They say that there are anywhere between 5 to 7 individuals somewhere on Earth that have a striking resemblance to us.
Those people are called our lookalikes or doppelgangers. This term is usually used for those who more or less have the same or very similar features like a twin, but born to different biological parents.
Recently, a new trend has picked on TikTok called the ‘Find your Doppelganger‘ challenge that helps you locate the other ‘you’ that you have been eagerly looking for.
This fun and surprising challenge was initially started by TikTok user @Swole_dds.
Given that there are nearly 500 millions of users on the popular platform and trends are picked up very fast, the challenge went viral and people started to find their copies.
Find Your Doppelganger Challenge

The ‘find your doppelganger challenge‘ is fairly simple. You need to first find your lookalike who can pass for your twin. Once you have done that, make a double video which is almost an exact copy of the actions done by the other person.
So far, this challenge has been a viral hit amongst users who are eagerly waiting for their twin from a different mother and father to find them.
The challenge shows us that there can be same or similar looking individuals with a different set of genes who are waiting to find!
Finding Lookalikes on Social Media
TikTok is actually not the first platform where users have tried to find their copies. Several platforms such as Facebook have also been used for this purpose in the past.
In fact, there has even been a TV show called ‘Twin Strangers‘ that promised people to find their copies in 28 days. Their technique was simple, they made an account on all the popular social media forums including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube along with a website asking, “do you know someone who looks like one of us?”
Have you found your lookalike yet?