
Do something SPEEDY and post it on your social media with the hashtag #Telenor4GSpeedChallenge. That is the challenge!

It is amusing how social media antics can get picked up and snowball into a viral trend.

It all started when Ali Gul Pir called on his Facebook fans to help him come up with a rap song on Pakistan, by commenting on his live video. The idea was to pick random words and phrases from the comments and use them in the rap.

This is when Telenorโ€”the most active digital brand in Pakistanโ€”decided to bomb the party by challenging Ali to make a SPEEDY rap out of words commented by his fans. Being the experimenter that he is, Ali immediately accepted the challenge and made a rap song with the comments in his live talk.

However, things didnโ€™t stop there. He openly challenged Ducky Bhai to take the challenge and the trend went viral.

Soon, the likes of Ducky Bhai, Khujlee Family, Bros Meet The World, Desi Mountaineer, That Karachi Girl, Amber Zulfiqar, and many others were in on it. The best thing about #Telenor4GSpeedChallenge was that it wasnโ€™t limited to just one activity like various other trends.

The influencers were doing ANYTHING and EVERYTHING that has to do with SPEED! This included, of course, the rap song, along with dancing with speed, changing shirts with speed, reciting poetry with speed, wrapping mugs with speed; everyone celebrating SPEED in their own way.

Just when we think we have seen it all, something new pops into our newsfeed that has a very different take on the idea of speed, combining talent and individuality.

Kudos to Telenor who took on its spirit and functionality of speed and turned it into a fun activity for social media users. This not only helped us understand the possibilities and diverse meaning of speed but how different people personify the idea of speed.

The digital space has truly become a playground for our millennials, where everyone wants to be part of the latest happenings. And whatโ€™s important to remain connected with this crazy playground, is fast and reliable 4G services, something which Telenor has always promised and delivered.

Through their vast digital products and 4G services portfolio, Telenor has become a custodian of instant access we need for our questions, worries, curiosity and passions in our fast-paced lives.

So, are you up for exploring your creative side by taking the #Telenor4GSpeedChallenge?