Luxury brands are known all over the world for having the utmost quality. Their designs are famous for being extremely exclusive, rarely matching any other. These brands suggest wealth and good taste. Yet, it’s questioned if these brands are as prestigious as they claim to be. Are their products truly crafted like they claim they are? Let’s unveil the true production journey of some of these luxury products. There’s a slight chance that you’re being exploited when it comes to paying for what they’re worth.

 Truth About Their Manufacturing

Unfortunately for some consumers, these brands are masters of creating demand for products that do not have any. In fact, they invest more in marketing than in the manufacturing of their products. As a result, we get products sold at inflated prices. Though we assume that the higher we pay for a product, the better quality it will be, this is not entirely the case. Where most brands with stories continue to craft their products like they used to, new luxury brands are only pretending to have history.

This leads to another myth that needs debunking: the lie of years long of craftsmanship. No matter how much you may hear it, the ‘old money’ style is not what you’re paying for when you purchase clothes from these brands. Most luxury brands that try to create a brand image spin tales of the century-old history of the brand. This is not the case half the time. It is just an excuse to put up sky-high prices.

It’s worse to know that most of the time the products of these brands are manufactured right along with the products of cheaper, fast fashion brands. Some luxury brands even out-source labor from third-world countries; as a means to maximize profit.

luxury brands

How to Avoid Being Exploited

To avoid being exploited, shift your attention away from brand labels. Try to buy vintage more often. These are truly good quality items, worth more than what you end up having to pay for them. Plus, it’s a sustainable habit! Another tip is to do thorough research before you purchase. These brands bank on impulsive shopping.

Navigating your shopping journey with these many options is not easy. However, with a clear idea in mind and proper research on the brand, materials, and costs, is an easy way to purchase products that are worth what you pay for them.

Stay tuned to Brandsynario for more news and updates.

Mahnoor Rashid
Mahnoor Rashid is a student with a love for writing. She is an eccentric artist, fond of Muslim architecture. Currently, as a freelance writer, she explores the latest news and the depths of Pakistan's history and culture, while drawn to marketing's intriguing nuances. When not writing, Mahnoor is found adoring animals.