While the topic of genetic engineering might sound like something that is unbelievable and unfathomable, it’s actually a cutting-edge field that’s advancing faster than you can say “babies.” With the help of AI, we’re now able to manipulate genes with greater precision than ever before, making it possible to conceive babies with some seriously impressive traits.
From intelligence to athleticism, the possibilities are practically endless! So, if you’re looking forward to making a family of your own and you don’t have a partner, it might be time to consider how the power of AI and genetic engineering can help you create the perfect babies.

What Happened?
Recently, science has made another extremely fazing advancement. Scientists have discovered that babies can be conceived by just using robots and PlayStation 5 controllers.
Last year, a bunch of Spanish engineers used a Playstation controller to position a robotic needle containing a single sperm cell into a human egg. Then the sperm-injecting robot was used to fertilize more than a dozen eggs.
The result of this experiment is that two girls have been born and they are the first humans to be conceived by a robot. Although 500, 000 babies are born through in vitro fertilization the process is very expensive. The experiment can be the first step in reducing the expense of IF treatment. But look at these two babies first.

How It All Happened?ย
These two adorable baby girls were created by some mere student engineers who decided to put their PlayStation 5 controller to good use. Although they had no previous experience with fertility, they used stuff like a microscope, a mechanized needle, a petri dish, a laptop, and of course, the PS5 controller. These two newborns are the first to be conceived with the help of a robot.
The engineers watched the whole process unfold on a camera while the robots did their thing, dropping off a sperm cell to the human egg with the help of the PlayStation controller. “I was calm. In that exact moment, I thought, ‘It’s just one more experiment’,” said Eduard Alba, the student engineer at Overture Life.
Would This Ever Work In Pakistan?ย

Genetic engineering is a rapidly advancing field but unfortunately, it is not so advancing in Pakistan. This technology has yet to gain widespread popularity. As you can already guess, there are several reasons for this, including limited awareness and understanding of genetic engineering among the general public, as well as concerns about its safety and ethical implications. The religious aspect, obviously, plays a huge part in the underdevelopment of robot babies.

Additionally, economically and financially speaking, there is a lack of investment and support from the government and private sector, which has also hindered the development and growth of the industry. Despite these challenges, there are some researchers and scientists who are actively pursuing genetic engineering research in Pakistan but only at the level they possibly can, and it is hoped that with increased awareness and investment, this field will eventually gain more traction in the country. So, if genetic engineering is considered so far-fetched in Pakistan, using a PS5 controller might be totally crazy.