Talented on-screen actor Usman Mukhtar has recently taken a significant lead in the most-anticipated drama Jafaa as Numair. As a doting and responsible husband, it turned out to be a complete green flag for fans when Numair was there initially. He seemed to get just the right balance between being supportive and caring for his wife. This made him a fan favourite.
However, at the end of November, a sudden character change in Numair left many fans shocked and emotional. His transformation with infertility struggle took many aback, making it hard for viewers to accept the shift in the role.
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Usman Mukhtar Explains Numair’s Character Shift
Usman Mukhtar explained the dramatic shift in his character during a virtual interview. He described Numair as a “grey character” and explained how the direction of the script shocked him.
According to Usman, when he read the script, he had already imagined how this shift would impact the audience. In the show, Numair faces infertility, which is in contrast with his earlier stance of not wanting to marry.
He further added that in episode five, when Numair writes a letter to his mother detailing his distress, it goes unread. In this respect, Usman says this depicts the closed nature of communication in Pakistan, especially issues relating to reproductive health.
Read more: Usman Mukhtar Chooses Jafa For Its Exceptional Script
The Importance of Open Discussions on Sensitive Topics
Usman further explained how Jafaa throws light on the discomfort that the people of Pakistan have while discussing sensitive issues like reproductive health. He stated that in families, people are not ready to take these issues seriously and always brush them off or even joke about them.
“There is no concept of sex education in Pakistan,” Usman emphasized while calling for people to talk about their problems freely.
He believes that by airing such discussions, couples can avoid mental stress and problems that arise due to a lack of solutions, thereby creating healthier relationships.