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8 Things Overseas Pakistani Will Miss Doing This 14 August!


14th August is right here and instead of running around, decorating the entire streets with jhandian (mini flags) and plastic flags, all we are doing right now is typing  – clicking incessantly on laptops, tablets smartphones and whatever innovation technology has bestowed upon us, such is the irony of growing up.

Anyone in their 20s and residing abroad would remember a starkly different independence day than what we’re seeing this year because social media hasn’t just transformed our communication but also, the way we now express happiness, freedom, and patriotism.

Instead of brightly painted flags on cheeks, it’s all about who has the trendiest green profile pictures this year. Instead of huge green flags waving from every house, it’s about who has the better cover photo. Instead of painting the town green with patriotism overdrive, it’s about spending the day shopping on Azadi discounts.

Here we recount some cherished memories of the days gone by: of the things you most probably won’t do this independence day anymore:

1. Decorating the entire house with jhandian (min flags) while fighting over who will make layi (flour and water mixed to make glue) to make them stick them together.


2. Getting the Perfect flag painted on our faces and showing it off to the entire neighbourhood.



3. Crying because the plastic flag fell off the straw handle and you had only 6 of them.


4. Putting up the green decorations to make sure everything that belongs to us shouts out Independence.


5. Going to see the brightly lit buildings around the city -all huddled up in one car.



6. Secretly wishing to get the biggest flag up on your home in the entire street.


7. Practising Milli Naghme all day long to sing at the school’s 14 august celebration.


8. Making sure your family goes to attend the hoisting ceremony at Quaid’s Mazar (Tomb).



Share your childhood memories about 14th August celebration with us in the comments below!