In a shocking incident, two teenage girls tied up their father with ropes and set him on fire, Gujranwala police said on Tuesday. The victim, identified as Ali Akbar, succumbed to his injuries at the hospital after suffering severe burns. According to the police, a case has been registered under Sections 302, 324 and 34 of the Criminal Procedure Code and both girls, aged 16 and 12, have been arrested.
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Akbar, who had married thrice and had 10 children, was living with his two wives and kids in a rented house. His first wife had passed away. The First Information Report (FIR) lodged also names the victim’s two wives as suspects in the case.
The complaint, lodged by the victimโs sister, said that one of the suspects is the daughter of Akhbarโs third wife with her former husband, while the second suspect is the daughter of his second wife.
The complainant alleged in the FIR that Akbarโs second and third wives and their daughters along with unknown individuals put the victim to sleep with the help of sedatives and set him ablaze under a planned strategy.
In their statement to the police, the daughters admitted to tying up their father while he was asleep and setting him on fire using petrol extracted from a motorcycle. A probe is underway to determine the motive behind this tragic incident.
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