In a recent episode of Quantico, Priyanka Chopra’s Hollywood television show has shown an Indian nationalist planning a terrorist attack in the city of Manhattan with the intention to put the blame it on Pakistan.

Quantico fans took it on social media to bash theย plot. The episode aired on June 1, showing thatย an MIT professor acquires uranium with which he plans to make a nuclear bomb. An India-Pakistan summit to be held in New York City is his target.

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That’s not all, the agenda of the attack is to put the blame on Pakistan! As if the Indo-Pak political situations are not controversial enough. Certainly, the reactions on social media were not in support of this plot!

Many are bashing the Baywatch actress for shooting the scene with her origin being from India itself.

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Quantico, due to the downfall of ratings, will not see any season after 3.

What do you think about this plot and its concept?

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