The drama series “Tere Bin” is currently enjoying immense popularity, even after the drama has ended. It managed to captivate audiences with its beautiful and distinctive storyline. Viewers thoroughly enjoyed the remarkable chemistry between Yumna Zaidi and Wahaj Ali’s characters, despite their strong-willed personalities. Murtasim and Meerab really won hearts over. The unconventional love-hate trope between them is entertaining the fans, who have developed a deep affection for Meerab and Murtasim. Here’s a list of the cutest moments that made fans fall in love with the drama.

1. Meerab’s “Chai Ka Cup”ย 

2. Meerab’s Hit and Runย ย 

3. Murtasim Not Moving So Meerab Could Sleep

4. Murtasim Teasing Meerab

5. The “Sugar” Sipย 

6. “Phalo Phulo”ย 

7. The Ishq Conversationย 

8. Murtasim Loving His Daughterย 

9. The Last Momentsย 

10. The Parallelsย ย 

11. Meerab Finally Achieving Her Dreamย 

Which was your favorite cutest moment of Murtasim and Meerab? Let us know in the comments below.

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