, covered in a class M&M’s milk chocolate and wrapped in a colourful candy shell,” was announced by the Mars candy company via their website. According to PR Newswire, the Caramel Cold Brew M&Ms will be available starting in February 2023 and will remain in the candy’s repertoire. This will be M&M’s second coffee-flavored product; the first was a limited-edition espresso version that will be sold this month.

The New Colour: Purple

​​M&M’s is presenting Purple, its newest anthropomorphized mascot, to celebrate Caramel Cold Brew as the newest member of the thin candy shell family. Purple, who has previously made a few YouTube appearances and is voiced by actor Amber Ruffin, is “renowned for embracing her genuine self, expressing acceptance, and honesty.”

m&ms new flavour
Image Source: Sprudge

It’s a great message, albeit perhaps overly sweet and employed to promote commercial chocolate. Additionally, some conservative journalists despise it.

Is Purple Trans?

m&ms new flavour
Image Source:Cnet

Does this mean that Purple might be transgender? This was recently announced on the One America News network. This is the TV network most known for rotting your grandpa’s brain! This carries on the trend established by Tucker Carlson, who once conducted a news programme on the “sexy boots” (in his words) of the Green M&M, of conservative TV personalities caring way, far too much about the gender of fictitious candy mascots.

Read more: Quality Streets Wrappers Are Getting A Makeover – Here’s How!

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Pictures: Marriott’s New $600 Million Headquarters Has Finally Opened Its Doors

Image Source: Yahoo

It appears the era of the work-from-home has finally ended as the pandemic subsides and people return to offices. Marriott is especially doing its part to ensure the people return to their offices and how are they doing it? Only by building a million-dollar building that entices workers to return. Read about it here:

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What’s Going On?

After more than two years of primarily working from home, Marriott International Inc (MAR.O) hopes that its new $600 million high-rise headquarters will persuade employees to come back. 

marriott headquarters
Image Source: Travel Weekly

The facility close to Washington, D.C. opened on Monday by the American hotel company. The company owns and operates around 8,100 hotels in 139 countries. In Bethesda, Maryland’s downtown, Marriott International’s world headquarters has officially opened after six years of planning, designing, and building. The new corporate headquarters for approximately 8,100 hotels in 139 countries and territories is a 21-story, 785,000-square-foot, LEEDv4 Gold-certified structure.

marriott headquarters
Image Source: Commercial web

Bringing Workers Back

Employees will want to come back, Marriott Chief Executive Anthony Capuano told Reuters. “People long for that interaction, according to Capuano. I’m not convinced we need to exert that much effort. 20% of fixed workstations were converted into “collaboration spaces” during development by Marriott”.

marriott headquarters
Image Source: Meetings net
Image Source: Yahoo

Capuano observed, “We find that more and more of the work we’re doing is projects spanning disciplines—sometimes for a day, sometimes for a week, sometimes for a year or more. The 21-story corporate headquarters include an 11,000 square foot child care facility, 180 meeting spaces, a luxurious café, and a design studio.”

What Is It Meant For?

Although Capuano noted that attendance is not compulsory, Marriott is “encouraging folks to be here many days a week — and not only for meetings,” according to Capuano. Marriott’s new headquarters site, including the Marriott Downtown at Marriott HQ hotel right next door, builds connectivity, collaboration, growth, ideation, and well-being.

marriott headquarters
Image Source: Bernstein company
Image Soure: Yahoo

Around 3,500 people can work at the new headquarters. On an average workday, over 1,000 people, according to Capuano, are present.

Sharing Spaces

The majority of places are shared. Moreover, employees use an app to reserve a desk in a “neighbourhood” near other employees with comparable occupations and the ability to use a locker for storage.

Read more: 5 Pakistani Travel Vloggers You Need To Follow On Instagram

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Study Shows Rich People Tend To Live Longer Than Poor – Here’s Why!

Image Source: NY Post

Money might not buy happiness but it sure can buy a longer life. It’s good to be rich in old age. According to a new study, wealthy men and women don’t only live longer, but they also get eight to nine more healthy years than those living below the means.

Scientists from the Epidemiology and Public Health Area (CIBERESP) of the Networking Biomedical Research Centre (CIBER-ISCIII) in Spain have reported that poorer people live between three and four years less than wealthier individuals.

The team of researchers from the National Centre of Epidemiology of the ISCIII, the Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada, the University of Granada, and the Andalusian School of Public Health collaborated to develop the first-ever “life tables” in Spain. These charts were designed while keeping in mind the socioeconomic levels.

Money Helps People Live Longer 

The study analyzed the relationship between socioeconomic levels and life expectancy. According to the study, women and men living in the poorest areas of Spain tend to live between 3.2 and 3.8 years less, respectively. Compared to their more well-off counterparts in the richest areas.

Researchers also calculated that women, on average, live 5.6 years longer than men (82.9 years for women, 77.3 for men). Per Spanish province, life expectancies tend to be longer in the north of the peninsula and the provincial capitals, in comparison to rural areas.

Image source: clubthrifty

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The 35,960 census tracts in Spain collected during the 2011-2013 period were assessed for mortalities. The model was stratified according to sex, age group, and socioeconomic levels.

Socioeconomic Status Index 

The socioeconomic levels were decided using an index developed by the Spanish Society of Epidemiology. This index included information from six primary indicators related to employment and education including,

  • Percentage of manual workers (both employed and unemployed)
  • Casual workers
  • Percentage of the population without secondary education
  • Main residences without internet access.

“Understanding the association between life expectancy and socioeconomic status could help in developing appropriate public health programs. Furthermore, the life tables we produced are needed to estimate cancer-specific survival measures by socioeconomic status,” says Daniel Redondo, a researcher from the CIBERESP at the Biosanitary Research Institute of Granada and the Andalusian School of Public Health, in a media release.

“Our life tables are essential to calculating life expectancy and estimating cancer survival, as inequalities in this disease persist and have a financial impact on health care costs,” explains María José Sánchez, head of the group of the CIBERESP at the Andalusian School of Public Health.

The life tables research will help Spain to evaluate and understand other chronic illnesses and cancers with the introduction of a health inequality perspective.

Similar research has been conducted by UK and America over the past few years. A similar study conducted in collaboration with the UK and American universities studied how well-known factors including education, social class and wealth. The study predicted how long a person would live free of conditions that might impair them from activities such as getting out of bed or cooking for themselves — the study’s definition of “disability-free” and “healthy.”

Read More: Here’s How Lifting Weights May Help You Live Longer

It was concluded that wealthy men and women generally have eight to nine more years of “disability-free” life after age 50 than poor people do.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

This Solar-Powered Electric Car Removes Carbon From The Air

TU Eindhoven student team TU/Ecomotive has developed a sustainable electric passenger car that captures more carbon dioxide (CO₂) than it emits while driving. It is a prototype, called Zem, that purifies the air through a special filter. By storing the captured CO₂ and then disposing of it, Zem can contribute to reducing global warming. The students will continue to improve the vehicle in the coming years, to make it carbon-neutral for its entire life cycle and eventually hit the road.

Zem – The Carbon Footprint Controller 

Ten Zem cars can store as much carbon as an average tree due to their capacity to capture 2 kilograms of CO₂ through a special filter at 20,000 travel miles per year. While it may not seem like much, the overall payoff is significant if you were to soon implement it on a large scale in every passenger car, the team says.

Image source: cnn

The filter through which the outside air flows is unique. Meanwhile, the students are currently in the process of applying for a patent for this innovation. “It is still a proof-of-concept, but we can already see that we will be able to increase the capacity of the filter in the coming years. Capturing CO₂ is a prerequisite for compensating for emissions during production and recycling,” explains team manager Louise de Laat.

Read More: Pakistan’s beleaguered auto industry walks into the ‘survival of the fittest’ Mode

“We want to tickle the industry by showing what is already possible. And working together. If 35 students can design, develop and build an almost carbon-neutral car in a year, then there are also opportunities and possibilities for the industry.” Says Nikki Okkels, external relations manager at TU/Ecomotive.

“We call on the industry to pick up the challenge, and of course, we are happy to think along with them. We’re not finished developing yet either, and we want to take some big steps in the coming years. We warmly invite car manufacturers to come and take a look.”

Bi-Directional Charging 

Another latest technology offered by Zem is bi-directional charging. The bi-directional charging technology makes it possible for cars to provide energy to houses when no renewable energy is being generated at that moment.

Image source: callmatters

The bi-directional charging technology has been paired with solar panels that are implemented on the roof of the car. In this way, Zem makes use of both the batteries and the space on the roof to make the vehicle and its surroundings more sustainable, even when it is not driving.

Read More: Changi Airport Singapore To Get A New Terminal & It Will Be A Sight Worth Seeing

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Daraz Pakistan hosts Seller Summit 2022

Daraz, the country’s leading e-commerce platform, hosted their Seller Summit 2022 in Karachi on October 08, 2022. These annual events are organised with the objective of connecting directly with sellers of their platform, educate them about recent changes made in policies and guidelines to benefit them and assist in providing consumers with a more fulfilling experience.

Prior to Karachi, a summit was also held in Lahore and the events collectively saw participation of over 1500 sellers. The attending sellers were also briefed about the upcoming 11.11 sale through key insights, shopper behaviour and trends to help them unlock growth during this grand e-commerce event. This was the first seller summit to be held in-person post-pandemic as the previous two were conducted virtually. Daraz also plans on hosting meetups in Faisalabad and Peshawar in coming days, to continue engaging with their seller community. A meetup in Islamabad was organised last week.

While addressing the sellers, it was shared that this year has seen a 38% increase in sales, 37% increase in orders and 36,000+ monthly active sellers. It was also revealed that a budget of PKR 700 million+ has been set aside for rewarding new sellers in order to incentivize them for maintaining quality performance. As a platform, Daraz connects over 20 million users monthly to more than 200,000 sellers has invested over $100 million in the last three years to build an e-commerce ecosystem and the infrastructure to support this growth for years to come in the country. This year, there has been special focus on growing Daraz’s seller base in smaller cities, which has shown great results such as 329 sellers in Daska, 180 sellers in Hayatabad, 467 sellers in Mian Channu and 385 sellers in Swat. Currently, it is the fourth largest platform in Pakistan after Google, Facebook and TikTok.

“Our seller community is the backbone of Daraz, which is why we ensure that we continue engaging with them regularly and introducing initiatives that support their growth. Training sellers about best practices to follow for customer excellence and sharing our own learnings would not only benefit individuals but the overall e-commerce ecosystem in the country. In the last three years, the average income of our sellers has increased by 70%. Our vision for our sellers is to create not just businesses, but legacies that they can pass on to their future generations.” said Ehsan Saya, Managing Director, Daraz Pakistan.

Sunny Ali, founder and CEO, Extreme Commerce attended the event as a special guest where he stated “Daraz’s commitment towards building a concrete foundation for Pakistan’s e-commerce industry is commendable. By encouraging new entrepreneurs to start their online journey, while educating them and extending support every step of the way, they are opening up new avenues for economic growth in the country.”

“Every year, we organise these summits to help our sellers prepare for the upcoming grand 11.11 sale, which has over the years become the most awaited shopping event in the country. This year, we have already seen immense growth on our platform which ultimately benefits our sellers and aids in their success. We are preparing to make this year’s 11.11 bigger and better than previous years, and are hopeful our insights would help sellers achieve much more business.” shared Muhammad Ammar Hassan, Chief Marketing Officer, Daraz Pakistan.

Standard Chartered join hands with IGI Life and EFU Life for Bancassurance

Standard Chartered Bank (SCBPL) signed a memorandum of understanding with EFU Life Assurance Limited and IGI Life Insurance Limited whereby these partner companies will deploy dedicated sales staff at Standard Chartered branches for cross selling of insurance solutions to the Bank’s client base. This alliance is a response to the ever-evolving needs of the clients and is expected help support the Bank’s goal towards providing a full suite of wealth management services.

The signing ceremony was attended by Standard Chartered Pakistan’s CEO – Rehan Shaikh, Head CPBB – Saadya Riaz, and Head Wealth Management – Kailash Kumar, along with Taher Sachak, CEO EFU Life Assurance Limited, Mohammed Ali Ahmed, Deputy Managing Director EFU Life, and Ali Nadim Deputy CEO IGI Life Insurance Limited with their respective teams.

Rehan M. Shaikh, CEO Standard Chartered Pakistan commented, “Through the deepening of this relationship between the Bank and insurance providers, we aim to improve product awareness, especially among the financially marginalised segments of society. We believe in creating value and convenience for our clients and continue to provide cutting-edge financial solutions. We at the Bank expect synergistic enhancements to result from this deepened partnership and are optimistic that it will help drive the Bank’s insurance business into a new era.”

The CEOs of both insurance companies also emphasised the benefits of this partnership with Standard Chartered, and the potential opportunity available to all three organisations with the launch of this new sales model, and the learnings that have been possible for them through Standard Chartered’s global network.

Mr. Taher G. Sachak, CEO EFU Life Assurance Limited said, “Standard Chartered Bank was our first Bancassurance partner and we are delighted to have the Standard Chartered partnership take a new direction. EFU Life and SCBPL share the same vision of creating value and convenience for the Bank’s affluent customer base through customised offerings, targeted to the need of this segment. We admire the success of our existing Bancassurance relationship, and I am confident that this new initiative will further enhance the association and position Standard Chartered as a key player in Bancassurance”.

Ali Nadim, Deputy CEO IGI Life Insurance added, “We are gratified with our partnership with SCBPL in our mission to offer tailor made savings and protection solutions to our customers, and encourage a healthier lifestyle through our Vitality benefits. Vitality is a personalised program that helps our clients achieve their wellness goals by rewarding them for making better choices with a premium range of health, lifestyle and leisure benefits. With our new partnership with SCBPL, we look forward to enhancing the suite of wealth management opportunities available for our customers.”

realme C25Y is Making Waves in the Market with a Brand New Price of PKR 28,999/-

In the month of October, realme has brought an exciting deal for its loyal fans. For the duration of the month, the popular handset, realme C25Y’s price has been slashed from the previous PKR 30,999/- to PKR 28,999/-. This allows vigilant customers to bring home their own realme C25Y device with amazing savings of PKR 2,000/-. Only three weeks remain for lucky consumers to avail this incredible offer as stock is limited and you might end up missing out if you ponder on it for too long. The C-series lineup of smartphones is massively popular in Pakistan, being known for providing high value for a lower price tag, leading to massive sales for C-series smartphones. The realme C25Y is no exception, garnering incredible sales by delivering all day performance wrapped up in a chic aesthetic line design.

The realme C25Y comes equipped with a 5000mAh mega battery and is able to support 18W Quick Charging technology. This combination works together to ensure that your device has a long-lasting battery life which can be replenished with ease with help from the Quick Charging adapter. Even at 5% battery, the realme C25Y strives to give all day performance with its Super Power Saving Mode. This mode allows you to stay on call for 2.21 hours, listen to music for 6.17 hours, and can be left on standby for an impressive 59.35 hours so that even in emergencies you can stretch out the use of your smartphone’s basic features. The processing capability of the realme C25Y is elevated by the inclusion of a powerful Unisoc T610 processor.

This competent processor allows you to multitask on the realme C25Y with ease, never compromising on delivering smooth and reliable performance. The handset also comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB ROM for smooth processing and storage. For photography enthusiasts, the realme C25Y is built with a 50MP AI Triple Camera setup, featuring a main 50MP sensor, a 2MP black and white sensor, as well as a 2MP macro sensor to allow you to capture highly detailed images of smaller subjects. Selfie enthusiasts need not worry as the realme C25Y also features a capable 8MP selfie camera which is powered by a premium sensor, delivering stunning results.

The realme C25Y is the perfect smartphone for your daily needs. The budget-friendly option goes above and beyond to ensure the promise of all day performance. The limited time price drop offer on the realme C25Y is only valid for the month of October so act fast because this is one offer you don’t want to miss. You can purchase the realme C25Y in local stores as well as online on our official store on Daraz!

Pakistan Cricket Board Announced the Schedule of New Zealand Tour

New Zealand’s dual tours of Pakistan

After hosting full-strength Australia and England, Pakistan is all set to welcome New Zealand for a full-fledged series in two parts. The schedule of New Zealand tour has been announced by PCB today. The ICC World Test Champions will play two test matches as part of the ICC World Test Championship, and three ODIs which will be part of the ICC Men’s Cricket World Cup Super League from 27 December to 15 January. They will return for the second leg in April, in which they will play five T20Is and five ODIs from 13 April to 7 May.

The first test match in Karachi (27-31 December) will be New Zealand men’s team’s first game on Pakistan soil since 2003. The Karachi Test will also be New Zealand’s first test match in the city since October 1990 when Wasim Akram and Waqar Younis rattled New Zealand’s batting line up sharing 15 wickets. New Zealand last played a test match in Pakistan in May 2002 Test in Lahore, where Inzamam-ul-Haq scored a memorable 329 and Shoaib Akhtar recorded first innings figures of 8.2-4-11-6.

In September and October of 2021, the New Zealand cricket team visited Pakistan to compete in three One Day Internationals (ODIs) and five Twenty20 Internationals (T20Is). However, on the morning of the first ODI New Zealand Cricket (NZC) reported a security threat, which led to the cancellation of the entire tour. Nonetheless, both cricket boards agreed in December 2021 to play extra matches in Pakistan in April 2023 to compensate for the canceled tour.

The first leg of the tour for two Tests and three ODIs is part of the ICC’s FTP (Future Tours Programme), while the second leg in April/May is to make up for the abandoned September 2021 tour.

Zakir Khan, PCB Director – International Cricket, said while announcing the tour itinerary, “New Zealand is one of the high-performing sides and the more we will play against the top teams in our backyard, the better we will get as a unit, which is crucial to our objective of featuring inside the top-three across all formats. The New Zealand matches will also provide opportunities to our youngsters to continue to watch and follow their favourite players in action, something they have missed when we were forced to play our international cricket offshore.”

New Zealand will begin the second leg of the Pakistan tour in Karachi with four T20Is (13, 15, 16, and 19 April), followed by the fifth T20I and two ODIs in Lahore (23, 26, and 28 April) and the last three ODIs will be played in Rawalpindi (1, 4 and 7 May).

David White, New Zealand Cricket Chief Executive, expressed his excitement about the upcoming tour, “The BLACKCAPS are very much looking forward to the dual tours. New Zealand and Pakistan share a terrific history in international cricket and there is genuine respect between the two teams as well as the two boards.”

He added, “I know our players can’t wait to arrive and savour the experience of playing in Karachi, Multan, Lahore and Rawalpindi –places that carry a great cricketing heritage.”

New Zealand will be the third high-profile cricket side to tour Pakistan in 2022, after Australia and England. Australia toured Pakistan in March/April, for the first time in twenty-four years. They competed in three tests, three one-day internationals, and one Twenty20 international. Followed by the England team, who visited Pakistan after 17 years and played seven Twenty20 Internationals in the first leg last month. They will return in late November after T20 World Cup, for test matches in Rawalpindi, Multan, and Karachi in December.

Compete Tour itinerary of Pakistan v New Zealand:

27-31 Dec – 1st Test, Karachi (ICC World Test Championship)

4-8 Jan – 2nd Test, Multan (ICC World Test Championship)

11 Jan – 1st ODI, Karachi (ICC Super League)

13 Jan – 2nd ODI, Karachi (ICC Super League)

15 Jan – 3rd ODI, Karachi (ICC Super League)

13 Apr – 1st T20I, Karachi

15 Apr – 2nd T20I, Karachi

16 Apr – 3rd T20I, Karachi

19 Apr – 4th T20I, Karachi

23 Apr – 5th T20I, Lahore

26 Apr – 1st ODI, Lahore

28 Apr – 2nd ODI, Lahore

1 May – 3rd ODI, Rawalpindi

4 May – 4th ODI, Rawalpindi

7 May – 5th ODI, Rawalpindi

Enhance Your TV Experience with TCL Mini LED TV C835

If you are looking for a new TV set that features all the latest technology and makes a perfect centerpiece for your living room, you need to check out TCL 2022 new Google TV C835. With its superb picture and sound quality, the C835 is an excellent TV for anyone who wants to watch their favorite shows, movies, and sports. Also, it’s a smart TV, and you can use it to browse the internet or stream content from your favorite apps.

TCL C835 – the ultimate TV for movie lovers

Thanks to its 4K HDR picture with Dolby Atmos and IMAX Enhanced certification, you will be completely immersed in your favorite movies. In addition to being stylish, this model also has many energy-efficient features: it consumes less power than other types of TVs. Here are some of its main features:

Embraced by the New Technologies:

Great Connectivity:

C835 has all you need to connect it to your other devices. It supports Wi-Fi 5 (2.4G+5G) and Bluetooth 5.0 for wireless connectivity, HDMI2.1*4 for wired connectivity, and USB3.0*1 for wired device connection with the help of an adapter cable or dongle.

The picture quality is superior, with a resolution of 3840*2160 pixels and a contrast ratio of 7000:1. It also comes with a 4K TV tuner so that you can watch your favorite shows in crystal clear quality.

Mini LED TV with Local Dimming:

The backlight of the TCL Mini LED TV is composed of 240-360 zones (which vary in size), enabling the screen to reproduce a surprising amount of detail. The backlight local dimming technology can significantly improve the blooming phenomenon of the edge and lets you see every hair in your favorite actor’s beard.

Quantum Dot:

C835 has a neatly crafted screen that also utilizes Quantum Dot technology. Unlike regular LEDs, which emit light in all directions, quantum dots emit light only upwards, meaning they can be placed on top of a television screen without affecting its picture quality.


HDR10+ is a new HDR format that allows for dynamic metadata, unlike the static metadata of HDR10. Because it’s an open standard, TCL’s C835 can play HDR10+ files from any source: discs, streaming services (like Netflix and Amazon Video).

Dolby Vision IQ:

Dolby Vision IQ is an intelligent video processing technology that optimizes the quality of your video. It adjusts brightness and contrasts to enjoy a richer, more vibrant picture with greater clarity, sharpness, and detail.

144Hz VRR:

With this non-interlaced display, you can enjoy a fast refresh rate of up to 144Hz, which means smoother transitions between images. The faster your screen can refresh its content, the more fluid it will feel, and the clearer your visuals will be.

IMAX Enhanced:

The TCL C835 series of TVs includes IMAX Enhanced technology. It is not a specific format but a set of technologies that improve the quality of the picture on the TV.

Dolby Atmos:

Dolby Atmos is a surround sound technology that creates a three-dimensional sound environment. Dolby Atmos uses two or more overhead speakers to provide additional sounds, such as raindrops or birds chirping from above.

Dolby Atmos is also a high-quality audio format that allows you to enjoy surround sound for movies and TV shows like never before.

Because of these enhancements, you’ll feel like you’re watching movies in theaters again!

Intelligent Functions: Super Convenient!

The C835 has a built-in Google Assistant, allowing you to connect and control your TV with just your voice.

The integration allows you to take advantage of Google’s vast ecosystem, making it easy to cast your content from a mobile device or laptop onto the screen.

This one is worth considering if you’re looking for a new TV!


We hope this post has given you all the information you need to decide whether the TCL Mini LED TV C835 suits you. If it is, then we highly recommend purchasing one today!

It’s Time to Enhance the photographic experience with world’s first 60MP OIS + EIS front camera – Infinix ZERO 20!

The importance of photos and videos in today’s era cannot be neglected as it shapes the understanding and perception of people present across the web. Not being restricted for special occasions only, photos and videos serve as a form of self-expression on social media which is now widely used by people every day. To fulfill this purpose, everyone desires an exceptional camera phone in order to capture, share and relive their experiences altogether. But it’s also safe to say that there are less to no incomparable camera phones present in the market which can empower its users to be a frontrunner in terms of photography and videography. Whereas on the other hand, Infinix just has the world’s first 60MP OIS+EIS enabled camera phone up its sleeve, Infinix ZERO 20; for fulfilling all the desires of photography and videography enthusiasts.

The newest member of the Infinix ZERO Family- Infinix ZERO 20 is considered to be the best camera phone within a blink of eye! It has the first of its kind 60 MP front camera supporting Dual Image Stabilization I.e. Optical Image Stabilization (OIS) and Electronic Image Stabilization (EIS). One can capture the stable most videos with the smoothest transitions possible with this special feature while being on the move. Users would just have to turn on the ‘’Ultra-Steady Mode” in order to activate dual Image Stabilization.

The front camera is also equipped with Auto Focus that can auto focus objects quickly and accurately every time. It allows users to capture their selfies with notable and crisp details. Offering further features such as a super night mode and dual front flashlight which sensitively captures sharp outline of objects even in the low light. Moreover, Infinix ZERO 20’s front camera is assisted by artificial intelligence (AI) in a way that it instantly identifies the user’s surroundings and different light shades in an effort to select the most appropriate settings for a high-quality shot.

Whether someone is an admirer of nature or a person who wants to save every little detail around him, the 60 MP OIS+EIS enabled front camera has an array of promising in-built camera features to ensure detailed most photographs and videos. This tailored and first of its kind camera phone is about to launch soon so, it’s better to mark those calendars in order for the launch of Infinix ZERO with World’s first 60 MP OIS and EIS enabled front camera.