
One of Pakistanโ€™s leading biscuit manufacturers, Innovative Biscuits, has recently launched a campaign called ‘iDisconnect’ that is a pure breath of fresh air.

The initiative is urging customers to switch off from social media and to disconnect from unnecessary connections that consumers have all become accustomed to.

In todayโ€™s era of digital communication and instant connectivity, people are finding it increasingly difficult to disconnect.

From hundreds of emails each day to non-stop notifications on our cell phones, modern technology separates us from a natural lifestyle and environment.

Innovative Digestive’s campaign makes you take a break!

The brand has taken inspiration from one of Innovative Biscuitsโ€™ flagship products, Innovative Digestive.

Going deeper into how Innovative Digestive biscuits are made, it becomes clear where the idea of ‘iDisconnect’ comes from.

Made using real and pure ingredients such as whole wheat and brown sugar, Digestives are completely free of any artificial flavors and/or colors.

To translate this philosophy and extend it to the lives of its consumers, Innovative Biscuits is asking them to be like Digestive!

The idea is to compel consumers to free themselves from artificial constraints, to disconnect from unnecessary things and to reconnect with what is, in fact, real, natural and healthy.

To reinforce this idea, Innovative Digestive invited 6 celebrities, Ahmed Ali Butt, Ahsan Khan, Ushna Shah, Hina Altaf, Sophiya Anjam and Munib Nawaz, to take up the iDisconnect Challenge.

The stars were all invited to spend the day at Greenfields in order to disconnect from technology and their busy lives and connect with their families, friends and themselves.

Once they reached Greenfields, each one of them was asked to surrender their phones!

Faatima Khan couldnโ€™t wait to see if Ahmed Ali Butt could make it without his phone!

Hina Altaf couldnโ€™t imagine spending a day without Instagram!

Sophiya Anjam was excited to spend the day like the 90s!

Ahsan Khan was also excited to get away from social media for a day.

Once the Innovative Digestive iDisconnect challenge began, everyone started taking part in different activities throughout the day.

Later, the gang regrouped for a session of indoor games and some hilarious rounds of dumb charades!

Innovative iDisconnect Challenge!

Your beloved stars just found the connection they had been missing out on and lived it. Now itโ€™s your turn to connect with what matters, give up your phones and take the #iDisconnect Challenge! #InnovativeBiscuits #InnovativeDigestive

Posted by Innovative Biscuits on Monday, November 26, 2018

Each celebrity had an amazing experience and shared their experience taking part in the challenge.

Faatima had an amazing day since Ahmed did not have his phone!

Sophiya felt like a kid again!

And, Hina too made it without her phone!

Munib and family had a good time connecting with each other

Ushna got a chance to live in the real world.

Ahsan had fun connecting with nature and his friends.

Ahmed Ali Butt, Munib Nawaz, and their families faced off in a battle of human foosball and tug of war.

ย Ushna Shah and Ahsan Khan went for horse riding and ATVs.

While, Sophiya and Hina went for a Safari, Fishing, and Boating!

Do you think you can survive a day without technology? Take up the Innovative iDisconnect challenge to find out!