samsung galaxy S22 and model dummy leaked
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Samsung has had quite a wonderful year, with its numerous developments. Even Google’s Pixel phone is looking to them for the manufacture of the tensor chips. The technological era is seeing advancements that might not have been possible a decade ago. Smartphones have become the new norm and continue to go through alterations. Now, the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra is something that people have been looking forward to. According to sources, it was leaked that Samsung was going for a note-intensive design. This meant having a cutout for the stylus slot as well.

For a while, these rumours stayed on the internet. However, now a new leak has just shown the Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra phone in the form of a dummy model. Dummy models are shown to the public to give them an idea of what they could expect. From the video that was released, it seems that a lot of people might be right about this new phone. However, there were some differences from the initial leaks so we are not sure what to exactly expect.

samsung galaxy s22 and release of dummy leak
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Samsung Galaxy S22 Ultra Leak

The video that was leaked online, showed quite a lot about the smartphone’s design. Despite there being other leaks before, this one seems the most convincing so far. However, one of the changes we saw was the absence of a pen slot. Maybe the company does not intend to include it, rather make it into a smartphone with a note design. Of course, it is possible that the Samsung Galaxy S22 base variants have the stylus, while the ultra version is without it.

In terms of camera, the phone seems to have a quad array, with rounded corners on the sides. Not only does this give a comfortable grip, but it also lessens the chance of an impact leading to screen damage. This model seems exactly like the previous ones that were rendered so this might just be an official one.

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New Releases For 2022

We are nearing the end of 2021 and there is still a lot that might happen. Who knows, maybe the company decides to release more models in between other budget phones. Samsung has never been one to end on a quiet note so we can expect to hear quite a lot from them before the year is up.

Stay tuned for more from Brandsynario!