When we heard WhatsApp is rolling out a feature which can delete your messages, it felt like our prayers were heard!

Unfortunately, when WhatsApp dropped the bomb that there is a time-frame, and they cannot be deleted once seen (P.S they can be seen via notifications!) they failed to mention that ‘quoted messages’ cannot be deleted!

Quoted messages are replies to specific messages. This feature is useful for groups as there are several individuals communicating at once. It makes it easier and less confusing, but, if someone replies to you and then you decide to delete your message, it will not be deleted!

Spanish Android blog Android Jefeย said that despite deleting the message, it is still present in the notification log of the device & the recipient can easily view it. The blog said, โ€œWhat we found is that the messages are stored in the notification register of the Android system. So, itโ€™s just a matter of entering that record to see the messages that the other person deleted.โ€

Be careful while typing your messages, you wouldn’t want your boss to accidentally stumble upon your work confessions!

Stay tuned to Brandsyanrio for more news and updates.

WhatsApp Group Admins are Going to Dislike the New Update!