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Pakistani Students From Chinese Universities Stranded In Pakistan

Chinese Universities
Image Source: Weekly Choice

Many universities turned to online platforms to ensure unhindered education while exercising social distancing in light of the pandemic. Chinese Universities adopted a similar practice. Seeing that, many students returned homes in hopes of getting continued education while being with families. Little did they know that a small period of time would change into months.

Most Pakistanis prefer foreign education over local institutes. Some opt for the United States, for the UK, while some also prefer China. So the Pakistanis studying in Chinese Universities also deemed it a good idea to return to Pakistan while the world tackles the pandemic. Given CPEC, they must have assumed that there won’t be many obstacles. However, it is once you are in the situation that you get to observe the issues closely.

Problems for Pakistani students 

And that came to pass in a few months when these students realized that the Chinese apps don’t work well in the home country. Not to mention that the universities have revoked stipends up until the students return to China, making them financially unstable. And they have no way to go around that situation considering no employer is ready to hire people who cannot commit for a specific time duration.

While the above mentioned had returned to meet with their families, some were home to conduct fieldwork. In their last semester, the postgraduate candidates who would have graduated by now after completing their thesis cannot continue with their lives.

Chinese Universities
Image Source: China Daily

In an interview with a media house, some students mentioned that while some of the apps are not working, a few universities are very unresponsive. Meanwhile, some other universities that are responsive cannot cater to their Pakistani students giving connectivity issues and time differences.

COVID Spread

These students have also tried returning to China, but they have not been successful as of yet. The reason is that China wants to avoid imported cases of the pandemic. This is indeed ironic coming from a country from where the pandemic started and reached the whole world. That said, the pandemic started from Wuhan and Beijing, in particular, has been very successful in containing the spread of COVID. So obviously, they would want to avoid any chances of losing that control.

Chinese universities
Image Source: The New York Times Daily

Worried about what the future may hold, the Pakistani students studying in Chinese universities are trending with the hashtag #TakeUsBackToSchool on Twitter. Let’s hope someone hears their plea and figure out a way to solve their situation.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates!

Pakistanis Divide Over #ChaiRusk vs. #ChaiPakora!

PC: Scratching canvas and Gastronomic Bong

The whole world knows that we Pakistanis are foodies! We live to eat, and we eat to live. And the one drink we love the most is none other than tea (chai).

Be it someone’s wedding, an office meeting, a dinner at home, or in a restaurant. Be it breakfast, lunch, dinner, supper, for us every time and anytime is ‘chai‘ time.

However, recently an interesting debate has taken over social, which has divided tea lovers into two!

Twitter user Ayeshay (@champagne_lassi) asked social media if they were team #ChaiRusk or team #ChaiPakora? Since then, a massive debate has kick-started on the platform!

Some claim that there is no better combination other than #ChaiRusk, while others are determined that there is nothing more blissful than #ChaiPakora!

Chai Rusk vs. Chai Pakora – Social Media Reactions

Here are some of the funniest reactions and what Pakistanis had to say:

Shahrukh Waheed is a team player for both! According to him, there is always a time of the day to enjoy the best of what Chai Rusk and Chai Pakora have to offer!

Whereas Torpedo was clearly with team Chai Pakora in this debate hands-down!

Imran Aziz went all-out to say that he is one of those who just wants a hot cup of tea, nothing more, nothing less!

Whereas Rohan Zaki supported team rusk and declared it an epic combo!

Atiya also couldn’t make up her mind and decided to cast a vote for both sides, after all, both are paired with a deliciously hot cup of tea.

While Karak Cha believes there is no better partner for tea than the famous ‘Bakarkhani’

We second Muhammad Usman on this one as this may even be tougher to answer than all the examinations you’ve ever given multiplied by 3! How can one even answer this?

Asad Khan makes a very valid point here! Samosas are an epic snack to nibble on too!

While Dost Mohammad may have just hit a 6 with his ideal snack combo.

Whether you support team #ChaiRusk or #ChaiPakora, the one thing here which is clearly our constant and is evidently the winner is ‘Chai‘! Be it paired with anything at all, chai is chai and will always be a winner no matter which team you support!

Now that the winters are around the corner, here are a few tea ideas you should try. Pair these with different snacks and let us know which combination proved to be magical for you.

Until next time, stay tuned to Brandsynario for all the latest news and all the latest updates.

Motorola Razr V4 Vs Samsung Z Flip: Which One Is Better?

Samsung z flip

The world had seen quite a lot of different eras when it came to talking about history. It saw the wheel being invented, and it witnessed the industrial revolution. As the 21st century became a thing of today, technological advancements nearly blew us away. When the flip phone was first released, it was such a must-have device. A phone that can easily fold and fit in your pocket? No way! Now, in the second half of the 2010s, the flip phones are back! Except now, they’re going head-to-head in a Moto Razr V4 Vs. Samsung Z Flip battle.

Samsung phones and Moto
Image Source: medium.com

Technology does the two employ?

If we start from the basic comparison of the screen size, then Samsung Z Flip wins this round. That, however, does not mean that the Moto screen is any less. Here, there is a point to note that Samsung has a better screen to body ratio than the Moto Razr. Both phones are foldable, with the Moto Razr showing easier access to the user. In various online reviews, people seem to be bothered by how frequently the Samsung flips when they don’t need it. Moto Razr V4 leaves it to the user when to flip!

The Samsung Z Flip houses a much superior chipset as compared to the Moto. This is the SnapDragon 855+, which is quite recent as compared to the Moto’s SnapDragon 710. The Razr processor is not that old but comparing it by today’s standards gives it a slightly obsolete look. Both phones are Octa-Core, so there is absolutely no compromise on those grounds. However, Samsung can clock higher GHz on the cores.

A Grudge Match Of Features:

Processors set aside, the Moto Razr V4 Vs. Samsung Z Flip battle takes another turn. The Samsung phone does take the cake on the better camera due to it employing the latest in photography technology. However, a point to be noted in that both of these phones have nearly the same RAM. Samsung is at 8GB am Razr is at 6GB.

Even when talking about storage, the Samsung Z Flip offers a higher one. It houses nearly 256GB, with Moto being at 128GB. So far, Samsung seems to be winning! Can Moto Razr catch up? Will it be able to strategize something?

The Final Frontier:

The monstrous battle, Moto Razr V4 Vs. Samsung Z Flip sees a sudden change in the atmosphere. Motorola is now winning! Why is that? It is because of the humongous price gap between the two phones. The Samsung Z Flip is set at Rs.2, 48, 000. This is definitely a flagship phone. So what about the Moto Razr? That is expected to be released at a mid-range price of Rs.50, 000

Seems incredibly impressive that a mid-range phone is giving a tight battle to a flagship phone. If you wish to experience the full nostalgia of the flip phones with impressive capabilities, this is where to put the money without overspending. Moto Razr V4 takes the trophy home!

Samsung smartphone vs Moto
Image Source: theindianexpress.com

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5 Scariest Ads in the History of Advertising!

scariest ads ever

Some popular activities for Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins, visiting or decorating haunting attractions, apple bobbing, bonfires or just telling scary stories or watching horror movies.

This event is not missed by the advertisers either; it’s an opportunity for brands to join in with their pumpkin-inspired products, weirdest and scariest images as well as their “Monster” deals.

You can say some brands love to use “Prankvertising” to attract more viewership. However only a few creep the audience out and most of them, unfortunately, fail to even attract a second glance.

Here’s a list of top 5 most terrifying ads which literally can put chills down your spine.



Okay, maybe not so scary on-screen but imagine it happening with you.



Shit! My heart just skipped a beat!

3. Fragile Childhood – Monsters Commercial


A very thought-provoking ad indeed.

2. Little Baby’s Ice Cream- This is a Special Time


Okay, that was creepy, disturbing and a bit disgusting.


1. Remco – Baby Laugh’s A Lot

With its amazing post-production and concept, this basically does put chills down your spine.


Hope you had fun watching all these, tell us your views in the comments below.

Till then…


Unemployed Karachi University Graduate Opts To Sell French Fries

Karachi University Graduate
Image source: Social Jockey

Even before COVID, Pakistan witnessed rising unemployment. Students would graduate from universities and go on job hunts to be disappointed by the lack of vacancies or negligible salaries. It must have dishearted many individuals, but this Karachi University graduate took it in a stride and figured out a way around the situation.

Karachi University Graduate at the Fries Stall

Arsalan Ahmed, a graduate from the Economics department, went out to look for a job just like many other classmates. Unfortunately, he remained unsuccessful for some time. With the looming issue of financing the family, he had to make a decision soon. And so he did. He gave up on a blue-collar job and opted to go towards being self-employed. But what would be that one business which would work quite well? And the answer was a french fries business.

Karachi university graduate
Image source: Social Jockey

Social Jockey Interview

Social Jockey interviewed him where he talked about his journey, adding that he had no idea how to make french fries, but he was determined because there was no other way. And gradually, he is learning. He says in the interview that there was no way he was going towards criminal activities. Instead, he requested those leaning towards crime to abstain from them as well. He urged them to have a positive mindset and do good because that would reap better outcomes in the long term.

Arsalan also plans on doing Masters, but he says that since Masters require a large amount of money, he first needs to save for that.

He keeps reiterating that when one puts in hard work, Allah listens.


Self-employment rather than Employment

Interestingly, more and more individuals are opting for self-employment, establishing their businesses. These businesses range from Arsalan’s fries and limca stall to Usman Khan’s fruit stall. The point is that our youth is no more going towards becoming a corporate slave. They are not even getting a chance to. While there is nothing wrong with someone running a roadside business, it does make one wonder what would become of their education. Education which does not even remotely relate to their current occupation.

Hopefully, the Kamyaab Jawan Program will provide a glimmer of hope to such individuals who remained steadfast instead of losing their selves to the financial problems. The Prime Minister Imran Khan announced the program, and it is said to be a helping hand for the country’s youngsters who will be taught professional skills before being put in the vast sea of the professional world.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates!

5 Signs You Have An Unfit Car That Is Unsafe To Drive!

5 Signs You May Have An Unfit Car That Might Not Be Safe Drive!
PC: Rymax Lubricants

Driving an unfit car can lead to a handful of problems. Not only can you find yourself in an accident, but it may also be fatal!

It is important as a driver for you to consider the safety of your passengers, pedestrians, other drivers, and yourself.

Cars often give hints to the drivers which indicate that something is not right. You must identify these warning signs before you push the vehicle beyond its limits.

The earlier these signs can be identified, the better it would be for everyone. Unfit cars often give signs which are comparatively easier to catch and figure out.

Today, we will share 5 signs that indicate your car is no longer fit or safe to drive.

5 Signs You May Have An Unfit Car That Might Not Be Safe Drive!

Sign #1 – Clouds Of Smoke From Car’s Exhaust

black smoke
PC: Car From Japan

One of the most obvious signs that a car is unfit is smoke. Sometimes, there are cars that release a lot of emissions from its exhaust. However, if it is something that has not happened before, it shouldn’t be ignored.

Modern vehicles release a thick cloud of black smoke which acts as an indicator. Running your can at full speed while its releasing smoke can break it down unexpectedly. It may even lead to complete engine failure.

5 Ways To Keep Your Car Interior Looking As Good As New!

Sign #2 – Poor Starting

Another very obvious sign is the poor starting of the car after you’ve put the key in the ignition. If this is happening in the winter, it could be because of the cold weather. However, if it is happening too frequently, that too in warm weather, you need to take your ride to a mechanic.

Sign #3 – Smell Of Fuel/Exhaust Fumes

car smell
PC: Carmundi Philippines

While driving, if you smell petrol/gasoline in the cabin or even exhaust fumes, stop your car at a safe location immediately. Call a mechanic as soon as you can as it can be dangerous for your health if you continue to drive.

The fumes/chemicals can cause severe damage to the brain cells. Not just that, excessive driving can damage your car beyond repair.

Sign #4 –  Excessive Vibrations

Cars do vibrate, but, if the vibrations exceed to more than usual than your car is trying to give you a hint. An unfit car tends to vibrate more, and if such happens, be sure never to accelerate the speed. Speeding can cause more damage to the car and the engine even faster than driving at normal or slow speed.

Sign #5 – Warning Lights

warning lights
PC: YouTube

We’ve mentioned time and time again the importance of warning lights. These lights either turn on or flicker when something is not right. It’s how a car tries to communicate with its driver or owner that there’s a problem that needs to be addressed.

Sometimes, the problems are minor and a trip to the mechanic can be delayed by a day or two. However, you never know how serious an issue can be. It is always smart to spend some time and money at a mechanic’s than to be responsible for taking a life.

Vehicle Checks You Should Carry Out

Every time you drive you should check:

  • the windscreen, windows, and mirrors are clean
  • all lights work
  • the brakes work

Your vehicle’s handbook will tell you how often to check the:

  • engine oil
  • the water level in the radiator or expansion tank
  • brake fluid level
  • battery
  • windscreen and rear window washer bottles – top up with windscreen washer fluid if necessary
  • tires – they must have the correct tread depth and be free of cuts and defects

The handbook will also tell you when your vehicle needs to be serviced.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more news and updates.

5 Traffic Rules Drivers Often Forget But Shouldn’t!

Travel 2020: 4 Cheap Resorts In Antalya You Should Consider

Cheap Resorts
Image Source: Sultan of Bazaar

Here is a list of 5 cheap resorts that you can choose if you are visiting Antalya during your trip to Turkey.

Istanbul is one of the top tourist cities in Istanbul, especially for the Pakistanis. But another Turkish town that is similar to Istanbul in terms of Tourism in Antalya. Antalya is located in the Mediterranean region; the beach of the city is known as the Turquoise Coast. The historical context for Antalya was that it was a central Roman Coast that increases the city’s significance.

So if you are traveling to Antalya, you must choose the right hotel. Why, because most of the critical locations are all huddled in one spot. So if you select a hotel further away, you might not be able to cover all of them in one day. And if you can’t, well, you will end up hurrying your Antalya trip.

And to make the right choice, we have shortlisted four hotels/resorts that are cheap and yet amazing so you can choose them without any second thoughts.

1. Mediterra Art Hotel

With 301 reviews at Bookig.com, the hotel averages at a rating of 8 out of 10. It is easy to access the airport and public transport, taking 40 minutes, and a car taking almost 25 minutes’ ride. With free wifi, shuttle service, breakfast, and a beach area, for seven days in a peak tourist season, a room in this hotel costs PKR 46,000.

cheap resorts
Image Source: Booking.com

2. Lemon Hotel

With approximately PKR 30,000 for a 7-night stay, I would suggest this one. Why? Because not just the hotel description but the customer reviews put it in a great location. It is near the beach, and the old town is only 15 minutes away. Furthermore, they provide a cleaner pool than much more expensive hotels, so there is that.

3. Tekeli Konaklari

If you are traveling solo, you can get a room at PKR 55,000 (almost). It is slightly more expensive than the hotels mentioned above, but it is listed among the best vendors in the city on quite some websites. And if the view is excellent, the people are welcoming, and you feel safe, 55k is an ok amount, don’t you think?

4. Saye Konak Hotel

The reviews for this one honestly are great. But here is the catch. These rooms usually cost above PKR60,000. So I would suggest surfing TripAdvisor and Booking.com because often the platforms provide packages that make the price come down to almost PKR45,000. And the rooms are also soundproof! So what are you waiting for? Go and book away!

Cheap Resorts
Image Source: Booking.com

Agreed, these are not the only cheap resorts that one can opt for. But the thing is that this list saves you the trouble of doing the research yourself. I mean, if I were to choose from hundreds of hotels after reading reviews for each separately compared to choosing from a list of 4, I would opt for the latter.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates!

5 Best Features Of Android 11 You Need To Check Out

Apple is not the only company that is battling to be the champion of the mobile industry. Android is hot on its heels too. With the turn of the decade, more and more technological advancements have been made. Many of them are specific to smartphones. Android releases newer versions of itself every year.

It names these versions on the names of various sweets and deserts. Older phones had the name ‘Jelly Bean’ which was Android 4. Then came KitKat and so on. They began with the Alphabet ‘A’ and now have reached Android 11. However, dessert names have been discontinued as of Android 10. So what are some of the best features of this version?

Android 11 features
Image Source: bgr.com

1. The Notification Solve:

Older Android versions had a cluster of notifications. One would often become confused by the amount and types of notifications! Android 11 changed this feature with the introduction of three classes of notifications. The main is the ‘Conversations’ notifications where the user is notified of chats as soon as they are received. This means that it will not get pushed down as newer notifications arrive. The rest two options are Silent and Alert, same as before.

2. An In-Built Feature:

Android 11 features
Image Source: https://www.bandicam.com

This might be considered as a slightly late arrival to the party, but it still holds it’s own weight. As Gandalf from Lord of the Rings said, ‘A Wizard arrives precisely when he means to’, Android 11 features a Wizard of a screen recorder. Instead of installing apps from Google play or third party APK files, just pull down the notification bar and start recording!

3. The Dark Theme Modification:

One of the coolest features of Android 10 was the introduction to Dark theme. Instead of apps having separate dark themes, the phone had an overall option to turn it on. However, it worked like a switch. It was either on or off. With Android 11, though, you have an option of setting a custom time for dark theme enabling. If you only prefer dark theme during the night when the screen seems to pierce through your eyes, this feature is for you.

4. Android Auto fully wireless:

Features of Smart phone
Image Source: techcrunch.com

With the Advent of Android 11, Android Auto now removes the unnecessary option to plug in the phone to the car physically. Before, it was more common to wirelessly connect with just pixel phones. Now, however, Android has incorporated this feature in nearly all phones. The installation of an Android Auto system in older cars, of course, can be considered as a bit of a hefty business.

5. Bubbles! (not from Powerpuff)

If you are an avid user of Facebook messenger, you are familiar with the chat bubbles that it integrates in its app. With Android 11, this feature is now being incorporated in general texting and chatting too. Any app and default texting will have chat bubbles and can be moved anywhere on the screen. It might take some time for applications to use them in their user interface but eventually, chat bubbles will be the future of chatting.
These are just some of the features of Android 11. If you’re an owner of a phone that is going to be updated to 11, you are in for quite an adventure!

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Apple AirPods See A Major Price Dip Ahead Of Amazon Prime Day Sale

airpods pro

Apple is a company known for how well it can design its phones. It started off from Macintosh Computers and now dominates the flagship mobile phone industry. There are certain features in iPhones that set it above the rest of the phones. Not just phones, Apple has other products too which are considered no less than state-of-the-art. These products include the Apple Smart Watch, Apple TV 4k and Apple AirPods. Apple AirPods are devices which tower above others when it comes to an immersive audio experience. In light of recent events, we have a piece of mind-numbing news for you!

Apple AirPods Price
Image Source: engadget.com

Apple on the Front-line!

Apple AirPods are not your run-of-the-mill earphones. They employ the latest developments of technology into them and integrate it in such a way that leaves users astonished. So, what is the big news? In light of the Prime Day Sale by Amazon, the Apple AirPods are seeing a major price dip! How deep is this dip exactly?

Usually, the price of a product drops by a small amount or it drops by such an amount that it does not feel like a discount. The Apple AirPods are seeing a price drop of about $50. That is more of a discount than any other price drop of AirPods in history.

Originally marked at $250, the Apple AirPods are now available for a low low price of $199. Remember, this is a limited deal so don’t take too much time to ponder over it. Opportunities can pass us by without us blinking an eye. Now, the question does arise; Why do you want to buy Apple AirPods? What is it that sets them apart from other earphones? Are they worth the investment?

iPhone AirPods 2019
Image Source: https://www.apple.com

AirPods: Pass or Bust?

One of the most astounding features of the AirPods is that they use predictive learning to adapt to the user’s requirements. What they do is they keep a track of when the user charges the Pods themselves. So, they optimize battery power in accordance with that. This greatly reduced battery aging and allows for prolonged use!
Not only this, but these AirPods also feature the new H1 chip by Apple.

This allows voice recognition for commands to Siri. You can skip songs, get directions and make calls completely hands-free. The AirPods house active noise cancellation which offers a high amount of suppression. You no longer need to turn the volume too loud when the environment itself is noisy! However, if you feel like you cannot sit too long with anything but the sound of the AirPods, the device features transparency mode too. Transparency mode allows outside noise to enter the AirPods.

A smart tactic:

With the release of iPhone 12 nearing, one cannot help but get excited to think about the future prospects. Since Apple has decided to keep a lower price for it’s newest release, this can be an opportunity. Due to compromise in it’s battery power and the removal of earphones and charger from it’s pack, iPhone 12 has managed to reduce it’s price. However, the opportunity is to buy these AirPods at a discounted price so you not have to stay out of the iPhone 12 audio experience.
The iPhone 12 mini is considerably cheaper than the pro and 50$ lesser than it’s 11 counterpart, thus the investment.

Apple earphones buy
Image Source: https://www.whatmobile.net

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This Latest Short Film By Mercedes-Benz Is Definitely Worth Watching

Image Source: Youtube

Mercedes-Benz latest short film is a testament to the iconic car’s brand image— it is the best! Get close to nature, become more responsible and think fast with this latest short film that makes you question your reality.

What’s It About?

The short film, ‘Living with Water’ is about Thai landscape architect Kotchakorn Voraakhom and her vision to restore the deteriorating nature in her hometown, Bangkok. According to Kotchakorn, the people of Bangkok considered themselves “amphibious” for a long time because of the vast coastline. Water was an integral part of their life and culture. 

Image Source: YouTube

Living in a city subjected to three sources of water, people’s relationship with water was harmonious. However, with the new-age, this harmony has fallen through the cracks.

This becomes a part of Mercedes-Benz through their “She’s Mercedes” campaign.

What Needs Changing?

Today in our day and age as everything is enveloped with a thick layer of concrete, the relationship with water for the people of Bangkok has changed. Due to urban development in recent years, the water can no longer drain and now causes floods.

Image Source: Youtube

Bangkok is sinking almost as fast as Venice. Which is why many natives are calling for new impactful solutions that take responsibility for the environmental challenges of our time. 

“We used to welcome water like a friend, today we face it with fear,” Kotchakorn says.

See It Here!

What Kotchakorn Is Doing

To help save her hometown of Bangkok from drowning, Kotchakorn founded her own studio, Landprocess, in 2011. Being a professor at Thammasat University, she employs a number of her former students and mentors them to become the next generation of landscape architects. The next generation that can help their own communities adapt to a changing world. 

Through her work, Kotchakorn wants to improve modern city life by reconnecting urban spaces with their natural environments, creating a positive ripple effect on people’s lives.

In fact, Kotchakorn’s idea to become a landscape architect was inspired by early childhood memories. In order to make the city “porous” again, Kotchakorn has created a network of green spaces across the city that effectively connect Bangkok back to nature.

Image Source: Youtube

All in all, the short story acts as a wake-up call for everyone.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

5 Highly-Impressive Dramas Of Saba Qamar You Need To Watch

saba qamar
Image Source: Global Village Space

Saba Qamar and talent are synonymous. The actress’ prowess in her career is such that even her toughest critics fall prey to the charm of her performance many times. Qamar has also made her mark across the border and earned just as many accolades there too.

If you’re looking to see some of her best dramas, these are the most impressive of the lot!

1. Baaghi 

This one deserves the first place on whichever list concerned with Saba Qamar. Based on late Qandeel Baloch’s life, Baaghi delved into the story of Qandeel’s journey. The drama carefully and responsibly shows how she grew from being a village nobody to a nationwide internet sensation, also revealing several aspects of her life unknown to the public.

saba qamar
Image Source: Aeronews

This drama is a must-watch not only so you can learn about Qandeel’s life and humanize her but also for Saba Qamar’s phenomenal performance as ‘Kanwal’.

2. Pani Jaisa Pyaar

This serial is also considered one of Saba Qamar’s absolute best performances ever.  At the base of it, it showed the story of a woman (Saba) who was not valued at home and feels unhappy in her marriage. Most importantly, Saba plays the role of a rape victim in the drama. As this drama was incredibly relatable to many in the Pakistani culture, it enjoyed a lot of popularity. 

saba qamar
Image Source: Adgully

3. Mein Sitara 

Saba Qamar’s drama is considered one of the most authentic insights into the world of the film fraternity. It’s unique because it spans over a few decades thus, its projections seem vast yet engaging. Mein Sitara gained popularity because it showed what goes on behind the closed studio doors. An expose of sorts if you will! It’s a play that leaves you with much to think about.

saba qamar
Image Source: HIP Pakistan

4. Dastaan

This TV serial was cast by HUM TV Network and the plot is rather controversial. One would think if this was airing today it would get banned however, you have the privilege of seeing it still. The serial was based on the story of a girl who had different affairs. The title song was also a hit amongst the people. Loved for Saba Qamar’s acting, this drama is considered one of her best.

saba qamar
Image Source: Very Filmi

5. Cheekh 

This one is a taut revenge thriller, a genre unique to the Pakistani landscape. It has also proven it to be Saba’s perhaps most popular hit on the television. She plays the lead character Mannat while Bilal Abbas is Wajih. And Mannat’s journey through chaos to ultimately finding her strength is what forms the core of this very interesting show. It’s empowering, exciting and suspense-packed!

saba qamar
Image Source: Dramabaaz

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

COVID-19: Winter Likely To Make The Pandemic Worse!

PC: DNA India

The novel Coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19) has changed life as we know it. Every since the virus broke out, and spread around the world, we’ve had to learn to adapt.

We’ve learned the importance of wearing a facemask, washing our hands, staying cautious.

Many of us had to learn how to stay home without going outside unless to buy important supplies. The pharma industry is trying day and night to make a vaccine.

While Pakistan has started to witness a drop in the number of cases, researchers believe cases may increase in the winters!

Winters Likely To Double COVID-19 Cases?

PC: India.com

According to a report by MIT Technology Review, as the weather gets colder, humans prefer staying warm and cozy indoors.

However, doctors and researchers have observed that virus-like infections tend to multiply in the winters.

It has been proven so with seasonal flu, which has symptoms similar to COVID-19. It was found that the Flu had increased as much as 40 times in the winter of last year.

So much so that in 1918, the Influenza pandemic was also 5 times faster than the initial spread rate in the winter and fall!

Given that the virus is contagious and can spread via the air particles as well, there is no telling how fast it may spread.

Scientists are still trying their best to figure out how likely is the spread to double in the winters, and if there are any visible patterns.

It’s difficult to calculate whether government policy will shift, whether the public will comply with guidelines, or when a vaccine may become available. Even how effective and well-accepted it will be if it does, shares Osterholm.

“All the factors we associate with colder weather are looking like they will potentially accelerate the virus’s transmission,” Shares Richard Neher, a computational biologist at the University of Basel in Switzerland.

“It’s a health-care capacity and case management issue,” he says. “Not only will the sheer number of cases be a problem for hospitals. Doctors will have more trouble guessing which infection they’re treating when a patient first walks in.” Benjamin Zaitchik, a Johns Hopkins University climate scientist.

Coronavirus-Inspired Dessert Goes Viral – Would You Try It?

Winters To Play Vital Role In Limited Human Interaction

PC: Health News Florida

While on one end researchers are claiming that cases may double, there is also hope. In the cold weather, human interaction is cut down. People want to stay indoors where it’s warm and safe.

This will cut down human-to-human interactions, which will help limit the spread of the virus. Researchers are working to understand the steps needed to be followed to keep the COVID-19 spread at a minimum.

It is important to continue taking maximum precautions during the upcoming weeks to limit the spread of the virus. Just because one is indoors, it doesn’t mean that the virus still can’t spread.

A study from researchers in Japan, based on contact tracing, found that infected people were 19 times more likely to pass on the infection when they were indoors. Those who live in the same building, school-going children are likely to catch the virus indoors.

Hence, be it indoors or out, each individual must be careful. Be sure to wash your hands constantly, wear masks around anyone who may show the slightest of symptoms. And most importantly, maintain social distance indoors too.

Stay safe and stay tuned to Brandsynario.

Top 5 Popular COVID-19 Myths Finally Busted!

Telenor Pakistan Has Appointed IAL Saatchi & Saatchi For Creative & Digital Duties

Telenor IAL Saatchi & Saatchi

After a rigorous pitch process, Telenor Pakistan has appointed IAL Saatchi & Saatchi as one of its agency partners for creative and digital duties. This was a unique pitch with the agency team working on it under lockdown, from home and during Ramazan no less, with the presentation taking place on a video call post Eid.

‘We are feeling blue and we couldn’t be happier’, said Imtisal Abbasi, Managing Partner at the winning agency ‘and we are ready to hit the ground running.’ IAL is adding Telenor to their diverse roster of clients. ‘This is a big win for us and we are excited to start working with the incredibly dynamic marketing team at Telenor who have chosen us to partner with them on the journey ahead’ said Nida Haider, Managing Partner at IAL Saatchi & Saatchi.

The win awards both creative and digital duties for corporate, commercial and other strategic initiatives for a three year period starting November 2020. It is not the first time the agency is working on a telecommunications account having handled Mobilink/Jazz for fourteen years until January 2020. The team at IAL Saatchi & Saatchi is enthused and excited about the opportunity to work on a cutting edge brand such as Telenor Pakistan and cannot wait to get started.

University Of Sargodha Under Fire For Using Vulgar Text In A Book

University Of Sargodha
Image Source of Brandsynario

Recently, social media noticed that a certain textbook in the University of Sargodha is found discussing a woman’s body in quite ‘some’ detail and Pakistanis are somewhat troubled.

The textbook in question is the university’s very own Urdu guide. Part 1 of this series has an excerpt from Manto’s writing. And we know that Pakistanis are not yet ready for Manto given the ban 2 years ago. But was it for good reason?

Let’s first understand the scenario and the context it is set in.

Urdu Guide Part 1 Content and Context

The textbook contains Saadat Hasan Manto’s Randhir Pehelvan. The writing in question explores in detail the physical relationship between a man and a woman. To be clear, the writer talks about the foreplay that happens in an intimate relationship. And that foreplay focuses entirely on the body of the naked woman; freely talking about her private parts.

The university is under fire for having such explicit content in the textbook, content which clearly belongs to the genre of erotica. Have a look at it:

University of Sargodha
Image Source: Facebook

This textbook is at the University of Sargodha which, as the name suggests, is located in the city of Sargodha, neighbour to Gujranwala. And we all remember the incident that happened near Gujranwala at the Lahore Motorway, where some men gang-raped a woman in front of her kids.

Is the textbook to blame?

And hence, we find social media wondering if having such a book in the course is a good idea. Because obviously if the students are exposed to the content, they may waver and one would see an increase in horrible cases similar to Lahore Motorway gangrape.

University of Sargodha
Image Source: WION

But is the fabric of ethics in our Islamic society as we so like to call it really that fragile? Is our rearing that weak? It definitely is. But is a mere textbook responsible for that? Not so much. It is how we have raised our kids! The rearing is to blame.

We have raised our kids with the idea that boys will be boys and that because boys will be boys, they need to protect their family members from other boys. We have taught them that because their sisters may be subjected to such treatment, they should not rape other women. And we have taught them that because it is in their wiring if they attack a girl, it is because of something she must have done.

In short, we do not raise them in a way that they are responsible for their own actions. We told them that whatever they do, they wouldn’t be held accountable, rather the women in the family will be.

So are we not ready for Manto’s writing? Yes. Is Manto’s writing to blame? No.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates!

Pakistani Women Want Men To Know They Can Buy Their Own ‘Civic’!

Image Source: YouTube

We’ve all heard of the term ‘gold-digger’. The term is used for a woman who forms a relationship with a man only for money or gifts. You may have seen content creators make videos ‘exposing’ such people as well. But, Pakistani women have had just about enough, and want men to know they’re capable of buying their own ‘Civic’!

The trend took over social media as girls decided it was high time to raise their voices. These strong and intelligent women want men to realize that not all women want money and luxuries. They do not expect the men to hand them everything on a silver platter.

Many of the social media users have shared that they already own a Civic or another expensive car, earn a decent amount of money on their own and are not golddiggers. The trend started to pick-up in no time as more and more women added to the cause to support the fact that not all women are materialistic.

A flood of memes have also taken over social media, some of them will throw you in fits!

Pakistani Women on Social Media Want Men To Know They Can Buy Their Own ‘Civic’!

Here are some of the best memes:

While social media is enjoying its wittiness and fun, there is a dire need to address a serious concern.

There are many more important topics to discuss on social media and to spread awareness about climate change to women’s rights, from what’s happening in Syria to children dying from malnutrition in interior Sindh.

Dear men, not all women are gold-diggers. They don’t care if you have a Civic, Mehran, or even a cycle as long as you are together on the journey and always stay side by side being loyal to them.

Dear women, men are not your personal piggybanks, so what if he doesn’t have a Civic or any other luxurious car? If he is loyal and takes care of you with all of his heart, he is a real gentleman, a real man by all means.

Its high time we come to realize that materialistic things are only temporary and only last a short number of days. It things like loyalty, love, care, respect, trust, and such sentiments that have no such expiry date.

The real ‘Civic’ both Pakistani men and women should really be concerned about is civic rights and duties towards Pakistan, each other, and the world.

Stay happy and stay tuned to Brandsynario for more news and updates!

10 Food Items You’ve Been Pronouncing Wrong All Your Life

Pakistanis live for food; there is no denying that! From scrumptious desi delights to exquisite international cuisines – we are the nation that is not just passionate but emotional when it comes to food. But let’s admit it, a lot of times pronouncing complicated foreign dishes turns out to be an embarrassing experience, especially while ordering at a restaurant.

Here’s an easy guide made by DigToKnow.com for pronouncing these kind words, right!

Wrong food spellings

Wrong Food Spelling


Wrong Food Spelling

Wrong Food Spelling

Wrong Food Spelling

Wrong Food Spelling

Wrong food spellings

Wrong food spellings

Wrong Food Spelling

Pakistanis Share The Most ‘Overrated’ Travel Destinations They’ve Visited!

overrated travel destinations
Image Source: Wikipedia

Most people save their hard-earned money for months before they’re able to go on the trip of their dreams. Because of that, you need to choose your destinations wisely. 

Spending all that precious money on destinations that are utterly under-whelming or over-rated would be devastating. Here Pakistanis share the most over-rated places they have traveled to so that you don’t!

A Question Worth Asking

A user on Twitter, for reasons unknown, posted this question. Answers started pouring in from several Pakistanis, and the responses are worth nothing.


First up, there was a controversial place in the answers. You must be familiar with the “jinne lahore nai vekheya o jameyai nai.” The beauty of Lahore is two-fold, with the old world crumbling yet still standing with dignity while the hustle-bustle of the vibrant new Lahore builds. Lahore can not be over-rated.

Overrated travel destinations
Image Source: Naatak

New York

New York was a popular answer amongst the people, and just between us, our friends have also said the same. The city is famous for being the backdrop of the majority of Hollywood’s series or movies, but it’s a day to day life is under-whelming. A concrete jungle isn’t everyone’s cup of tea?


London has very few places to offer besides the prestigious Oxford or some scenic locations. Rest pretty much is a bore and not worth your savings.


Yes, your favorite place where the swoon-worthy awards take place is over-rated, according to fellow Pakistanis. The reason being quite amusing, you only see old people there! Cannes’ landscape may be breathtaking, but it does not have something unique to offer. 

 You can find such sights elsewhere too. The city mainly attracts the middle-aged, uber-rich class, so if you don’t fit in that, look elsewhere.


A whole lot of votes for Paris under the thread. We hate to be the bearer of bad news, but all that glitters truly is not gold. Unless you especially want to go to a place only for its one structure, then go ahead. However, if you’re that kind of tourist for whom every small thing matters, then steer clear of Paris. 

Overrated travel destinations
Image Source: Arch Daily

Check Out The Supposedly “Over-rated” Places

All in all, before you choose a destination, do your research. And by research, we don’t only mean the hotels, the activities, etc., look up people’s experiences because they can give you a fuller picture.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

5 Toyota Cars You Can Buy for Under PKR 6 Lacs in Pakistan!

Toyota Crown
PC: pinterest

Buying a new car in the current economic condition of the country as the coronavirus pandemic makes life even harder is not easy.

Not only has affording a car become expensive in the current times, but many have lost their jobs or received significant salary slashes.

On the other hand, when it comes to Pakistani consumers, in particular, we’ve always seen a pattern of how the customer wants reliability for a cost-effective price.

One of the best ways to hit the hammer on the nail is to purchase a pre-loved car from one of the brands that Pakistanis trust the most, Toyota.

There are plenty of young Toyota cars still out there that are worth a decent amount of money, which will not burn a hole straight through your pocket.

5 Important Driving Skills Everyone Should Learn!

Here are 5 Toyotas You Can Buy for Under 6 Lacs in Pakistan 

1. Toyota Corona

PC: GOO Net Exchange

Yes, Toyota has a model named Corona! Although the model has not been widely popular across Pakistan in particular when it came out, it is now in demand as a pre-loved car. The main reason was because of its high price point.

The Corona is equipped with a 1600cc engine and comes in automatic and manual transmission. It also has other features, including an air conditioning system, power windows, power steering, and an iconic cassette player.

The spacious interior can easily carry at least five adult passengers. You can find a pre-owned 80s Toyota Corona for PKR 6 Lacs in Pakistan. However, one must remember that this is a slightly high maintenance ride due to expensive spare parts.

2. Toyota Crown

You can own the luxurious Toyota Crown, which comes equipped with a vast interior, airbags, power windows,  power locks, CD player, power steering, power mirrors, alloy rims, and air conditioning, not to forget a comfortable experience.

The Crown is a high-end, iconic 80s ride that can be purchased in Pakistan for PKR 6 Lacs, but just like the Corona, its maintenance is a bit high due to expensive spare parts.

3. Toyota Duet

Toyota Duet
PC: Wikimedia Commons

Toyota Duet is a hatchback that was imported into Pakistan from abroad. Its different shape is what makes it stand out from the other hatchbacks manufactured by the brand. The Duet comes equipped with a 1000cc engine with automatic transmission and has several great features like keyless entry, power steering, and more. The Toyota Duet can be found and owned for a reasonable price of PKR 6 Lacs in Pakistan.

5 Tips to Avoid Mistakes When Buying Used Cars in Pakistan

4. Toyota Starlet

Toyota Starlet
PC: clasf.pk

The Starlet is also a hatchback that comes with a 1000cc engine but with a manual transmission. It can easily be purchased for a smaller budget compared to the Duet, Corona, and Crown.

You can own a well-maintained Starlet in 4-5 Lacs in Pakistan. It is more affordable because comparatively, its maintenance costs are lower. However, finding one can become a task!

5. Toyota Corolla

Toyota Corolla Sedan
PC Wikimedia Commons

Who says the Toyota Corolla is not affordable? Well, at least the 90s one is if not the 2020 one. Corolla is known to be the ‘King’ of sedans as it is one of the most sold models in its category.

It is prevalent because of its reliable build, the marvelous features it has to offer, and of course, comfort. Withing PKR 6 Lacs, you can find a 90s Corolla in reasonably good condition.

This model came with three engine options at the time, 1300cc, 1600cc and 2000cc. You should also know that the 1300cc and 1600cc engines are petrol-powered while the 2000cc engine is diesel-powered.

Which Toyota ride has won your heart? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more news and updates.

Top 10 Best-Quality Car Manufacturers for 2020! [View List]

11 Easy Steps To Achieve A High IELTS Score

steps to achieve a high score in ielts
source: theteflacademy.com

IELTS is an international standardized test for the English language. Many foreign universities and organizations require non-native English speakers to take this test for the enrollment process. IELTS is divided into four parts: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The test is conducted multiple times a year.

Here are 11 ways you can achieve a high IELTS score:

1. Prepare

Preparation is the key to success. You are starting your preparation a day before the exam is not going to get you anywhere. So practice it slowly and regularly.

2. Practice for IELTS

Start practicing all four skills required for the IELTS exam. Listening, Speaking, Writing, and Reading.

steps to achieve a high score in high score
source: adventistworld.com


3. Learn Vocabulary 

Vocabulary building is a fundamental step for the IELTS exam. You can’t build your vocabulary in a day or two. So you must start preparation, particularly for this one beforehand. Learn 5-10 words each day and try to use them in sentences.

4. Read Newspaper

Reading a newspaper regularly helps improve both reading skills and vocabulary. It will also develop knowledge.

5. Read books

To improve your reading, read as many books as you can. If you can’t then try reading a page or two, at least


6. Watch documentaries 

Documentaries are a great way to improve your listening skills because documentary narrators speak slow and clear, so it is easier for non-natives to understand.

7. Listen to songs with lyrics

This is another way to improve one’s listening skills. Listen to songs in which the singer sings at a slow speed. Make sure the lyrics are appearing on the screen as you listen.

8. Watch TV with subtitles

Try to watch TV in the English language. It will help you understand the language at a conversational pace. If you have trouble understanding at the beginning, read the subtitles along.

steps to get a high score in ielts
source murdochininstitute.wa.edu.au


9. Find a native speaker

There are various sites where you can find a native speaker to practice the English language with.

10. Practice with a friend

Start practicing to speak English with a friend. It may raise your motivation and confidence if your friend is also preparing for the exam. If you don’t have a friend, then you can give yourself several 3-5 minutes of tasks where you speak about different topics. Perhaps, you could try to record yourself with a camera as well.


11. Story and Essay writing 

For writing, you should write stories and essays. Start practicing with tasks appropriate for your level then move on as you start improving.

Full-length IELTS Tests

When you feel you’re fully prepared to attempt the exam, then take the full-length IELTS exam.

Do you know anything else one can do to achieve a high score in the IELTS exam? Let us know in the comments below.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates.

First Pakistani To Qualify For Olympics In Equestrian Category

usman khan

Elimination of terrorism, poverty, improvement of a better health system, and the emergence of a new welfare system must flourish side by side with sports development. Pakistan must not wait to overcome these issues, Pakistan has to progress in world sports and needs to be competitive.

Equestrian was the new buzz. Pakistan’s vision to secure the first equestrian Olympic quota was the benchmark of a 73-year long journey.

An unknown 23-year-old Pakistani boy in 2005, launched a so-called project with $50, with a goal to take Pakistan equestrian to Olympic Games – something, which was never achieved ever before. What was this kid thinking? A near-impossible goal, normally thrived by millions of dollars funding by a state. Saudi Arabia spent approx.+$25 million for the purchase of horses, in order to qualify the national team for London Olympic 2012.

Indeed, the boy’s idea was laughable, mocked and coaches would not train him. His own equestrian skills so feeble, coach quote ‘can’t get any worse than this, the only way is up’.

Diplomacy in the new world order holds very little credibility. The boy who lived through 9/11 in Australia was convinced; Pakistan’s softer image will come through sports.


Usman Khan started training in Australia, and for the next 15 years, spent everything he had, earned or he could save, on his training and Olympic qualification. As if that wasn’t enough, he put his blood, and sweat into Pakistan’s vision to reach the Olympics. He encountered failures, setbacks, financial strife, even broken bones, and much more. No life dream comes cheap, and any aspect of equestrianism is not cheap either. In the process introduced a different type of riding ‘eventing’ affordable for every class of society. So Pakistan can begin to create equestrian riders in three Olympic disciplines – dressage, eventing, and showjumping.

Lifetime Struggle

By the end of 2019, after the struggle of a lifetime, Usman Khan finally made it BIG, as Pakistan equestrian qualified for the Olympiad in Tokyo. This happened after a wait of 73 Years, since Pakistan’s independence in 1947. The Federation Equestrian International (FEI) confirmed Pakistan’s entry to the Tokyo Olympics in Feb 2020. Usman Khan became the first Pakistani to achieve this milestone. Pakistan Khan made to the Olympic Team after trying for 15 years.  He is the oldest member of the team.

Rise in World Ranking

Usman’s remarkable story continues to create shockwaves around the world. After the Olympic qualification, he won two major FEI events after a wait of 13 years. Once ranked at the bottom of the table, Pakistan Khan is now ranked No 1 FEI Eventing Zone Africa and Middle East and ranked No 2 in Olympic Ranking Group F.

Media Shocked – Al Jazeera reported

Pakistan equestrian Usman Khan rides Azad Kashmir to Olympics

This was BIG news, not only in Pakistan but very well reported across international media, with over 300k + followers and growing. Facebook | YouTube | Instagram


Having already spent $3mln from his own pocket through this time, Usman Khan still had to leave his well-paid IT consulting career in 2019 to fully focus and prepare for Tokyo 2020.

Azad Kashmir Controversy

In Feb 2020, Indian Olympic Association (IOA) raised an issue with International Olympic Committee (IOC), about a breach of IOC rule-50 and to suspend Pakistani rider. Usman and Azad Kashmir have been competing for 8 months at events where Indian officials were present. Interestingly, this violation was raised only 1 week before the FEI announcement of the Olympic quota. This was the first time Pakistan was given a quota in the equestrian category. IOC through backdoor channels tried to pressurize Usman to change the name of his horse ‘Azad Kashmir’. Usman Khan boldly refuses to accept the rule-50 violation and engages Pakistani and Australian lawyers to address the issue. Ultimately, Usman Khan stood his ground and ‘Azad Kashmir’ name was never changed.

Azad dies

As if all struggles weren’t enough; COVID struck and season to be canceled. In Sept 2020 there was another huge setback in this journey, as his horse Azad Kashmir in prime form died due to heart failure. As much as it is a great loss for the Pakistan Olympics campaign, it is a huge financial burden for the Pakistan Equestrian to continue to prepare for the Tokyo Olympics.


This is a game-changer for Pakistan Army. Remount Depot Mona, is the largest functional remount installation in the world and is spread over 10,000 acres. If Pakistan can establish dressage and show jumping bloodlines, it will open the nation to an untapped market. Most likely to change the breeding industry of the country and provide opportunities to the international and local markets.

Support factor

It has become a much bigger financial setback for Pakistan, as they are financially stretched and Pakistan Roadmap to Tokyo 2021 requires support from the private sector. The government of Pakistan or Pakistan Sports Board (PSB) has not acknowledged and supported Usman’s efforts

Imagine, if Usman Khan had a sponsor. Will Pakistan emerge from the shadows, as a strong equestrian nation?

After 15 years of training and performing on foreign soil in isolation. Usman is mostly self-driven and his progressive achievements reflect, he is only getting better.

One thing is for certain. The boy’s vision made him a man today. Pakistan has arrived at the World Stage of Equestrian Sports. Alhamdulillah

If you want to support Usman, you can click here to donate.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for the latest news and updates!