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This Controversial Wristband Lets Your Boss Know Your Mood

Image Source: Wareables

In the 21st Century, when surveillance and privacy are the most common concern of everyone, another controversial gadget has resurfaced. Initially, we were only worried about apps, messengers, and social media websites tracking our data that we choose to put out. However, a wristband will manage to track your inner-most thoughts and let your executives know about your mood.

Image Source: Wareables

What Is This Mood-Tracking Wristband About?

Moodbeam, which refers to itself as a surveillance technology for the sake of your well-being, has the capability to let your employer know about your mood. The company is a startup from the UK which describes the gadget as something that will track your mood and let your supervisor know. In retrospect, it would not be wrong to consider that of worn collectively; the gadget would also enable it for employers to evaluate and measure the workplace satisfaction of their employees as a whole, which would directly influence their productivity.

How Can The Device Measure Our Moods?

As per the description available on Moodbeams’ website, the wristband has several buttons that can be pressed on by the person wearing it and would let your boss know how you feel.

“Press yellow when you’re feeling positive, blue when you’re feeling negative. As well as happiness, you can use Moodbeam to measure pain, happiness, or your level of motivation.” as Moodbeam describes on the website.

This would help the employer track how happy and unhappy their workers are and assist them in finding out how much they need to work on the working environment provided to the employees.

Why Would It Be Controversial?

The wristband is controversial because moods and innermost thoughts are intimate information about ourselves, and it crosses that boundary. Not everyone is comfortable with logging their moods and let everyone around them know how they are feeling and considering how the brand is positioning itself; as a tool that would let their employer know how the workers are feeling, many fear companies would make it a compulsory gadget rather than a voluntary move.

Last year, certain apps on the iPhone became controversial after it was revealed that they were allegedly leaking data of their users. This same concern could be the case for Moodbeam, too, considering there is very minimum information on how they would be able to log people’s moods in their cloud storage or whether that information would be shared with anyone or not.

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5 Best Online Grocery Shopping Sites & Apps In Pakistan

If there is anything that the pandemic has done, it has emphasized the importance of going digital. Currently, the world’s biggest company is an e-commerce store that has a revenue that is far more than the budgets and expenditures of numerous countries combined. Even its founder, Jeff Bezos has been able to make so much wealth that he is amongst one of the richest people in modern history.

Image Source: Daraz PK

Online Grocery Shopping In Pakistan:

Pakistani companies and grocery stores have shown great interest in shifting towards online shopping. This offers their customers shopping from the comfort of their homes which is very convenient especially for groceries for which you’d normally have to go physically to the stores.

Some of the best stores that have been providing online grocery shopping will be discussed in this article.

1. Naheed Supermarket:

Naheed supermarket is famous for offering convenient in-store shopping to its customers, however they recently branched out and started to offer grocery delivery online too. You can visit their website anytime and choose amongst an entire range of local and international products and have them delivered to your home.

2. Pandamart:

Started by the online food delivery service provider Foodpanda, Pandamart was made to make the delivery of essential for its customer convenient amid pandemic. Due to the fact that Pandamart enabled it for people to stay at home even for their essentials, the service made a lot of name in a short period of time also because of the fact that it is a subsidiary of Foodpanda.

3. Daraz:

It is impossible that you think of e-commerce stores in Pakistan and not think about Daraz. Daraz has been a great service for the delivery of non-essential products, however with time they started to introduce snacks, groceries, diapers, milk, etc which made it very easy for people to get their monthly and weekly groceries delivered at home.

4. Imtiaz Supermarket:

Known for its huge crowds and long queues of customers who want to avail lowest prices on their essentials and grocery shopping, Imtiaz Supermarket is a huge superstore chain of Pakistan. They also opted for moving towards online shopping which helps their customers to order whatever they need from their homes. For many, this was a dream come true as it made it eradicated the need to visit their stores physically and spend an enormous amount of time, grocery shopping.

5. HumMart:

HUM Tv made a lot of names by making dramas and telefilms that captured a lot of viewership internationally. However, they also decided to ride the e-commerce wave and offered to deliver groceries and essentials online. They also have managed to get recent reviews from their customers online.

How has your experience been with online grocery shopping in Pakistan?

Let us know under the comments.

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Esra Bilgic Has A Surprise For Her Pakistani Fans!

esra bilgic pakistan
Image Source: Geo.tv

Esra Bilgic, or shall we say Halime Sultan, has just shared a hint which suggests she might be in our home country! Are Pakistanis ready to be surprised?

Esra Bilgic Has A Surprise For Her Pakistani Fans!
Image Source: Express Tribune

Sneaking In News

Esra Bilgic recently shared a photo of the Islamia University Peshawar on not one but two social media platforms. This has us convinced that she wants people to get the hint. Otherwise, why post the same thing on two platforms?

The leading Turkish actress shared a picture of the glorious university and captioned her romantic picture with “city of flowers.” Bilgic proceeded to share the same picture on her Twitter, too, with the same caption.

Girl’s Got Photography Skills!

We’re not sure whether the picture posted is taken by herself or is it just one she has put up. But if it is the former, then it seems Esra Bilgic is a woman of many talents. See the pictures here!

esra bilgic pakistan
Image Source: The News

Fans Are Speculating

The pictures posted, especially of a university in Peshawar, has her fans speculating whether the famed actress is on Pakistani ground. This has gotten people excited because this would probably make the 5th person from the cast of Ertugrul to reach Pakistan.

Whether she is here right now or expected to come in the future, one thing is for sure! The welcome that she will receive from Pakistanis will probably never be surpassed throughout her professional career. After Engin Altan, Nurettin Sonmez aka Bamsi and Ayberk Pekcan aka Artuk bey have graced our homeland too.

esra bilgic pakistan
Image Source: Dunya News

The repeated visits of Turkish actors, especially that from Ertugrul, are not in vain. They are a sign of growing friendly ties between the two countries, proving to be fruitful for Pakistan.

Future Endorsements

Moreover, according to some reports, Esra Bilgic’s collaboration with Pakistani based agencies will only continue in the future. She is rumored to become the brand ambassador for Peshawar Zalmi in the Pakistan Super League (PSL). However, it can not be said yet as to whether she will arrive in Pakistan for PSL or not.

esra bilgic pakistan
Image Source: Daily Times

The PSL time of the year is always a rowdy and exciting one, though, with the uncertainty posed by a coronavirus, we’re unsure how it will pan out this year. Regardless, we’re also excited to see how the people of Pakistan react to seeing Esra Bilgic as a regional team’s face!

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

How To Get An Omani Citizenship & Passport If You’re An Expat

omani citizenship
Image Source: Arabian Business

Are you an Expat Pakistani in Oman? If yes, there is good news for you. The country has said that Omani citizenship is very much available for you. The Interior Ministry of Oman has released the notification for this order outlining the details.

So here’s how you can get Omani Citizenship

Expats residing in Oman can file the application to obtain citizenship in OMR 600. It comes to slightly above PKR 250,000. Moreover, if you are a spouse or have been a spouse of an Omani citizen, you can file it for OMR 300, which will be about PKR 125,000. The applicants will, however, need to prove that they live and work in Oman. And more importantly, they don’t have a case filed against them. And given the health issues in the world, they have to produce a medical certificate and highlight they don’t have a contagious disease.

Having applied for citizenship or after having attained it, if you want to give it up, it will cost OMR 200 (just above PKR 83,000).

omani citizenship Image Source: Times Of Oman

Documents required

But as you must be aware, finances are not the only requirement to attain a citizen for another country. In fact, for Omani citizenship, there are 12 documents that they must produce.

  1. passport copy with a valid visa
  2. personal identification card (CNIC copy)
  3. valid residency card
  4. marriage certificate if he/she is married,
  5. Spouse’s passport and children’s passport.
  6. marriage certificate if married to an Omani (marriage of foreigner)
  7. certificate of good conduct from Oman
  8. certificate of good conduct from the origin country, in our case, Pakistan
  9. medical certificate
  10. income certificate
  11. Certificate from the Pakistani embassy showing the citizen is allowed to forfeit his original passport.
  12. Proof of intent to forfeit his current passport and a written declaration including the names of all underage children and their documents.

Long-term resident

Once you have attained citizenship, you have to go back within six months to the ministry to apply for a passport. The conditions do not end there, though. You have to remain a long term resident. The underage children will automatically get it.

Once you start the procedure, you have to sit for an Arabic language exam. You can reappear if you fail, but you do it after six months, and you have four chances.

When you are successful, in the first ten years, you cannot stay longer than six months outside Oman unless, of course, you have a permit.

How to start the process?

You have to go to Oman Sultanate’s Ministry of Interior.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates!

How to Block Stolen Phones in Pakistan

While IT Minister Anusha Rahman express the priority of her agenda, which is to make Pakistan a digitally advanced country, on the other hand, lots of efforts are being made to carry this vision out. As of now, the country is working on efforts to develop and deploy a system to block lost or stolen phones.

A similar attempt was made back in 2008-09, however, it was not successful. The reason was that at the time, IMEI numbers were required to block phones. However, this time around, Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) has suggested a new way for users to block their stolen phones in Pakistan.

A local company is already in works with PTA to find a solution for this problem.

How to Block Stolen Phones in Pakistan

Here’s how the new system for blocking lost/stolen phones will work:

  • PTA will maintain a list of allowed IMEIs (imported legally, PTA approved IMEIs, IMEIs paired with CNICs etc.) to be allowed to register with local networks.
  • All phone owners will be asked to register IMEI numbers with their SIM card (and ultimately a CNIC number, since SIMs are mapped with CNICs)
  • When a phone is stolen or lost, it will be put in blocked list
  • In case if IMEI is in blocked list or if IMEI isn’t matching the registered SIM card number, it won’t be allowed to connect with any network.

An official statement was also recorded for this software;

Once the software is ready, with the insertion of SIM card, the said mobile phone’s IMEI number will be registered. In case of theft or loss, when the subscriber will block the SIM, the mobile phone will also be blocked automatically.

 There is no word yet when the software will be released for the residents of Pakistan to use as of yet.
Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more news and updates.

‘Dil Na Umeed Tou Nahi’ Is Already Winning Our Hearts

Dil Na Umeed Tou Nahi

The media hype surrounding the launch of a new tv serial on TVOne titled ‘Dil Na Umeed Tou Nahin’ caught the attention of many publications and bloggers; from the teasers and early promos this drama looked like one covering several major social issues such as child marriage, prostitution the beggar mafia etc – topics not often approached on Pakistani cable TV, as boldly as in this drama.

Scripted by Amina Mufti and directed by Kashif Nisar with an ensemble cast including Yumna Zaidi, Nauman Ejaz, Omair Rana, Wahaj Ali, Yasra Rizvi, Adnan Shah Tipu and other big names is another point steering conversation and hype.

Keeping all of the above in mind, the excitement and build-up for episode 1 of Dil Na Umeed Tou Nahin was pretty high. So here is our review, without giving away too much: From the beginning of the first episode on TVONE,  the haunting OST and the unfolding scenes created a powerful impact.


This seems to be a story that has many layers and subtly exposes a dark side of society. There are multiple stories running simultaneously, Starting in the colourful world of Madam Shamim’s brothel where the heroine Sumbul (Yumna Zaidi) resides; Yumna Zaidi portrays an independent, strong prostitute with a mind of her own. The next scene shows a village track with a feisty little girl Allah Rakhi and her friend Jamshed who suffers daily beating by his teacher and his mother.

A 3rd track is that of young Nasim Zehra who wants to play cricket but is discouraged by her father who is brainwashed by his devious, lecherous friend Naeem. All three tracks seem to be interesting and intriguing, the connection between the stories is not yet revealed and it is to be seen if the stories will overlap in anyway; however, each track looks like it will carry a strong message about the downfalls of society. Yumna Zaidi and Omair Rana’s potential romance could be part of the plot, though Wahaj Ali who is suspected to be her love interest is still nowhere to be seen yet.

Here’s episode 1 for you guys

Powerful performances by the leading stars, so far- Yumna Zaidi, Omair Rana, Yasra Rizvi, Navid Shahzad, Sammiya Mumtaz and Adnan Shah Tipu in the first episode were riveting but special mention must be made of the child stars who really showed great talent. Aside from that a strong and impactful script, real heart-rending situations and expert direction in this episode are bound to make this a must-watch serial in the months to come.

KIA Reveals Details About Its New Electric Crossover

KIA and its electric plan
Image Source: Electrive.com

KIA used to be a brand that not a lot of people were inclined towards. These are vehicles in the older models that may not be the favorite of the public but they are still a part of history. In the second decade of th 21st century, KIA made a revival. Their new sportage shocked the world and everyone took a gander at it. It had impressive features as well as a premium drive to it. If anyone wished to drive an SUV that could handle the frame of time, they went for the Sportage.

Even now, in 2020, the KIA Sportage is on of the most widely used vehicles in Karachi. Apart from this one, KIA has also dipped itself in the compact industry and the hybrid field. Now, with the world taking a slow shift towards electric vehicles, KIA has revealed details about its new Electric Crossover! This is a strategy!

KIA with electric vehicle
Image Source: newatlas.com

KIA Rising Beyond Infinity:

Now with the new year, Pakistan has seen a plethora of brand new vehicle entries. BAIC is entering the country, and so are new versions of Changan. The Alsvin has seen so many headlines these days; it has become difficult to differentiate it from Honda or Toyota. The new sedan is considerably cheaper than it’s other brand counterparts. This puts it on the map.

Speaking of new brands, KIA is set to launch its electric vehicle soon. Pakistan is even set to see the development of the charging stations in the country. This means that the KIA Electric vehicles have the potential to enter this country too. Here is what KIA has to say about its strategy.

Specs Of The KIA Electric Crossover:

First, let us mention what KIA is expecting to achieve. In terms of electricity, they wish to have 25% of their sales as electric NY 2029. The company also stated that they would turn to renewable energy sources for better and cleaner production processes. It is set to release at least 11 new electric vehicles by 2025!

The company is also expecting a 6.6% battery electric vehicle market. They intend to send 500,000 by the year 2026. This shows that KIA has a long term plan that could stretch as far as 2027. Seven years! That is one impressive plan.

KIA electric car launch
Image Source: carspiritpk.com

KIA Is Part Of The Future:

All of these specifications and pointers guarantee the fact that KIA is a rising name. It is going up faster than any of the other ones in Pakistan, capturing hearts. Whether you’re a fan of a sedan, compact, or SUV, the brand had a wide range of many. You would not be too far from the right thing to go for KIA.

We hope that their electric vehicles go far in the automotive industry. Tesla isn’t the only vehicle making development, and every brand deserves to go electric. There is much as to see how well the its holds its word yet, though. However, from what we know now, some robust vehicles are headed our way.

Stay tuned for more from Brandsynario!

A Humble Thief In Islamabad Steals Tyres & Leaves A Note Behind!

car tyre theft Islamabad
Image Source: Pakwheels.com

We humans often come across events in our lives that influence us in some way. These influences can be positive or negative, both. When you see someone helping out another person, your heart may fill with warmth. This, in turn, may just be a motivation for you to replicate the act. There is nothing wrong with trying to replicate a good deed or having good intentions behind it.

However, motive counts a lot. If ever a crime occurs in any place, they look for the motive. What motivated the person to do what they did. Maybe the robber took the bank because they were heavily in debt. What if the person who killed another was doing it in an act of self-defence? Similarly, an incident has occurred in Islamabad which causes one to think about the criminal’s motives!

Islamabad thief steals tyres
Image Source: team-bhp.com

Out Of Desperation:

Now, this can be one of the most influenced reasons for committing a crime. There are times when people find themselves in difficult situations. These situations can be too trying and may cause the person not to explore alternatives. In such a case, the most outstanding means of work runs through a person’s mind.

An act out of desperation may not always have the most sinister intentions behind it. Of course, it is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions, but those intentions don’t always lead to fault. In recent news, a news person from Islamabad had the wheels of their vehicle stolen! Yes, someone came and took off with all the wheels.

A Humble Thief:

However, in reference to the crime above, there is one thing to be noted. The thief left something behind. No, we are not talking about calling cards left by thieves from movies. This person left behind a note for the owner of the car. The note stated quite a lot of interesting things.

Check this out!

One of the most mentioned parts is that the person kept apologizing for stealing the tires. The note then discusses that the person has a family and is doing this out of sheer desperation. This shows that maybe the person did this with the stoutest heart. We don’t know what may be going through their life. The note ends with them pleading with the owner not to wish ill of them.

Islamabad stolen tyres by thief
Image Source: ourbitcoinnews.com

Jumping To Conclusions:

This news has had quite a lot of different opinions from people. Some are in awe of the person responsible, while others are bashing their actions. Desperation indeed makes us do such acts, but we must always try to get a grip on our impulses. It is easier to walk into a bank with a gun than earn that amount over time.

We hope that not a lot of damage was done to the owner of the car. After all, we don’t know their life circumstances either. They may find it difficult to replace all the tires, which can be costly. However, one thing is interesting. There is always a chance that the Islamabad thief may return the belongings

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Pakistan Women Cricketers Return To International Cricket On Wednesday

Pakistan Women Cricketers
Image Source: Thew News

Durban, 19 January 2021: Pakistan women’s national cricket team will be in action after a gap of over 10 months when they step out on the field at Kingsmead Cricket Stadium for the first of the three one-day-internationals against South Africa on Wednesday.

The national women’s team played their last international game during the ICC Women’s T20 World Cup 2020 in Australia before the Covid-19 pandemic brought an abrupt halt to sporting activities across the globe.

Javeria Khan who is the joint leading run-scorer for her side against South Africa captains Pakistan for the series. The right-handed top-order batter has scored 377 in 14 innings and has struck the most fours (41) for her side.

Her batting average of 48 is the best for a Pakistan batter against South Africa in South Africa.

The 17-member line-up also boasts all-rounder Nida Dar, who has the best bowling average of 18 and the second best economy rate of 3.07 amongst the Pakistan bowlers who have bowled 60 or more overs against South Africa.

Pakistan’s last tour of South Africa in May 2019 resulted in one of the most thrilling ODI series played in the history of the women’s game. The three-match ODI series, part of ICC Women’s Championship, ended in tie with the 1-1 scoreline. That the series finished that way was because of left-arm orthodox Nashra Sandhu, who dazzled with the bat scoring seven runs off the last two balls of the final match.

This series also serves as a platform for the women’s team to begin their preparations for the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup Qualifiers which will be held in July this year.

All three ODIs and the three T20Is, which follow them, will be played at the Kingsmead Cricket Stadium and this will mark the first instance of the side playing at this venue.

Javeria Khan: “We are absolutely delighted to be in South Africa to resume international cricket after a long gap of 10 months. We have been eagerly waiting for this moment and since now it is here, every player is excited and looking forward to making it memorable.

“This squad has been sweating it out and have put in the hard yards in the last three months. Despite Covid-19 pandemic, we were fortunate enough to have a strength and conditioning camp, a three-team domestic T20 tournament and a pre-departure camp in which we got the desired match practice.

“This series is of great significance for us as it not only allows us to play a better-ranked side but it also serves as a platform to kick off our preparations for the ICC Women’s Cricket World Cup Qualifiers later this year. We have had competitive training sessions since our arrival here and they have helped us in acclimatisation.”

Pakistan and South Africa have played 21 ODIs against each other. Pakistan have won four, while South Africa have won 15.

Pakistan squad:

Javeria Khan (c), Aimen Anwar, Aliya Riaz, Anam Amin, Ayesha Naseem, Ayesha Zafar, Diana Baig, Fatima Sana, Kainat Imtiaz, Muneeba Ali Siddiqui, Nahida Khan, Nashra Sandhu, Nida Dar, Omaima Sohail, Sadia Iqbal, Sidra Nawaz (wk) and Syeda Aroob Shah

Tour schedule (all matches at Kingsmead Cricket Stadium, Durban):

20 Jan – First ODI, 1pm (PST)
23 Jan – Second ODI, 1pm (PST)
26 Jan – Third ODI, 1pm (PST)

29 Jan – First T20I, 6.30pm (PST)
31 Jan – Second T20I, 6.30pm (PST)
3 Feb – Third T20I, 6.30pm (PST)

What Happened To The Samsung Galaxy S20 Series?

Image Source: Samsung

For many smartphone manufacturers, it is not common to discontinue previous smartphone models. Even though the new models get all the attention, the previous models’ price tag gets slightly lower than the latest release. However, that has not been the case with Samsung this year.

Image Source: Samsung

Did The Samsung Galaxy S20 Get Discontinued?

Contrary to normal practice, manufacturers would lower the price-tag on their old smartphones, but Samsung did not opt for that this year. Instead, they removed the smartphone from their website, and there is no option for a consumer who intends to purchase the Samsung Galaxy S20 series as it has been removed from Samsung’s official website.

If you visit Samsung’s official website now, you’d only be able to purchase the Samsung Galaxy S20 FE, which was announced hardly three months ago. However, the original Samsung Galaxy S20 Plus and Samsung Galaxy S20 Ultra have all been listed out of stock on their website. As per the latest reports, the Galaxy S20 range smartphones are out of stock not only on Samsung’s global website but also on their Indian, UK, and Chinese online stores. This shows this might be a global halt on the sale of the predecessors of the newly released Samsung Galaxy S21 series.

Is Samsung Cooking Something Other Than Smartphones Too?

As per industry analysts, Samsung’s moves in the past few weeks shows that the company is adamant about providing innovation to the market and is not solely focusing on its smartphones. The Korean tech giant released SmartTag at its “Unpacked” event, which would help the users keep track of their stuff, personal belongings, and their pets. The company also talked about the possibility of a Samsung Robot, referred to as “The Bot Handy.” As per initial revelations, the robot is expected to work like a personal assistant, which would reportedly be able to do your laundry and feed you food.

Samsung’s Chinese counterpart Huawei, a prominent competitor right next to Apple and OnePlus, has also announced plans to launch the HiCar smart car with BAIC. Even Apple might be releasing a smart car in 2021.

This shows that even though the companies have focused on smartphones in the past, they seem to have been moving on and expanding their horizons to introduce products that would add value and convenience to our lives and assist us in our day-to-day tasks.

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Humaima Malick Bashes Famous Fast-Food Chain For Serving “Bad” Food

humaima malick mcdonald's
Image Source: Super Stars Bio

A famous fast-food chain is being accused of terrible things by the one and only Humaima Malick. Who stands a chance here?

Humaima Malick Has Spoken Out

It seems as if Malick had planned a girl’s night in with her nieces, which obviously includes meals from her favorite fast-food chain!. However, that plan turned sour for Malick and their nieces when the food they received has put them down for up to 2 days.

humaima malick mcdonald's
Image Source: VeryFIlmi

It appears to be a classic case of food poisoning for Humaima Malick and her nieces. They are currently suffering from terrible stomach aches and vomiting.

Instagram Is The Tell All

The famed actress took to social media to express her grievances with “Uncle Donald.” As we have asserted before, if you need to make sure your voice is heard, take social media. Having the following that Malick gives one a greater incentive to post publicly so that justice can be witnessed.

Malick made a story in which she shared her bad experience 

humaima malick mcdonald's
Image Source: Instagram

As can be seen, Malick had her own theories as to how she has fallen sick after eating food from ‘uncle Donald’. It’s because, according to her, they are serving “old and bad” food. And that’s not all! This is the third time that Humaima Malick has experienced this at the international chain. The third time clearly isn’t the charm!

Food Authorities, MNCs and Food Standards

The situation begs the question: why did Malick go there the third time after having suffered the first two? There are way too many alternate options now. Hundreds of people have food from the famous place daily, and chances are many who had it on the same day as Malick did not fall sick. 

Different people have different metabolisms that react differently to food. If something is not suiting someone, in particular, the best bet is to go for the alternative! Alas, this does not get the famous eatery off the hook. 

If you follow social media, you will find a plethora of conspiracy theories over what this fast-food actually serves to us. But if any action can be taken, it can be individual— you can step away and persuade others to do the same because they will not stop serving.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

Potato Diet: Everything You Need To Know About It

potato diet
Image Source: The Daily Meal

There’s a new diet on the bock, and it’s the most unusual one you could think of. The potato diet could help you lose nearly 6 kilograms in just a week, and here’s the lowdown on it.

About The Diet

The name of the diet is quite self-explanatory. The potato diet involves eating nothing but, as you can guess, potatoes! So it’s basically carbs, carbs, and only carbs. It’s considered a crash diet in the health world because it is neither balanced nor nutritious. However, case studies have confirmed that it makes you lose weight in a short time.

potato diet
Image Source: Healthline

What Does The Diet Include?

The rules of the potato diet are simple. You can enjoy using herbs, spices, and oils for seasoning your potatoes, and they can be boiled, baked, or mashed too. However, chips are just not allowed (apologies!) Here’s the fun (or revolting part): the amount of potatoes you should be eating every single day is two to five pounds. Sweet potatoes are not included!

potato diet
Image Source: Squat Wolf

If you decide to give it a go, another ‘do not’ is exercise. You are going to have to forgo your gym time if you decide to follow this diet. 


Since this is a crash diet, it is not recommended by health experts for a long time. However, within the time it is deemed fit, it can help lose a lot of weight, approximately a week.

One woman managed to lose 12lb over the course of seven days on the potato diet, while her friend lost just 4lb doing the cabbage soup diet. (We have no clue what the cabbage one is yet, and we have a feeling we don’t want to find out.) The woman on the potato diet claimed that she would not like to see potatoes again in her life whilst the other regretted not following it.

potato diet
Image Source: Fat Loss Accelerator

Though losing 4lbs is incredible in one week, she said she’d rather have had potatoes.

Lose It Safely

While the potato diet and its results can be tempting for many, experts do not recommend crash diets to begin with. If you absolutely must, then they are not recommended for more than seven days in a row. 

The health expert said: ‘Do remember that, although popular, crash dieting is frowned upon by many health professionals for being unbalanced. Losing a lot of weight quickly can be dangerous and may not offer long-lasting results.’

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

PSL 6 Expected To Be Open For Public

Image Source: Geo

Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) has good news for the fans, as they have released a tender for the service of ticket sales for the upcoming sixth edition of the Pakistan Super League (PSL).

The tickets for PSL 6 are expected to go live with limited seats available for the matches. According to a source, PCB plans to allow limited fans to experience live matches like other countries.

The board is waiting for the instructions by National Command and Operation Centre (NCOC) after which the final decision will be taken. The matches are set to be played in Karachi and Lahore only.

It is pertinent to mention here that the playoffs and final of PSL 5, were delayed and played under a closed stadium after eight months. No fans were allowed in the stands, and the players were kept in a bio-secure bubble.

Currently, the South Africa team is touring Pakistan and will be playing their first team against Pakistan in Karachi where there will be no in-person attendance. The second Test will be played in Rawalpindi, while the three T20Is will be played in Lahore under the same conditions.

The South African team is currently present in Karachi under a bio-secure bubble to avoid any contraction with COVID-19. The public and the media is restricted to attend the training sessions and press conferences.

PCB has not allowed any public in all the matches against South Africa, whereas the PSL 6 matches are expected to be open for public, set to kick off from February 20.

Jack of Digital Joins Forces With TikTok To Launch “The Creators Academy” In Pakistan

Image Source: Cnet

Karachi: Jack of Digital joined forces with TikTok – the world’s leading short-form video platform to launch “The Creators Academy” – a platform that teaches/guides new and experienced content creators, to produce “meaningful and creative” content. “The Creators Academy” – a one-day pilot program was conducted recently at the Beach Luxury Hotel in Karachi, where more than 50 young aspiring content-creators were trained by numerous successful industry experts & trainers, to understand the potential and methods of creating effective social media content.

The workshop revolved around each participant making a perfect video, during the day. The participants received expert-level coaching and creative tips about each step of the process and they got the opportunity to practically apply this learning.

The workshop began with an introduction to the concept of; the academy and the workshop by Faisal Sheikh (https://www.linkedin.com/in/sheikhfaisal/) – the CEO of Jack of Digital.

The first session was dedicated to self-discovery, where participants evaluated their strengths, weaknesses and interests, before selecting their topics and a genre for their expression. This session was led by Habibullah Khan Founder, Penumbra Digital and Advisor, National Incubation Center, Karachi.

The second session provided valuable coaching into personal brand-building, commercialization of content, and how to attract and engage followers with memorable content. Omar Abedin, CMO of Graana.com and Author of “Building Brand YOU!” (https://www.linkedin.com/in/omarabedin/) led this session.

The third session taught the participants about arranging their thoughts and complete pre-production planning aspects like: scripting and selection of venue, music and team. The speaker, Zeeshan Asghar, laid the groundwork for developing a storyline. Zeeshan’s academic experience helped him in connecting with the participants in a classroom-oriented session.

The fourth session covered: the essential features of a camera, lighting and creative shooting-techniques for perfect execution to produce great videos. The speaker in this session was the inspirational Director, Cinematographer & Actor – Najaf Bilgram. He talked about his experiences both in front and behind the camera. In the workshop-oriented breakout session, Najaf got participants to explore their videography skills in natural and artificial light, along with using the phone camera to its full potential.

Najaf partnered with industry veteran and co-founder of Sharp Images, Tahir Moosa for the fifth session to provide practical knowledge about animation, visual effects and computer graphics to the participants of today’s session.

The final workshop session on branded content was led by Ahmed Chagla, Chief Creative Officer, MullenLowe & Rauf. Ahmed built the narrative from the commercial aspect on how content creators can tailor their content and profiles to attract brand endorsements.

The closing session included Waseem Afzal from TikTok MENAT. Waseem joined us remotely from Dubai and talked to the workshop participants about best principles and frameworks for successful content creation.

TikTok’s objective behind ‘The Creators Academy’ is to enhance the skill-sets of content creators and provide them the tools to produce original content and ideas, with a higher quality. Since many social-media platforms have matured to enable a truly global outreach, more competent people (especially the youth) from all over the world, must be encouraged and trained to produce authentic content to generate revenue by adding-value to the society with their intelligence and creative-expressions.

Here’s How Students Can Quickly Earn Money Sitting At Home

Source: Virtual Money Making

Who does not like earning money? Even as students, when you are not qualified to get a full-time job, there are numerous ways to earn money online and develop the skills to prepare for the corporate world. You can use your existing skills to find work, do it from the comfort of your home, and save money for yourself or support your education or go for a trip abroad.

Source: Virtual Money Making

Is It Even Possible To Make Money From Your Home?

Many are under the impression that earning from home is quite idealistic, and it is impossible to do. It is a common notion that most work-from-home opportunities are scams and are false-advertisement plotted to take advantage of laymen.

Here are some ways you can make money from the comfort of your home;

1. Freelance Writing:

Image Source: Times Higher Education

Probably the easiest way to make money from your home. If you have reasonable grammar and vocabulary, you are likely to perform really well in this field. There are numerous opportunities at magazines, freelancing sites like Fiverr, Upwork where it is possible to get work that can be done from your home. All you need for these skills are the Internet, a personal computer, and researching skills.

2. Virtual Assistant Jobs:

Virtual assistant services are some of the well-paid jobs. These can be done with individuals or companies that require assistance, whether it is social media management, research, or day-to-day tasks. Virtual assistance Services pay really well and require minimal skills and resources to perform. Payments are normally on a tasks-to-tasks basis.

3. Taking Surveys Online:

Image Source: Scholarly Open Access

Many websites require you to fill surveys in return for a reasonable amount of money or gift cards. At times, these surveys don’t even require a laptop and can be done from your smartphone with a wifi connection. People make a reasonable amount of score that helps them get subscriptions or get Amazon gift cards that can be sold to third-party websites for a comparatively lower price if you wish to get money instead.

There are numerous opportunities for you to make an income as a student. However, one has to be vigilant as there are numerous sites with malware and are scams. Therefore, it is recommended to go on Youtube and even Google the websites’ names before signing up and giving away your personal information.

Do you think there are better ways to make money online? Let us know under the comments.

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Hareem Shah Slaps Mufti Qavi Over Alleged Inappropriate Comments

Hareem Shah
Image Source: Bol News

A video went viral on the internet last night. Popular TikToker, Hareem Shah, can be seen slapping a controversial cleric involved in numerous controversies, Mufti Abdul Qavi.

Image Source: Bol News

Details About The Incident?

In the video, a woman in a red dress can be seen slapping Mufti Qavi, sitting on a bed. Soon after the video went viral, people identified the woman in a red dress as Hareem Shah, and many started to predict the cause behind the video getting viral.

Hareem Shah later spoke to SAMAA News and expressed that Mufti Qavi was allegedly passing inappropriate remarks that she could not tolerate. The slap was retaliation for his inappropriate remarks.


Soon after the video went viral and Hareem Shah reacted on the news and gave statements regarding the incident, Mufti Qavi didn’t hold himself back and gave his side of the story.

Soon after the news broke out, several recorded TikToks of Mufti Qavi and Hareem Shah started going viral, with many pointing out that it could be of the same day when the whole “slap” ordeal took place.

Twitter Reacts To The Controversy Of Mufti Qavi Getting Slapped:

Soon after the video went viral, many Pakistanis took to Twitter and shared their sentiments and poked fun at the situation.


Even though many people were making jokes and memes about the incident, and many even took sides between the two, it is important to note that Mufti Qavi and Hareem Shah have a long list of controversies in their pasts. The duo previously had an audio recording leaked, which brought both of them into the spotlight.

Hareem is Pakistan’s one of the most followed TikTok stars and gained a lot of fame after a controversy with Federal Minister Sheikh Rasheed went viral.

There were numerous videos and call recordings leaked, which prompted a lot of reaction and became a huge controversy for the Federal minister.

Mufti Abdul Qavi, on the other hand, has had a long list of controversies himself involving the late social media star, Qandeel Baloch, who was murdered by her own brother. Mufti Qavi had been suspended from Pakistan Tehreek e Insaaf and Ruet -e-Hilal Committee due to his tendency to get involved in controversies.

Who do you think is to be blamed for the controversy between Hareem Shah and Mufti Abdul Qavi? What do you think actually happened?

Let us know under the comments.

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Here Are The Top Ten Most Valuable Global Brands Of 2020

Global Brands
Image Source: Forbes

2020 took a toll with the arrival of COVID. Almost every industry, probably except pharmaceutical, took a major hit. Or at least, that’s what we would think considering how much the covid affected businesses. But that’s not so. COVID did not affect everything equally. While some companies took a hit, some rose in ranks at quite a percentage. So let’s look at the top ten most valuable global brands in the running.

But before we get to that, it is interesting to note a pattern. In the top ten brands, five of them are from the category, technology. So that means technology was the industry that benefitted the most in the current scenario. And it makes sense as well, considering everyone was supposed to stay in the house and practice isolation. So, to have something for entertainment, or staying in touch with friends or even work, technology was the solution.

1. Apple

The brand value for Apple at the year-end is priced at USD 323 Billion, and the year on year percentage change is at 38%.

2. Amazon

With USD 201 billion, Amazon has seen almost 60% year on year change. Talk about cashing the new normal the right way.

amazon Image Source: WPLG Local 10

3. Microsoft

Microsoft has not been that far away either. It has seen a 53% year on year change and is worth 166 billion dollars.

4. Google

But the worth of the company does not tell you if you did good or bad generally. Take Google, for instance, it is at USD 165 billion, only 1 billion less than Microsoft, but Google has actually seen a negative year on year percentage change.

5. Samsung

The tech brand Samsung has seen a minor but positive change, that of 2%. It is right now at $62 billion.

6. Coca-Cola

The brand had seen a decline of USD 13 billion since 2010. In fact, in just the past year, the brand has seen a negative YoY change of 10%. It makes sense considering in 2020; the company shut off quite some of its products.

Coca-Cola To Cut Zombie Brands Image Source: bbc.com

7. Toyota

Toyota is at $52 billion with a negative 8% year on year change.

8. Mercedez

The car brand is at 49 billion dollars and negative 3% YoY.

9. McDonald’s

Food brand, as expected, went down 6% and is currently at USD 43 billion.

10. Disney

With $41 billion, Disney has seen a negative 8% year on year change.

Here is the complete list of the 50 top global brands of 2020 around the world. We have already mentioned 10 of them so that you can see the rest of the 40 in the picture below.

So what would you say? Has the year been good, or has the year been bad?

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A Dark Horse Contender In The Wearables Market, realme Breaks Into The Top 10 TWS Brand In Terms Of Global Market Share


realme, the fastest-growing smartphone brand in the world, recently broke into the Top 10 TWS brands in terms of shipments for Q3 2020, according to Counterpoint Research. This was one important piece of good news onto what has been an excellent year for the brand, as it exceeds expectations on the corporate, product and design fronts respectively. In its release, Counterpoint highlighted the possibility that ‘realme could repeat its smartphone success to become 2021’s dark horse in wearables.’

In the true wireless stereo hearables (TWS) market, realme has garnered 2% of the global market share. This is merely one step in the realme’s strategy to foster new companies and ideas, to participate in co-creation and scale innovative AIoT products. To this end, realme will launch its own AIot platform TechLife in 2021, aiming to bring a more cohesive and integrated smart living lifestyle to youths of today, allowing for greater communication and collaboration for users.

realme will build on its strong performance in 2020 to deliver an even stronger result in 2021. Just like its user base of youths between 18 to 25, realme looks to dream big and leap into the future with confidence. Already a Top 5 brand in 12 different countries, realme aims to develop AIoT ecosystems to cater to Individual, Family and Travel groups under the realme brand.

realme is a technology brand that brings trendsetting smartphones and AIoT products to the global market. realme users are young and globally-minded. They ‘Dare to Leap’, empowered by the latest in technology and design.

realme is recognized as one of the mainstream smartphone brands according to Counterpoint’s statistics of global smartphone shipments in Q3 2020, which ranks it at 7th in the world. In 2019, realme’s global smartphone shipments reached 25 million with a YoY growth rate of 808%, making realme the fastest-growing smartphone brand in the world for four consecutive quarters from Q3 2019 to Q2 2020. realme has entered 61 markets worldwide, including China, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Europe, Russia, Australia, Middle East, Africa with a global user base of over 50 million.

Scientific Explanation: Can People Really Hear The Dead?

Research by Scientists on talking to dead
Image Source: livescience.com

The world is full of various forms of mysteries and queries. You may often find yourself going through certain experiences. Some of these are pleasant, whereas others fill you full of dread. Human beings have a tendency to attach objects with memories. So whenever they see that particular object, a memory is triggered. This is also why it can be difficult for people to come to terms with grief. This is because objects associated with memories remind them of their loved ones.

Now where there are such experiences, there are those that do not just limit themselves to this world. This is where we enter into the paranormal zone. You are already aware of this due to the heightened references in pop culture and stories told by people. This includes the presence of ghosts, spirits as well as communication of the dead. Scientists are now trying to understand how some people are able to hear the dead.

Paranormal Scientists research
Image Source: google.com

Paranormal Activity

As the title above suggests, it is a reference to a popular movie. It may not be an entirely truthful experience or the most accurate, but that film does deliver some moments that may strike with people. The depictions in it portray the presence of spirits in a household and cameras that capture their activities.

Now, in recent studies being done, Scientists are trying to understand a phenomenon. They are trying to get a grasp of how a select number of people are able to communicate with the dead. This means actually finding ways to talk to your loved ones who have passed. They conducted a survey too, whose results we will now tell you.

Communication With The Deceased

People who are able to communicate with the deceased are often referred to as spiritualists. They have this ability where they claim to have talked to people from the other realm. Whether it is their loved ones or people they don’t even know, they have said to be able to communicate. A survey by Scientists revealed that a vast majority of spiritualists believe in the paranormal.

Many of them claim to hear the voices of the dead on a daily basis too. According to the survey, they were also less likely to be able to care about other people’s opinions. Additionally, scientists also reported that these people are more prone to hallucinations. It has long been debated whether schizophrenia plays a role in this, but there is more work.

Scientists researching on dead
Image Source: expectattitude.com

Scary Experiences

Every one of us has had such experiences. Even if someone is able to talk to the dead, it doesn’t mean the experience is a cakewalk for them. If they were doing it for the first time, one could imagine just how terrifying it can be to hear the voice of the dead.

Of course, it is seen that people are able to harness this ability and use it in various ways. With this enters the concept of allowing other people to communicate too. This way, people who cannot hear the dead often try contacting them through the spiritualists.

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UNICEF’s Latest Campaign On COVID-19 Vaccine Targets Rich Countries

Image Source: Ads of the world

Where COVID really highlighted class differences in the past year, what is stopping its vaccine’s development not to do the same? Us. It’s us who can step up and do something that will ensure a lesser divide. UNICEF, it seems, wants to remind us of this very fact, or rather jerk us awake taking the help of a very thought-provoking ad.

COVID-19 Vaccine Ad

In the ad, they show the visuals of two girls with luxury clothing. They are seen wearing fancy, priceless jewelry. Accompanied with perfect makeup, the two models are seen posing with a bottle. They caress the bottle all over their face in a sexualizing way. The bottle in question was labeled COVID-19 vaccine. But the way the model advertised with it seemed like she was doing a campaign for a fancy perfume bottle.

UNICEF Image Source: Ads Of The World

And this was the whole point UNICEF wanted to make.

Let’s give you an example. During COVID-19, as lockdowns were imposed, the rich could afford to work from home or had enough savings to live through the lockdown months. On the other hand, the poor who earned through daily wages by doing manual labor, they suffered the most. They couldn’t get the work, and they had no savings. So the divide between the two classes deepened further.

Now that the vaccine is here for the virus that had choked the world, the question is, who will get it? Since the companies who have produced the virus are running businesses, they obviously have stated a price for it. But let’s be honest, the price for millions and billions of people is not going to be something that every country can afford to pay. This way, the vaccine will become a luxury only rich countries can afford. And the divide that was amongst the classes will amplify to become the divide between countries; rich countries and developing countries.

UNICEF Image Source: Ads Of The World

This is not something that should be endorsed, considering who are we to decide who gets to live a normal life compared to who doesn’t. COVID-19 is an enemy we all need to fight together.

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